Friday 19 March 2021

The Story of Two Mafias-5-Past revealed!!


This episode will bore you, I think but don’t skip still..

Let’s begin :-

Riddhima has left the mansion and is in her office, right now :-

Siddharth and Shehnaaz bump into each other.

Sid : Shehnaaz, right?

Shehnaaz : Yes, but how did y’ know me?

Sid : Riddhima bha..told..(He is aware that his boss is none other than Riddhima but, he still trust Riddhu after knowing their past)

Shehnaaz:  Oh, you’re?

Sid : Employee and your di’s ex-boyfriend’s bro..

Shehnaaz : Means, you know their past?

Sid nods.

Shenaaz : Please tell me naa, I want to know..pleaseee(puppy eyes)

Sid : OK..Meet me today in eve in Breeze Cafe

Shenaaz : Sure!

They both are back to the work and same does Vansh in his own office.

In the eve:-

Breeze Cafe:-

(Ready for the past revelation ? )

Siddharth : Listen carefully..

“This is the time of 3 years ago, when Vansh and Riddhima, both cold-hearted people met, their first meet started with a horrible  and deadly accident . Vansh bhai  was driving car and so does Riddhima, their cars accidently crash into each other, both bleed and come out of the car, it was not a populated area, so no one came to help them, they both got up from their cars and taking each other’s support managed to go to a hopsital, they both were kept in the same ward and were treated, both families were tensed, but after receiving the call that they both have important work, they felt better, here, Vansh and Riddhima were on verge of death but they didn’t wanted their families to know as they both were coming from a place by comitting murder. So, this was kept as a secret. But somehow, I  (Sid) managed to know as I am so smart.”

Shehnaaz : Stop your rubbish and tell me ahead!

Siddharth : Okok..

“When they discharged from hospital, destoryed all the proofs, but they came to know that accident was not only a mere accident, it was a planned to murder them by their common enmey Mr. Vyom Rathore, they teamed up together to finish Vyom and they managed to do this successfully, in one more thing they were sucessful” 

Shehnaaz : What?

Siddharth : In loving each other..

“While defeating thier enemy they both fell in love with each other, but however, realised it after a long time, they became friends, used to roam around and just forgot about their Mafia life..they didn’t tell to their family members, Vansh bhai told me but Riddhima didn’t told you as you were in London for your studies, anyways, I was very happy with the fact that my cold-hearted bro fell in love and indeed he chose the right partner..” 

Shehnaaz : And their enmity started from?

Siddharth : And

“One fine day, Vansh confessed his love to Riddhima, even they both did it for each other, they planned their wedding, but destiny had planned anything else which spoiled their relationship, Dev uncle, decided to leave Mumbai and go to Delhi for a few years, Riddhima was left helpless as she knew her late Daadi was very ill and they had no other option left..Vansh felt betrayed, he thought Riddhima just played a game with his emotions, his feelings..Riddhima tried to explain him a lot but he didn’t agreed and their enmity started,  he broke all the ties with her and Riddhima also did the same after Vansh didn’t understand her condition though then Riddhima’s daadi passed away and they came back after a year of her death, but they didn’t reunite” 

Shehnaaz : Is there any way to unite them again?

Sid : No, now they won’t be and you know what yesterday Vansh bhai told be he still loves Riddhima but then, he remembered her betrayal and decided to not to love her..

Shehnaaz : But we can try again..What say? Any idea?

Sid : I have it but need you agreeness and you need to sacrifice..though, we both..

Shehnaaz : Sacrifice? But you need to assure me, that after this, they’ll unite..

Sid : You listen once, and I assure you in two months of this plan, they’ll unite..

Shehnaaz : Ok, say

Sid : Shhhhpshhhhhshhppshhhhhshhhhhpshhhhhhhh

Shehnaaz : Whatttt???

Sid : The last plan!

Shenaaz : And if they don’t agree?

Sid : Leave it on me!

Shehnaaz : OK, I’ll do this sacrifice..

They both give each other a hi-fi..

Phewww!! Done updating all my ffs, hope you liked it, I revealed the past soon because because I don’t know why, mann kiya kr diya, anyways, guess their plan, if you could, I’ll post another one today (I’m saying this because I know you won’t be able to guess (I smirk)) Remember, Sid and Naaz are main of this plan..


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