Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Mera pyaar… Part 20 (Missing each other..)


hello readers..here is the 20 th Episode. This is the longest part i have ever written..so read and enjoy and give your views..☺

At night kartik lies on his bed in Goenka house while naira lies in Singhania house and both of them miss each other as if they are separated for many years..

Naira:kartik..i miss you so much. Though only for two days we are spearated but iam missing you on first day atself..is it because of love? If so…i shouldn’t have realised my love nowatself as i couldn’t control my yearn for you..

Kartik tries to sleep by turning both sides but he couldn’t sleep as he is distributed with naira’s thoughts..

Kartik:arrey what is this? Iam missing naira so much and also couldn’t sleep as her thoughts is disturbing more.. iam just away for two days but on first day atself i feel terrible without her..

They miss so much and decides to call each other..

Naira:wait..but if kartik slept..i should not disturb him..

Kartik:if naira had slept..i should not disturb her.

They keep the phones away and tries to sleep and kartik somehow sleeps while naira rattles with her thoughts..

Naira:iam not getting sleep..it’s okay..i will talk with kartik.

She picks up her phone and clicks kartik’s pic and smiles..

Naira:kartik..i love you..but iam little bit scared to tell you as i dont know what you feel for me. But i have confidence as you told that you will never leave me..so i will surely propose you.

She sees their childhood pics and smiles and suddenly she wakes up in jerk..

Naira: kartik..the way we was in childhood is also love..i guess we din’t recognise it but now i realised. We used to do same things and also share the pains and crying for each other’s distance..

Naira recalls her childhood..


Young naira is crying in her house..

Naitik:my princess..why are you crying?

Naira:papa..i can’t be normal without seeing kartik. I want to meet him immediately..

Naitik: don’t worry..we will go to udaipur within two days then you can daily meet him..acha?

Naira:more two days..ohh god.. please take me soon papa..i can’t wait for two days.

Naitik:ok..as my princess told i will take you soon.

Naitik calls manish..

Naitik:Manish..what’s your son doing?

Manish:what will my son do if you take naira away? He is crying and yearning for her..he is even adamant to take me to Mumbai.

Naitik:even my daughter is doing same..strange friends.

Manish:i agree..


naira smiles recalling the past..

Naira:see..how our heart yearned for each other..we couldn’t even live for a second without seeing each other’s face. It was our love without our own knowledge but i understood now…

And naira recalls other incident..


Naira is seen crying in pain holding her knee while kartik holds her..

Kartik:naira.. please don’t cry. Come we will go to your house..

Naira:kartikk..it’s paining too much..i can’t able to walk.

She cries more while kartik gets broken and he takes a stone and hits his leg shocking naira..

Naira:kartik..what are you doing?

Kartik:i can’t able to relieve your pain but i can share your pain right? I can’t see you alone in pain naira.. whatever we do and wherever we go..we will be together in everything and it doesn’t matter either happiness or sadness or any other thing..

Naira looks him emotionally..


naira: we couldn’t digest each other pains too..we used to share even the pains.. it’s such a miraculous love story which we dint able to find out tilll now and finally i found it. I guess you will also realise it..

Naira scrolls her phone and she sees her pic with arjun.. and her happy face changes into dull..

Naira: my heart was beating only for kartik since childhood but how did i accepted his proposal when he proposed me? It maybe an infuation..or just a an attraction like for heroes..i never felt anything for arjun like how i feel for kartik since childhood…

Naira smiles herself and..

Naira: kartik..i guess you too realise that our relationship since childhood is love..iam waiting for that day.

Slowly naira yawns and dozes off thinking of kartik…



Next day goenka’s including Mishti and naksh goes to the court while Abir is made stand on a cell and neha’s father stands on other cell..

Akhilesh:iam really scared..

Manish:akhil.. nothing wrong will happen.. don’t worry. Today we will win the case and our son Abir will be back.


Naksh gets scared..

Naksh:where is this Kunal??if he dint come then everything is gone..

Kunal rushes inside..

Kunal:hey guys.. don’t worry..iam back.

Naksh:thank god..you came..i was scared to death.

Kunal:flight got delayed that’s why..iam sorry yaar.

Naksh:ok..give that recording to damini mam who is sitting front..

Kunal gives the recording in his phone to damini and he seats in the area while the hearing starts..

Kanal’s lawyer: your honour..mr.abir Goenka had an affair with miss.Neha kapoor and he has ditched her once after the affair. The whole college witnessed it through their pic and when neha approached Abir recently..he pushed her off the cliff..

Kamal’s lawyer reyaansh gives the pic to judge and judge looks at it..

Judge: Damini mishra..do you wanted to prove against them? If so then go on..

Damini: ofcourse your honour. Whatever mr.reyaansh told is a lie. Abir Goenka never had any affair with neha.. infact it was neha who spiked his drink and took fake intimate photos to get him..

Reyaansh:what proof you have?

Damini shows kunal’s recording to judge..

Damini: your honour..this is recording of neha’s confession.Actually abir’s friend Kunal has spiked her drink to make her tell the truth and he did it exactly and recorded it too long ago..

Kamal and reyaansh gets shocked while judge hears it crisp and clear and stares Kamal and reyaansh..

Judge: according to this recording..i can say that neha is the victim. Abir is innocent..

Reyaansh:your honour..but he killed her by pushing her off he cliff..

Damini:can you prove it?

Reyaansh: ofcourse..

Reyaansh shows the voice message of Neha which she sent to her dad before jumping off the cliff while judge hears it..

Judge: what’s your opinion miss.damini?

Damini: your honour..neha have blackmailed Abir to accept her and as Abir refused she jumped off the cliff..

Reyaansh:what’s the proof?

Damini:i have proof not for exactly this.. but for others. When i researched about neha..i came to know that neha is mentally ill patient and she was undergoing treatment with psychiatrist Ruchi Singh. Here are the files..

Judge gets files and goes through it while kamal and reyaansh gets shocked..

Damini: she not only blackmailed Abir..she have blackmailed her own father too..miss.ruchi please come in..

Psychiatrist Ruchi enters while kamal gets shocked seeing her..

Ruchi:your honour..neha is mentally ill. She can do anything if she dint get what she wants as her disease is psychoness. Last year she blackmailed her own father in front of me too which i have recorded in my patients record to know their mind strategy.

Ruchi gives the record to judge and judge identifies it..

Judge:so the problem is identified. According to proof..neha have spiked abir’s drink and took fake photograph and later she blackmailed him to get him as she can’t bear anything going against her as she is a psycho..

Reyaansh and kamal stands speechless and kamal cries..

Kamal: your honour..yes i accept the fact that my daughter was psycho. But she will be normal if we keep her happy. If Abir had accepted love she would have not done this..

Judge: love is not a game mr. Kamal..it’s a feeling. So it’s not abir’s mistake..

Reyaansh:and how can you accept their voice recording when you refused ours? She has confessed her mistake in their audio but she has confessed the murderer in our audio..then why can’t you believe it? Yes..she was psycho..but psychos are also humans..they also feel the same pain as ours and she felt the murdering and so she somehow sent audio before she died.. maybe Abir killed her as she have ruined his life..

Judge:mr.reyaansh..the audio taken by Kunal is by him but the audio sent by neha is by herself. The words of mentally ill patient can’t be taken into account..so iam sorry.

Reyaansh and kamal stand speechless while judge declares Abir as innocent and everyone rejoices..

Dadi: bhagwanji has heared our prayers..thank god..

Surekha gets emotional..

Surekha:my..my son got justice..

Dadi:yes..i will ward off bad sight surekha..now don’t cry. Lets welcome him with aarti so that no bad eye will catch him..


The take Abir home and welcome him with aarti while surekha and Akhilesh emotionally pampers him as if he is just born..

Kartik jokes: my brother Abir is reborn so his parents are pampering too much and so let we also do it..come lets feeed him with all foods..

Everyone laughs..

Veer:you are right kartik..come we will feed our brother..

The both go to feed him while Mansi pushes them away..

Mansi:excuse me..first i have rights before you two..so I’ll first fill his stomach then you guys do whatever you want with my bhai.

Kartik:what an entry! Possessive sister..

Mansi:haan..iam possessive like how you are for Keerthi di..

Everyone gets silent hearing keerthi’s name..

Dadi: keerthi is not even coming here even monthly once..i don’t know what such works will be there for her that she forgot her maayka. Even in any hard circumstances she dint come..

Kartik:i called her yesterday too..she told that she is so busy so she will talk with Abir in phone after he come to home like how she did for bani..

Swarna:how long can we tolerate this manishji? Won’t she come even if we are in problem? We will visit her one day and talk to her sasural..

Manish: you are right.

Dadi:ok..now everyone go and sleep and abir beta you sleep peacefully and no one shall disturb him.

Everyone goes to their room and abir recalls neha and her wrong doings and also feels guilty for her death..

Abir in mind: should i be happy that i got justice or should i cry that a person lost life because of me…iam not the reason for her death but still i feel guilty..if i have accepted her she would have not died but what can i do..i don’t love her then how can i accept her? Ohh godd.. what’s this situation..she died as i dint accept her but tell me what wrong did i do that i became one of the reason for neha’s death? Though it was not my mistake but i feel guilty…

Abir remains sad while kartik lies on the bed happily in his room..

Kartik:thank god.. everything got fine..naira..see..

Suddenly he recalls that he left naira in Singhania house while returning from court and gets sad and misses her..

Kartik in mind:why did i leave you in Singhania house..iam missing you so much.

He tries to sleep by turning both sides but he couldn’t as he misses naira so much..

Kartik :arrey..what’s this? Iam missing naira that much that i can’t even sleep…

Suddenly naira appears before him and smiles and caresses his head..

Naira:ohh..so you are missing me?

Kartik smiles seeing her beautiful and holds his heart..

Kartik:Hayee…Hayee..how you are so beautiful that i became breathless..

Naira blushes..



Naira:why do you become breathless in my beauty and why do you miss me so much? Do you love me?

Kartik gets stunned at this question and sees naira disappeared and realises that he started hallucinating her and also he recalls the question and also his feelings and immediately wakes up and sits like a small boy disturbed with dreams..

Kartik: am i really in love? I miss her so much..i..i dream about her everyday..i feel her presence even she isn’t there and also..i feel very happy when she is with me..

Suddenly swarna comes there shocking him..

Kartik:maa..you are here at this time?

Swarna:i know you dint sleep yet..that’s why i came..

Kartik:how do you..

Swarna:iam your mother..i can understand your heart.


Swarna caresses his face and smiles..

Swarna: whatever you feel is love kartik. Your heart loves naira since childhood but now it made you realise but still you are confused.. that’s it.

Kartik:how do you say maa?

Swarna: experience.. even i loved Manish but dint realise for so long and one day my parents were looking for some other alliance that’s when i felt miserable without Manish and realised my love. This feelings are all love kartik..


Swarna: even the feelings which you and naira had for each other in childhood is also love. The way you both missed each other when you both were away…the way you both shared the pain together..the way you both felt happiness in same things.. everything is love. Don’t take time..then you will regret.

Kartik recalls his childhood moments..

He recalls their selfies and funs..

Then he recalls Their marriage..

he recalls the way he got mesmerized first at her rain dance..

He recalls The way he tried to take away naira’s pain..

He also recalls how his heart stopped when naira fell down from cycle and how he hugged her once he saw he fine..

Kartik smiles remembering all those beautiful moments..

Kartik:i understood my heart now..my heart just needs naira. I..i love her..

Swarna:thank god that you understood your feelings. Propose her as soon as possible..

Kartik:i will do it. But give me some ideas so that she wont reject my proposal..

Swarna laughs and Pats him..

Swarna:you only know her more than anyone else..so you yourself plan it..then only it will be nice and she will also like it.


Swarna goes away..

Kartik:maa..tell some ideas and go..please..

Swarna: it’s your love..so plan yourself..

Swarna goes out happily and bumps into Manish..

Swarna:Manish?? What are you doing here standing out near kartik’s room? Did you overhear..

Manish:haha..you are right. My son tells everything to you boldly but he gets shy to tell me so thought of overhearing it..

Swarna:so you also found that kartik had feelings?

Manish:if he is your son then he is my son also right? I know that he loves naira since childhood but waited for him to realise and now you made him realise.. you did good job.

Swarna:i did what a mother should do. Now he will propose her..

Manish:kartik and naira story is different right? Kartik is proposing his wife and i don’t know whether Naira will accept her husband’s love proposal..

Swana:she will Manish..you know right how they used to be since childhood. Anyways..come we will take rest for sometime and at evening lets inform to maa this happy news.

Manish:yes..she will jump in joy once she knows it.

They both go happily to their room..

Kartik stands before mirror and smiles..

Kartik:this is the most beautiful feeling naira..i love you so much. Hope you too feel for me as like i do. But i dint feel this much special and beautiful when i loved niya.. what’s so special in you? Maybe my feelings for niya was just an infuation as i..i had feelings for you since you were born without my knowledge. Anyways..i will make a different proposal that you will never say no..

He lies down happily and sleeps..


At evening Bani misses veer in her room..

Bani in mind: everyone are talking but this veer is not even Calling also.. what happened to him? I’m missing him a lot..i will call him and see..

Veer lies in room tired and closes his eyes..

Veer in mind: thank god that my disease dint create any doubt during abir’s problems orelse i couldn’t have given support to abir and even Abir would have broken completely and also family would have been in sorrow seeing abir and me in trouble..

Suddenly he gets bani’s call and gets shocked..

Veer:bani..ohh nooo..iam purposely avoiding bani so that i could control my feelings till i get cured. Now if i pick her call then i can’t answer her questions..I’ll better ignore calls.

Veer ignores bani’s calls while bani repeatedly calls but veer cuts the call making bani irritated..

Bani irritaingly: why is he avoiding me? What did i do that he isn’t even picking my calls..yes..i showed my anger that day but why is showing so much attitude? When i went home..he did headache drama to avoid me and now not picking calls…idiot.

Bani irritatingly goes down while Rajshri and varsha stops her..

Varsha:bani beta..i have a good news..

Bani: nothing is good news for me..

Varsha:no..this will be a very good news. Haritha aunty sent a proposal to you for his son Rudra. He is a nice guy and also works in New York..

Bani gets irritated..

Bani:maa..i don’t care about his status and jobs and all..i just care about myself. I dont want to marry anyone..so please..

Bani goes out angrily while varsha gets worried and Shaurya sees it and comes to her..

Shaurya:varsha..why are you troubling her and then getting sad after getting her reply? She is not interested now..so let her be free. Whenever she wills to get married then we will talk about it. So don’t disturb her and also yourself.

Varsha:but Shaurya..see her age..she is equal to naira but naira got married and still..

Shaurya: Age doesn’t matter for a marriage varsha. Only the person’s will is needed for a successful marriage. Think about us..if you dint wished to marry me then how would have our marriage life ended up?

Varsha:i understand it Shaurya but..

Shaurya puts his arms around her shoulders and takes her to room pacifying upset varsha..

Bani goes to Goenka house angrily..

Sumitra:hey bani..come in..

Bani:aunty.. where is veer?

Sumitra:he is in room beta. You seemed to be angry..did he troubled you?

Bani:yes..aunty. he is avoiding me and ignoring my calls too..so came to know the reason.

Sumitra:he has gone mad beta. He is not talking to us like before..he is Just sleeping and lying down lazily for past 5 days..i don’t know what happened to him. Even in abir’s problem..he was not so active like kartik..

Bani gets confused..

Bani: abir’s problem?

Sumitra: don’t you know yet?

Bani:no aunty..

Sumitra tells everything while bani gets shocked..

Bani:ohh god..thank god Abir is proved innocent. I never knew that someone can be psycho like this.. thank god he is saved. Why did anyone inform me get? I was confused first when naira arrived suddenly from Mumbai and now only i understood why she came…why dint she inform me? Even naksh bhai dint tell me anything…

Sumitra: actually Akhileshji asked not to tell anyone so no one told anything to anyone but Mishti got to know somehow. And i thought now as problems are over..naira and naksh would tell their families..but they dint tell i guess.

Bani: i don’t know..they may have told to their families but they dint inform me grandma maa and papa yet. Once i go home..i will talk to them. Now i will go and meet abir and veer..

Sumitra:ok beta..

Bani goes to abir’s room and sees him sitting sad and goes to him..

Bani:hey abir..


Bani:iam sorry Abir..i couldn’t even see you during your problem and couldn’t support you as i dint know anything..now only sumitra aunty told everything.

Abir:it’s okay bani..now everything got fine.

Bani:but why do you look upset? You should be happy that you got justice..

Abir in mind:how can i tell you what i feel? Though i dint do any wrong but she died as i dint accept her..she tagged me as the reason..iam feeling so guilty.

Abir palely smiles..

Abir:no..iam fine bani.

Bani:acha..take rest and always share everything with us atleast if you can’t share it with your family.


Bani goes to veer’s room while Abir remains upset still..

Bani enters veer’s room and sees him sitting in bed while veer gets shocked..


Bani:yes..it’s me. When you have rights to avoid me then i have rights to know the reason..so i came here to know it.

Veer in mind:how will i tell that iam avoiding you as i love you. I can’t control my feelings if i be near you and i don’t want to reveal it till i recover..

Bani:common tell me the reason then only i will leave..

Veer gets up difficultly and..

Veer: iam having severe laziness… Now please leave as i told the reason.

Bani:are you an idiot? Even your mom told you are behaving different.. what happened to you?

Veer:i gone mad.. that’s why.

Veer feels dizzy and holds his head..

Veer:now you go..

Bani: you behave very different. I doubt whether you date any girl in this room secretly..

Veer:shut up… don’t talk silly. Now please go away..i need to freshen up.

Bani:whatever it is..i wont go till i find the reason..do whatever you want.

Veer feels his eyes getting blurred and he drags bani immediately out and shuts the door..

Veer in mind:You shouldn’t know about my disease Bani.. that’s why I’m doing this..iam sorry for doing this but i don’t have any other option to hide it. If i get this chance again once i recover..i will spend the whole time only with you bani..my love.

Veer lies down again in pain while bani looks at the door angrily..

Bani in mind:you are behaving totally indifferent veer. I will soon find out what you are hiding..

Bani goes away..


Naira and naksh gathers their family in living room..

Naman: what happened children? Why did you both called us here now?

Naksh: actually..we want to tell you something..

Naira:i came to udaipur suddenly for a reason..

They tell everything about Abir and the problem and everyone gets shocked..

Naksh:sorry..i dint tell you all as Akhilesh uncle dint wanted to tell till the Problem gets solved.

Naitik:ohh godd..this much have happened..poor Abir has gone through a lot.

Akshara:yes..thank god that he got justice. We should go and meet him..

Karishma:we will go now..


Singhania’s visit Abir in his house and they provide their support and concern..

Abir:thank you all for being supportive for me. Iam lucky that i have two families..

Akshara:we also consider you all as our children only..so don’t feel it as we always there for you guys.

Dadi:aksharaji..can i ask you something?


Dadi: tomorrow is teej. And it’s first teej for kartik and naira too.. so..

Akshara: don’t worry dadiji.. she will come here tomorrow morning atself.

Dadi:arrey..i dint mean that. Actually you all come here to break the fast at evening. It will be nice to have teej together..

Akshara:sure dadiji..we will come.


PRECAP:- Kartik faints. Bani finds veer searching something and gets doubtful. Abir upsets Mishti.

The post Mera pyaar… Part 20 (Missing each other..) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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