Tuesday 1 November 2022

Anupama 1st November 2022 Written Episode Update: Hasmukh’s Request For Anuj And Anupama


Anupama 1st November 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Vanraj announces that Pakhi will not return to Shah house and he doesn’t need any argument from his family. Anuj requests him to listen to him once. Vanraj says if he is favoring Adhik and Pakhi, he should support them also as he already was supporting Adhik. He says he knows he warned him not dare not try to act his children’s father, but today he wants him to become Pakhi’s father and not expect anything from him as he can’t forgive them and never accept their marriage. Hasmukh tells Anuj that Vanraj is in not a condition to understand anything, but since Anuj can understand, he requests Anuj to take Pakhi’s responsibility. He says he can’t keep Pakhi at Shah house due to Vanraj’s anger, so he wants Anuj to keep her at his house. Leela, Kavya, and Samar also request Anuj and Anupama to take up Pakhi’s responsibility.

Hasmukh says anyways Anupama’s sasural is even Pakhi’s sasural now. Samar says now Anupama has to handle everything now. Hasmukh says Anupama is shattered at this time, but she has to handle kids. Kavya says Anuj and Anupama has to face a toughest situation even this time. Hasmukh says Shah fmaily’s daughter’s responsibility is on Anuj and Anupama now and he is sure they wouldn’t disappoint him. Anuj asks Kavya to handle Vanraj. Anupama prays god to give them strength to handle new relationships created in new year. Kavya says when a daughter becomes a bride, a mother does her bidayi/farewell, but Anupama has to perform her daughter’s griha pravesh. Anupama wakes up Pakhi and Adhik. Pakhi and Adhik ask where would they go now as Vanraj disowned them. Anupama says they all 5 will go home. Pakhi asks if she forgave them. Anupama says she didn’t and even they both shouldn’t forgive themselves. She gives them a long speech that they don’t have a shelter of their own, even then they took a decision of marriage and took their parents for granted and trouble them, etc.

She says if she forgives Pakhi, she will be her normal arrogant self and curse and misbehave with her mother. Pakhi asks if Vanraj will not forgive her. Anupama says never. Anuj says let us go. Pakhi struggles to pick her suitcase. Anuj tries to help her. Anupama says let them handle their own burden. Anuj says he will bring Little Anu who has gone to play at her friend’s house. Pakhi drops her suitcase unable to bear its weight. Adhik helps her. Kavya watching this with family says Anupama know what she is doing. Anupama gets into car. Adhik and Pakhi keep suitcases in dickie and get into car. Anuj and Little Anu joins them. Kavya says there was one drama here and one would start at Shah house.

Samar says he can’t see his sister going like this and rushes towards car. Hasmukh says its a brother’s concern for his sister. Samar shows his emotions for Pakhi. He scolds Pakhi that he is angry on her for her biggest mistake. Adhik assures him that he will take care of Pakh. Samar hugs Pakhi and suggests her to obey Anupama at least now. They get back into car. Anupama drives car. Little Anu asks Pakhi if she will stay with them from heroen. Anuj says yes. Little Anu says they will enjoy a lot.

Precap: Barkha vents out her anger on Adhik and Pakhi and challenges that their wedding will not see its first anniversary. Anupama tells Anuj that he has taken Adhik and Pakhi’s responsibility on Hasmukh’s request and himself should handle them.

Update Credit to: MA

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