Monday, 25 July 2022

Meet 25th July 2022 Written Episode Update: Manjari goes to Hooda house


Meet 25th July 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet Ahlawat puts sweet in Meet’s mouth. Meet thinks he is using all my tricks what should I do now. Meet Ahlawat holds Meet’s hand and applies nail paint and blows on it. Meet Ahlawat says Dad your remarrying idea I liked it and I am ready for second marriage. Everyone in shock, Meet Ahlawat holds Meets hand and says Dad, she is ready too and infact she is more excited then I am look at her face. Raj very happy and says I knew my house happiness will be back soon and I feel like dancing attange some dhol. Babita says don’t dance you will exert yourself. Meet Ahlawat puts his hand on Meets shoulder and says Dad is happy because of you and I am tried of thinking of cheater Meet and happy to have you iny life, I wish I had you first in my life Manjri, you brought colour and happiness back in my life.
Meet Ahlawat joins Raj. Meet Ahlawat thinks I will pamper Manjri so much that you will accept that you are Meet and pulls Meet to dance. Meet thinks, Meet Ahlawat is going crazy for Manjri, but what should I do, should I use this as opportunity for my mission.

Kunal sees Manushi with cheque book, Manushi says to Kunal, Manjri is like this blank cheque book and I thinking how we can encash it. Manushi gets call from Manjri. Meet asks her how is she doing and says I have something important to say, first tell me do you really consider me as my sister. Manushi says off course I am your elder sister tell me. Meet says Meet Ahlawat proposed me and wants to marry me, I said no I can’t marry a rude person like him, and your sister left gim means there is some problem in him. Manushi says what you said no, Meet says I want to but how because Raj is unwell and I want to tell them I am Manjri and not Meet, you help me.

Manjri says you come to my place, we will discuss this, I have Dadi and Mummy but that is not a problem. Meet gets emotional thinking of mummy and dadi.
Meet says to Phai, I miss mummy and dadi and I hope they don’t recognise me and what if I go week, all will be fine right. Phai says I have full faith in you, come lets bet on it and I will pray for you, you just have faith.

Meet reaches home and sees name plate and gets emotional, Meet opens door and imagines Anubha and Dadi discussing on when will Meet come and how they will surprise her with her kheer, Meet says Maa I am here to have kheer and goes hugs Dadi and Anubha. Manushi asks Manjri where are you lost. Meet sees no one is around and she was imagining. Manushi says come in, Meet steps in thinking of her time spent in the house. Manushi says dont judge me based on this house, I am very modern but mom has memories attached so I can’t leave. Meet prays Matarani please help me get through this.

Manushi says lets go to your room, Manjri asks where is your mummy and dadi, Manushi says why are you asking, Manjri says I don’t have mummy and dadi so thought I could meet yours. Manjri says come let me introduce you to them.

Manushi says mummy look Manjri is here who looks like Meet, Anubha says all my love is for my Meet and not for look a like, I can’t meet her. Manushi says I am sorry, my mom is little disturbed since my sister left, Manjri says you aren’t like them. Manushi says Meet suddenly left us and so mom keeps scolding everyone and she keeps making this kheer and keeps it in mandir thinking Meet will come one day and eat it. Meet says all good nothing to worry I am fine.

Masum goes to Meet Ahlawat and asks why are you doing this, and you were going to marry Chavi so why this. Meet Ahlawat says I can’t marry Chavi, Masum says how will she feel. Meet Ahlawat says I have spoken to her and also very well know why you want me to marry her, Masum says what do you mean. Meet Ahlawat says you will stay away fromy decisions and I will marry Manjri and take this coffee away and send tea.

Manushi says Manjri this isn’t a problem but a jackpot, Ahlawat is amongst richest families and you want to give that up, Meet Ahlawat is treasure, Meet thinks my plan is working like the way I thought, you want me to marry Meet Ahlawat and get all the property and I want my child.

Pre cap: Meet Ahlawat says to Meet, this swing I got it made specially for you and want you to sit on it and never did something like this for that cheater, she looked like a monkey. Meet gets irritated and says enough, I am no Manjri but Meet Hooda from Shabad.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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