AyAn:- noooo!
Everyone looked at them!
AnAy:- this marriage will not happen!
Ishani and sia were watching their faces with shock!
AyAn come forth , towards their respective lady loves with stern faces!
Both bends down on their knees and !
Aryan takes out an ring carved AI!
And bends down on knees!
Aryan :- see I haven’t ever proposed any girl in my life and I really don’t know how to do it .I bought this ring months back .I fell in love with you on the first sight. Though now everything is normal
will you accept me as your soulmate!?
Ishani gives him a bone crushing hug, after few moments Aryan says ” Ishani.. My legs are paining “.
Embarrassed, they parted off!
Angre too went down on his knees and said!
Angre:- I and you…actually I don’t know about yours but I know mine I loved you from the very moment I saw you but never had the courage to tell you. I didn’t knew what will be the reaction of the whole family if I will confess that .so though now everyone knows it .so,will you become my life partner ?will you accept me as your soulmate ?will you be my wife?
Sia makes him stand up and hugs him and murmers
Sia :- yes.. Yes.. Yes! Yes Mr. Angre Sharma I am ready to be Mrs. Angre Sharma!
Ridhima:- Sia, it was audible!
Sia and parts off and both smile shyly!
Dadi:- so, all my children are happy now!
Finally if I leave you all too, I will not be sorry!
Everyone:- DADIiiii!!!
Dadi:- sorry!
Ridhima’s pov,
I am very happy finally all of us are settled .now, but I have 4 more days to go how will I complete this mission and even I have the risk of my life. I shouldn’t have proposed him now, by the way it’s ok at least now we both are happy . I will see,what will I do!
Pov ends.
Vansh sees her tensed!
Vansh:- what happened, sweetheart?
(Diverting the topic)
Ridhima:- your sweetheart is angry, that my gifted purse is damaged!
Vansh:- aww! So cute! No problem, I will buy the same one! What is matters! only wallet is a spoilt rest all the gifts are still with me don’t worry!
Ridhima smiles!
Vansh pov,
Sorry to say ,but I have spent one year with you!
It’s not that easy to hide something from me. There’s Something definitely that is pressuring you but what ?I will get to know about it soon ,till then let us all enjoy!
Pov ends!
She gets a call, goes at a corner, vansh was observing her!
(Only ridhima ‘s talks are here!)
Rid:- hmm!
Rid:- what!!!!! Nooooo!
Rid:: nooo.. not everyone goes out of my clutches let him land tomorrow I will make sure that it will be his life last day!
(Calls hangs up)
Vansh goes to her,
Vansh:- what happened?
Rid:- nothing!
Vansh:- you look tensed! Everything ok?
Rid:- yea, I said n!
Vansh:- oo! Ok!
They again join in, ridhima’s face was reflecting happiness but deep Inside there was signs of storms brewing in her mind and heart.
And thats over!
Thank you so much, For your unconditional support!
I was iffy about this FF, as it was my first time!
But thanxx to you all, for supporting me continuously!
So my Lovely , peepies!
It over for this story!
I ended it on a dramatic note, in the sense, that it was happy yet mysterious ending!
So love you all!!
Probably it’s sequel, wanna? But after this month!
The post Our Limitless Love(A Riansh FF….) Ch-73 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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