Saturday, 23 July 2022

Meet 23rd July 2022 Written Episode Update: Meet Ahlawat’s word’s hurt Manjari


Meet 23rd July 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Manjari lost in decoration. Meet walks and stand behind a message Will You Marry Me? He walks to her sit down and ask will you marry me. Manjari says you do jokes too I thought you just stay serious. Meet Ahlawat says you know I don’t joke, I like what dad said that’s why I’m proposing you and want to be with you. Manjari says if you think I look like Meet and want to marry me then I would like to tell you I’m Manjari. Meet Ahlawat says if I felt like you are Meet then I didn’t have proposed you, yes I was confused but now I believe you are Manjari. Meet thinks what happen to him and says to him you have gone made. He says in future you will get married and you also kept fast for that. She take away her hand and says yes I did fast for good husband not for you and start walking away. Meet Ahlawat tell me all my faults I’ll change forever and be a husband what you want. Meet thinks he is ready to change herself for Manjari. Meet Ahlawat says you are as it is as I thought about my wife in my dreams, when you cal Dad as Papaji I feel like you call it from your heart, afterall everyone has accepted you as daughter in law then why can’t you be my wife, after being called as my wife for so long who will consider you as pure. Manjari says you are blackmailing me. He says no I’m being practical and a girl want’s happiness and I think we both will be very much happy from this marriage. Meet thinks is he same who use to love me, what happen to him he wants to marry Manjari. Meet Ahlawat says what do you think I love Meet, I use to love her and play mind games with her and tell her how cheap she was. Manjari shouts enough you have said already so much. He says I was not this stubborn earlier I was made and keep an habit of being praised because I won’t stop myself from praising you. Manjari says how can he talk bad about Meet. Meet Ahlawat ask what happen are you stressed, don’t be because you only told me about the consequences of being stress, so take time and think, then you will realise I was right. Manjari get’s uncomfortable. He says take time and think but don’t take long because I cannot wait much. He walks away and thinks you won’t be able to take this load and will tell truth. Meet thinks what are you thinking be strong handle yourself.

Meet lie on bed in her room gets emotional and thinks about what Meet Ahlawat said to her. Popat ask what happen why are you crying tell me atleast look at me and tell what happen. She hugs her tightly and says Meet Ahlawat proposed me and want to marry me. Popat says then why are you crying, he was faking everything and he still loves you it’s a good news. Meet says I saw the same love in her eyes for Manjari which he use to have for Meet and this time it was for Manjari and he wants to marry her, how can he do this I cannot handle it. Popat says you are saying he loves Manjari which is shadow of Meet which means you are so good in character, this is a bit hurtful he loves Manjari but take it as your win because you made him realise you are Manjari and he loves you so think your enemy will also believe you. Meet says I can use this against Manushi to make her believe totally and will also know about my baby. Popat says do you believe. Meet says yes I think it would work.

Ragini and Ram remember Barfi asking them ancestral godess idol. Ragini says to Ram what we will do now that idol is very important for our family and we cannot give Barfi. Ram ask what you want, to say no to Barfi for relation you know how she said yes for this relation, if she said no them this will spoil oyr daughter’s happiness. Ragini says we can give her property, a lot of cash, jewellery but not that idol. Ram says Deep’s mom is greedy and cunning she won’t accept anything else and if we say no she will stop engagement. Ragini says don’t think this. Ram says we have to think one side it’s our family and other side our daughters happiness, I can’t think at all. Isha walk to them says you know Babita brought such a beautiful dress for me you should come and check even Babita is calling you and ask her why are you crying. Ragini says I’m going to tell you something important. Ram stops her and says she was emotional because you will leave us soon.

Everyone in hall. Ragini looks at dresses says they are beautiful. Babita says these dress are roughly stitched once you all will select then I’ll do final stitching according to your size. Meet Ahlawat and Raj come downstairs. Tej ask Raj how is he and suggest them to choose dress for engagement. Raj says okay and walks to Babita says I don’t know what will look good on me because I don’t have knowledge like you have but I know very well what will good on you and select a dress for her. Babita get’s happy. Isha ask Meet Ahlawat to choose a dress for her. He select a dress for Isha. Babita says good choice this is my new collections best outfit. Meet walks to Manjari says looks like tgis dress is made for you, when you will eear this dress you will increase it’s value, he give it to her. Raj says to Masum did you get the answers of your questions, did you see my son still love his wife. Manjari in shock. Raj says from when did she became so shy, says what are you thinking Meet forward your hand. Manjari about to say something but Meet Ahlawat put sweet in her mouth and says you said yes.

Meet Ahlawat says to Raj I’m ready for my second marriage. Raj gets excited.
Manjari says to Manushi, Meet Ahlawat proposed me for marriage. Manushi says you said no to him.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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