Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Meet 23rd March 2022 Written Episode Update: Meet train for her physical test


Meet 23rd March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet in hall infront of everyone says I want to talk to you. Raj says yes tell. Meet says you all are my strength and when I understood that I filled my form in seconds and in 7 days I have physical training and I have to prepare for that…

…(Meet show Meet Ahlawat the death threat letter says uf I do anything then they will harm you I cannot take that risk. Meet Ahlawat says okay this is the reason why you were not happy at holi celebration, till when I have to make you remember that you are Ashok’s Huddah daughter, you will get many threats. Meet says it’s about your life, I already lost my father and can’t think of loosing you, I’m not that greedy and don’t do a thing that can harm you that’s why I have decided and will to family. Meet Ahlawat says go because Hawa Singh want this and stay away from everything, his life will come in danger if you become the officer, he is more confident about you but he forget one thing your family guve you strength, rather then stepping back you should try to look for weakness of Hawa Singh which can act as counter for us, so don’t step back and think something which Hawa Singh can’t do, think. Meet says why didn’t I think of this first, you are right he has weakness he cannot see anyone ruin his reputation and to save that he can go to any extent.
Hawa Singh gets call from Meet. Meet says to him I need to file a report someone is threating my husband it must be a work of some goon. Hawa Singh says how police can help you. Meet says what are you saying police work for people’s safety, you must know about section 503 death threat, so you have to find him and along with that safety of my husband is also your responsibility and if something happens to him then you know Section 156/3 if a police officer dont write a complaint then you know what is the punishment, if something happen then the call is recorded and you are smart already and disconnects call. Meet Ahlawat says you are so smart)…

Duggu says now my Ustaad Mami will be Officer Mami. Ram says so now you both have decided, you are sure about this. They say yes we are sure. Meet Ahlawat says to Raj we need to go police headquarters for some work please give us permission. Meet Ahlawat and Meet walks away Meet Ahlawat says to her it’s your first win.

Meet in her room. Meet Ahlawat wake her up at 4am for her training, today I’ll teach you what is right meaning of training and take her downstairs. Ragini in hall give Meet milk to drink. She drinks it and take blessings of Ragini and Raj. Tej guve her best wishes. Meet Ahlawat take her out.

Meet Ahlawat on cycle. Meet running behind him and sit on street. He make her stand and give water. Meet and Meet Ahlawat keeping record of there traning. Meet in garden exercising. Ragini cheering her up to train harder. She lie down in garden. Meet Ahlawat and Raj cheer her up to exercise further. Meet train for 7 days with support of her family.

Ram in hir room receive call from Hawa Singh. Hawa Singh says to Ram what are doing what are you waiting for do something or else she will bring your past and ruim your future. Ram says understood I’ll do something.

Ram at police station calls Hawa Singh says I reached. Hawa Singh come to him says I think so you are not scared of going in jaild you know police can bring out everything from your mouth. Ram says keep in mind she is member of our family. Hawa Singh says what are you talking kill her if tomorrow she becomes officer and truth come infront of everyone then your family will stand against you, if you cannot do anything then tell me I’ll send her to her father it’s time for action not to think. Ram says shutup.

Everyone in hall. Ragini says to Raj Meet will surely win the competition I have seen her working. Duggu praises Meet. Ram walks to them we should give a party to Meet for her hardwork. Ragini says to Ram I thought you were not in favour of her becoming an officer. Ram says yes but she said something about our family which is unity and peace so why not just give her a party. Babita says why you need to throw party. Raj says to Ram I’m with you start with the prepration. Ram says okay I’ll get into organising and leaves to read a message saying we are ready to hunt the bird.

Meet in her room relaxing. Meet Ahlawat walks to her sit infront of her and massages her legs. Meet says don’t I’ll do it. Meet Ahlawat says when I’ll be having pain you can massage my legs, tomorrow is your test and whole family has planned a samll party for you, I know you must be worried for tomorrow but still it won’t to tell you, you will facing many different people tomorrow who could be athelete, bodybuilders, sports man. Meet says let them come I have confidence in me. Meet Ahlawat says I’m proud of you, you have already won the half competition, let’s do a mock test for tomorrow. Meet says okay tell me what I have to do tomorrow. Meet Ahlawat ask her stand and says first let’s check you vitals and sit to check her height and shoulder and get close to her, he step back says you shoulder have increased and says let’s check you waist. Meet says I can understand everything, I’m about to become police officer stay away from me. Meet Ahlawat says okay if you say I won’t do checkup. Meet spread her hands. He ask what happen. Meet says where you will run away from me. Meet Ahlawat try to catch her. She says not now I have test tomorrow. Meet Ahlawat give her best wishes.



Update Credit to: Tanaya

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