Hello everyone…
I am here with the 8th chapter of this SS…
Sorry if there are any grammatical errors. Proof reading is not done.
So the story starts as it is around 3’oclock and everyone is sleeping (obviously) and Riansh is also sleeping cuddling each other with Riddhima’s head on Vansh’s chest or we can say that almost whole Riddhima is on Vansh and Vansh is also holding Riddhima protectively but not tightly to make sure that he does not hurt their baby…
Suddenly it is seen that Riddhima frowns in her sleep and opens her eyes with a jerk and started shaking Vansh vigorously and started saying,
Riddhima:Vansh!! Vansh!! Jaan wake up naa…
After some efforts, Riddhima gets successful in waking up Vansh…he gets up and says in a sleepy voice,
Vansh:What happened Sweetheart??..Why did you wake me up at this time??
Riddhima:Woh Vansh I saw a dream in which there was a whole box of chocolate icecream amd I opened it and was about to eat it but my dream got over as I opened my eyes..
(A/N:My fav ice cream flavor is chocolate..what is urs??) problem Riddhima..u sleep again and when that dream will come again at that time u eat ur ice cream ok??…Goodnight..
Riddhima:Vanssshhh!!!… I want to eat chocolate icecream nowww!!
Vansh:What!!…Riddhima see the time’s 3’oclock and now no shops will be open…we will do one thing, we will eat the ice cream tomorrow okay??
Riddhima:No Vansh I want the ice cream noww!!
Vansh:No Sweetheart…we will eat it tomorrow morning..
Riddhima:Jaan plssss
Vansh:No means no
That’s it..after Vansh said this Riddhima started crying and said
Riddhima:I know you don’t love me anymore that is why you are not fulfilling my cravings…after some months I will turn more fat and then you will leave me and go to some slim girl….you will not love me anymore
Saying this she started crying loudly while Vansh was shocked to see her behavior as how she suddenly started crying and feeling insecure…Vansh understood the situation and said,
Vansh:Sweetheart, who told you that I will leave you…you are my life, my can i live without you??
And coming to the ice cream part then okay…I will give ice cream to you..
Riddhima:Sachhi???…Yayy Vansh..thank will go out na…then pls let me come na
Vansh:Okk…come we will go..
After around half and hour, they got the icecream and Riddhima ate it fully with a lot of happiness on her face..
They went home and slept and the sleep consumed them immediately…
It was around afternoon and Vansh was sitting in his room and working on the laptop…he did not go to the office as he did not have many meetings and thought to work from home…
Riddhima came to their room and saw that Vansh was working on his laptop…she suddenly started crying which startled Vansh…he immediately kept his laptop down and pulled Riddhima on his lap and started comforting her..
Vansh:Shhh..Riddhima..what happened to you…why are you crying?!! work…you don’t have any time for me…Everyine…work…I thought that you took off for me so that you could spend time with me but you…you are still working
Saying this she again started crying…and Vansh was utterly shocked that how Riddhima started crying at such a small matter but then he understood the mood swings that Riddhima was going through so he immediately shut down the laptop and started talking to her..
Vansh:Riddhima…I am sorry..I know that I did not go to the office as I did not have meetings but Sweetheart I have work na…but now no work okay? I will spend time with you..happy??!
Riddhima:Yess..very happy…achha Vansh..tell me do you want a boy or a girl??
Vansh:Ummm…Riddhima honestly speaking…I don’t care whatever is the gender of our child…I just want that our child should be healthy…but if you are asking then I am telling that I want a girl child..
Riddhima:Why do you want a girl child only…why not a boy??
Vansh:Arre Riddhima I am not telling that I want a girl only..but u know what I feel that girls are daddy’s princess so I too want a princess who will be in my team..and secondly you know what Riddhima if we are blessed with a baby girl na then I will get my mother back in the form of our child…
When Vansh said this, his eyes were moist as so as Riddhima’s
Riddhima:Ohh…is it??…then we will have a girl only…I also feel that it will be our baby girl..
Vansh:Waise u wanted a girl or a boy??
Riddhima:Homestly I wanted a boy as u told that girls are in daddy’s team right?? I wanted a boy who will he in my team but nvm we will have a boy the next time… you want a second also…no problem Sweetheart…I was thinking that we should have a cricket team..
Riddhima(blushing):Shut upp Vanshhh!!…achha have u thought any names for our kids??
Vansh:Not really but if it is a girl then Vanya and if it is a boy then Riddwick..
Riddhima:Wow…Vanya and Riddwick…nice choice Mr.Raisinghania…
So this is all for this chapter…hope you all liked it…if yes, then pls do comment
Thank you
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