Hello everyone
I am back with the 7th chapter…
Sorry if there are any grammatical errors. Proof reading is not done.
The story starts where it ended..
Riansh reach the VR Mansion and disperse to their rooms to freshen up
The time skips to 8 in the night..
Riddhima comes out of the restroom only to see that the room was empty and there was a box on the bed with a letter on it..
She took the letter and it said,
I know that you are very angry with me rn..I know I did wrong and did not trust you but pls give me one chance…it is okay if you do not love me now..I am totally ok with it but pls, for today can we be the old Vansh and Riddhima??..can we spend time with each other as we did earlier??
If it is a yes from ur side, then pls wear this dress which is in the box and come to the back garden at 8’oclock…
I will be waiting for you Sweetheart
Yours Vansh
Riddhima was in a dilemma that whether she should go Vansh or not…she had a fight against her heart and brain…
Her brain was not permitting her to go but her heart was stubborn that she should give a chance to Vansh and go for the date..
Finally after a lot of argument, her heart won and she decided to go for the date with Vansh
Time skips to 8’oclock
Riddhima was all ready in the dress that Vansh gave her… She was looking gorgeous in the pink shimmer gown that Vansh had gifted her…she did minimal make-up like always and was looking fabulous..
All ready, she reached the back garden area and was awestruck to see the sight in front of her..
The garden was converted into a perfect date area with only lights all around on the trees and lamps placed on the ground and there were two chairs opposite to each other with a small tabl in between..
Something like this

Pic credit:- Google
While she was observing all these things, she just saw Vansh entering the area wearing a black tuxedo looking dashing as always…
Vansh came ahead to Riddhima, sat down on his knees and started speaking..
Vansh:Riddhima…I don’t know how to apologize to you…I know I have done wrong but Sweetheart I was manipulated like the same way as u were manipulated by know when the police came to take me on that day, Kabir told me that the video in which I was pointing the gun on Ragini was sent by u to Kabir…and when Sia was struggling there, she was just continously muttering ur name and suddenly a recording started in which u and Sia were talking and u told her that u came here as a spy…Riddhima I did not understand what to do..I was feeling betrayed the same way as u felt when I announced Ahana as my wife in front of the fake media…
Riddhima, the moments that we spent in the glass were real Riddhima…the love was not fake the only things that were fake was the press conference, my hatred towards you and I acting as supporting this family…I swear Riddhima…I love you a lot…pls forgive me and give me one last chance…I promise I will not give you any chance to complaint…you know u are very strong Riddhima…u don’t need anyone or anyone’s name behind you to make ur identity…u r ur own identity but Riddhima..I am not as strong as u…I need u Riddhima..I will die without u..pls forgive me and give me one last chance pls..
Riddhima was literally crying when Vansh said all these things…her heart also melted as she was acting as if not talking with him but only she knew how much she was craving for his warmth…she gently was going to go down on her knees but Vansh immediately stopped her and stood up with her and said,
Vansh:Riddhima..what are u doing…u should not kneel down at such time…what if u hurt ur baby while bending down??
That was it for Riddhima..she felt really overwhelmed of how Vansh was taking care of her and their baby she quickly hugged him tight and kept saying,
Riddhima:I forgive u Vansh..I forgive you… I love you too..
After Riddhima said this, Vansh was very shocked and happy that his Ridshima forgave him..he hugged her more tightly and said,
Vansh:Thank you Riddhima..thank you so much..I love u Riddhima..I love u a lot..
Saying this he bent on his knees and kissed Riddhima’s stomach and said,
Vansh:I love my baby a lot too..
Come Riddhima…now we will have our dinner and then u hv to take ur medicine also na…now come..
They both had their dinner and as Riddhima was tired, they both went to their room and slept cuddling each other close to their heart and slept peacefully together after ages…
Precap:Riddhima’s mood swings
So this is all for this chapter…hope you all liked it…
If yes then pls do comment
Thank you
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