Thursday, 23 December 2021

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 23rd December 2021 Written Episode Update : Angoori winks at Vibhuti


Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 23rd December 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anu in her bedroom says whenever I close my eyes Vibhu’s situation haunt me. Vibhu walks to Anu says it’s your imagination. Anu says how dare you come inside house you are not that worthy. Vibhu says what I did wrong. Anu says because of you my reputation is ruined and it’s all because of you, if you would have killed someone or steal something my reputation nit be ruined that much but you eve-tease a women. Vibhu says it’s because of medical condition. Anu says if it’s right then why didn’t he tell truth. Vibhu says I confess him why are you doing this, he was coming with me but a snake bite him, please try to understand and believe me. Anu says I can believe TMT or a donkey but now you. Vibhu begs. Anu says read my lips and call police. Vibhu run away.

Prem looking for Vibhu says where are you hiding see what I brought for you open and eat it fast. Vibhu says so nice of you and see Bajra chapati and raw onion, what is this do you think I’m poor. Prem says you are worse then that right now. Vibhu says its not your fault, my time is wrong and drop my reputation in front if everyone and even bhabhiji. Prem ask what do you want. Vibhu says I wish yo remove my eye whuch misbehaved with her and keet it in front of Bhabhiji. Prem take out knife and says here do it. Vibhuti take knife and cut onion.

Angoori looking for her phone in lawn are. Vibhu calls Angoori she gets scared after seeing Vibhu. Vibhu says believe me I didn’t wink at you. Angoori says I saw you doing that. Vibhuti says do you believe that. Angoori says yes I saw everything. Vibhu says okay I’ll remove eyes and take out knife. Angoori gets scared and calls Tiwari says he will remove my eyes. Tiwari fight with Vibhu, Vibhu drop knife on bench and Tiwari sit on that knife. Vibhu says sorry to Tiwari.

Next morning Anu in her hall talking on phone with her Dad says Vibhu is eve teaser, our neighbour is so innocent and sweet but he is teasing her multiple times. Tiwari walks in and sit down. Anu says to her dad tell me am I suppose to live under one roof with him. Tiwari says absolutely no. Anu says are you my dad I’m asking him and talk on phone with dad then disconnects. Anu saya to Tiwari my dad thinks that I should divorce Vibhu. Tiwari says you have to sign few paper and rest Saxena will look after and calls Saxena. Saxena walks in greets Anu says myself Advocate Saxena, LLM, LLP, LLC and give her papar. Anu ask Saxena says last time also I filed divorce. Saxena says yes this has happen many times but in the end Vibhu says sorry to you and you accept his apology. Anu says this won’t happen this time. Saxena says don’t worry this time I’ll do anything to win case and ask Anu to sign papers. Tiwari ask Saxena what about Vibhu’s sign. Saxena says no need to worry about that.

Vibhu calls Saxena says tell me why did you call, I’m not in condition to beat you. Saxena says don’t worry but I can offer you biryani and many things, I called you to help you. Vibhuti says I really doubt that. Saxena says if you don’t believe then come to my house and disconnects phone.

Vibhu inside Saxena home calls him and says thank you so much and see food on table. Saxena says all this is for you. Vibhu says let me eat first I’m hungry and start serving food for himself, he was about to eat but Saxena stops him. Saxena says wait a minute we will play a game before eating it’s necessary says there is a page in this file first sign it then eat one bite, these are divorce papers and you have 100 papers to sign so sign it and then eat it. Vibhu says how dare you. Tiwari on door walks inside and mocks him. Vibhu says it’s your plan, I did nothing it’s my medical condition. Tiwari says I accept that. Vibhu says then tell everyone, society that it’s not my fault I’m innocent. Tiwari says okay we will say it. Saxena says to Vibhu don’t worry I’ll make an affidavit for that with 100rs stamp on it. Vibhu says so do it. Tiwari says first you do it. Saxena says you both do first. Vibhu says what I have to do. Tiwari says you have to sign and then I’ll take that case back. Saxena says I’ll fight this case for you. Vibhuti says give me some time I need to think.

Next morning. Anu, Vibhu, Saxena and Tiwari at Vibhu’s house. Saxena says paper are ready please sign it. Vibhuti says to Anu is this your last decision, everything will be over after this. Tiwari start clapping. Vibhu says why are you enjoying is there any show going on. Tiwari says when you will be divorce then we will celebrate here. Saxena says first do the work for which we are here and says to Any I asked to you sign everywhere but you left with two spots, do that and ask Vibhu to sign everywhere. Anu ask Vibhu to sign and scolds him. Vibhu says you are doing mistake. Anu says I’m correcting my mistake which I did earlier. Tiwari says that was not mistake it was innosence if Bhabhiji. Vibhu says why you are interrupting in between. Saxena mocks him. Vibhuti threaten Tiwari. Anu says if anyone try to haram Tiwari then I’ll put red chilli into his eyes. Vibhu says to Anu it feels like I have no value in your life I stand no chance. Anu says it’s true please sign it. Vibhu about to sign paper but Gupta walks in with oxygen cylinder and says to everyone don’t sign divorce papers I just come out of coma. Tiwari says yo are late they are already divorce. Vibhu says I didn’t sign till now. Gupta says Vibhu he didn’t winl at Angoori on purpose it’s all because of the pressure on the nerve, you might not believe it wait a minute I’ll show you. Gupta puts pressure in Vibhu’s nerve and he start winking. Anu says this means you were saying right oh god I’m sorry please forgive me. Vibhu says it’s okay I would have also done same in your place. Tiwari says sorry. Vibhu shouts shutup, keep your apology with you and put oxygen mask on Gupta.

Angoori in her lawn singing. Vibhuti walks to her and flirt with her and says a poek to her and says I’m sorry. Angoori says forget it, it’s not your fault it was because of your medical condition and wink at Vibhu. Vibhu says yes that was the problem. Angoori says no worries I understand and wink at him, apologize to him says whenever someone wink at me iget angry and wink at him again. Vibhu says when you wink at me I feel shy. Angoori says when did I wink at you and wink at him. Vibhu says right now and you wink at me again. Angoori says I cannot feel that I’m winking at you and wink at him multiple times. Vibhu says can you feel that you are winking at me, do you use mobile phone. Angoori says yes and wink at him. Vibhu says you also have same problem which I have and wink at her. Angoori in shock and run inside.

Vibhu says to Angoori whatever you want write it on a piece of paper and keep outside. In night when Santa Claus will come he will read it and next day you will get you gift.

Tiwari ask Anu tell me what you want in gift. Anu says I need Yphone 14. Tiwari says then I’ll get it for you

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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