Wednesday, 25 November 2020

RadhaKrishn 25th November 2020 Written Episode Update: Sam’s Evil Plan

RadhaKrishn 25th November 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sam and Lakshmana’s wedding completes and they perform Mahadev’s aarti. Jamvati thanks Krishna for completing Sam and Lakshmana’s wedding. Lakshmana asks Sam why is Krishna standing here instead of going on a war with Banasur. Sam says he knows how to trick Krishna. Radha says she has decorated a new room for Sam and Lakshmana’s new life. Sam says he saved Lakshmana and brought her here, he will not start his marital life until Anirudh returns home safe. Krishna says he doesn’t know how Anirudh reached there and hopes Banasur listens to Pradyumna and solves issue with love. Sam smirks thinking he will not let the issue solved with love and will make them first at any cost.

Pradyumna reaches Banasur’s place. Guards inform him that Banasur wants to meet him in courtyard and asks him to walk with them right now or else they will force him. Pradyumna thinks father told to speak calmly, else he would have finished them. He walks into courtyard where Banasur asks guard why didn’t they chain and bring him here. Pradyumna says he should speak to him with respect and if his father had not asked him to speak peacefully, he would have killed him. Banasur laughs saying even Krishna cannot defeat him and should come here to free his son and grandson. Pradyumna resists. Banasur orders guards to captivate him. Messenger informs Krishna that Banasuri captivated Pradyumna. Rukmavati cries. Sam says he told they should use power and not love. Lakshmana blames Radha and says she did a mistake by suggesting to solve issue with love. Radha accepts. Krishna says Radha is not wrong as anything can be solved with love. Sam insists that there should be war now. Krishna says if they have decided for war, then a biggest warrior among them should go. Sam gets happy thinking Krishna will go. Krishna says Sam will go. Jamvati panics saying Banasur captivated Anirudh and Pradyumna and will captivate even Sam, so she cannot let him go. Lakshmana says Balram is the biggest warrior here and he should go. Krishna says Balram will go when a war is waged, but he wants peace and wants to send Sam to solve issue peacefully.

Sam says Banasur has Mahadev’s blessings, so he cannot fight with him. Balram backs him. Krishna says Sam himself is Mahadev’s blessings. Sam says he will wage war if Banasur provokes him. Krishna says he has his permission for that. Sam says only Krishna’s sudarshan chakra can defeat Banasur. Balram backs him again. Krishna says if that is the case, he will give all his weapons to Sam. He gets all his weapons and transfers them to Sam. Balram says Sam is lucky to possess Krishna’s weapons. Krishna asks Sam to go and bring Anirudh and Pradyumna safely. Mata Gowri tells Mahadev that with Krishna’s weapons, Sam will wage war on Banasur and then Mahadev has to protect Banasur. Mahadev says only Radha’s love can save them.

Sam thinks his father loves him so much that he gave all his weapons for his protection. Lakshmana says its Krishna’s trick to escape war. Sam reaches Banasur’s place and provokes him to come out and fight with him, he has Krishna’s all weapons now and will kill Banasur. Banasur thinks he will snatch Krishna’s weapons and will captivate him and his whole family. Krishna watches high waves at Dwarka shore. Radha pulls him aside. Krishna says these waves are rising on even Dwarka’s future and its up to Sam whether he understands his father’s love and saves Dwarka.

Precap: Sam tells Banasur that he is also Krishna’s enemy and will give all weapons if gives him Dwarka. Banasur agrees. Krishna tells Radha that he gave many changes to Sam and now has to enter war field. Mahadev says it would be unique war between him and Krishna and hopes it doesn’t destroy the world.

Update Credit to: MA

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