Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Falling Head Over Heels For a Wizard Riansh ff- Engagement


Hello my dear Riansh fans and lovely readers. Sorry guys for disappearing suddenly. 

As you all know Im a medical student so had lot of work that I could not find time to

write. But now Im back . Ill not go anywhere in the near future for sure. With all that said and done lets go to the story now…with a Recap

Recap: Ridhimaa gets back her parents and her sibling, Shiaavy. Haden performs the ritual and becomes evil after performing the ritual. Shivaay’s truth is revealed to Haden. Ahaana’s betrayal get Shivaay and Ranveer caught. Ranveer saves Shivaay when Haden uses Mrityu Dhansham on him. Ridhu and Vansh’s engagement is fixed.

Chapter 30 Engagement 

Angre , Vansh and Ridhimaa are shocked to hear about Ragini.

Vansh: Ragini is his heir? Are you sure?

Shivaay: Yes ..what happened Vansh? You look uncomfortable hearing it

Angre: Woh..Ragini is our business partner’s daughter 

Shivaay: I know that..thats why I placed Ahaana in your office to spy her but Ahaana turned out to be a back stabber. She is Haden’s sister

Kartik: And she knew your truth?

Shivaay: Only recently she knew it..anyways leave her topic

Pankhuri: Now you need some rest and food

Pankhuri drags Shivaay with her. He doesn’t resist it and gives in easily which surprises everyone.

Naira: Ranveer will be under sedation till midnight

Sirat: Ill take care of him. You guys go and make arrangements for the engagement. Only few hours left for it

Aman: Dont worry everything is set

Angre: Before that we have to inform Sia

Vansh: With that Haden becoming the Dark Lord..its very important.

Kartik: Vansh If I’m not wrong you were searching for the Dark Lord’s power right

Vansh: Haan..thats right Kartik…only that search led me to meet Ridhimaa and everything unfolded…if not for that prophecy Vansh Rai Singhania would never have thought that he will fall in love

He playfully hits against Ridhimaa . Ridhimaa blushes

Everyone in chorus: Hayee hayee

Angre: Even now I can’t believe that bhai is getting engaged

Karan: Losing all freedom

Preeta stares at him. Karan holds his ears

Karan: Just joking

Harish: Karan beta..even in jokes you cant make fun of your wife….(after a pause) Im saying from my experience 

Avantika: Are we going to waste the night like this? Be a responsible father of the bride Harish

Harish: As you say highness..lets collect our wands and leave for the venue

Harish and Avantika leave from there

Vansh: Ridhimaa I need you with me while telling the truth to Sia. Harish uncle and aunty I need your help in telling the details to her

Harish: We will go to the venue..give instructions and join you at Rai Singhania Mansion 

Aryan: Shall I come too? Woh..Im..the protector right

Angre: Ill come too..once we are done telling need to try your clothes too

Vansh: We will take your leave

Gaurav: One minute..Vansh take care..(a long breath)

Vansh nods and leaves with Aryan, Ridhimaa and Angre

Aman: Sir..Ill take Roshini to the dungeons with me.

Gaurav: Okay leave..Kartik and Naira you both go with Meghnand ..and do what I said

Kartik: Yes sir..we will leave at once..see you all tomorrow in the function. Bye

They leave

Karan: Sir Ill take Preeta home..she needs rest

With everything leaving excpet Bani and Veer Gaurav takes his pipe and apparates.

Maya: Bani and Veer..start the work now. Its the right time

Bani: But mam why am I getting a feel that we are hiding things among us

Maya: Because we dont want our previous mistakes to be repeated. Now no time for questions. Start now..then we have to go for the engagement too. 

They get into work. The scene freezes 


Rai Singhania Mansion 

Ishani and Sia are sitting in their room. Vansh , Aryan and Ridhimaa enter. 

Sia: Bhai…how long has it been huh..straight from hospital you went somewhere else

Ishani: Is everything fine bhai?

Vansh leaves a deep sigh. Ishani senses something wrong with him. She looks questioningly at Ridhima. Ridhimaa just nods in affirmation confirming Ishani’s doubt. Aryan’s eyes dont move away from Sia

Vansh: Sia..I want to tell something to you..very clearly and it’s important too. I hid this from you since childhood since I didn’t want you to be involved in such a danger but now the time has come. I have to tell you

Ishani: Bhai..what happened? 

Vansh: Please let me speak Ishani

Vansh : Sia..we belong to the clan of wizards and witches..we are the wizarding world’s citizens

Sia: Is this your new story bhai?

Vansh : Im very serious Sia..cant you find that from my voice

Sia: But can that be possible 

Vansh drags out his wand and : Pitradev Sanrakshanam (Expecto Patronum) 

His stag erupts and runs around

Vansh: Its possible like this. Sia let me tell the past to you now..the time has come

Harish and Avantika enter

Harish: Ill start it

Harish’s Pov:

25 years ago ..the Wizarding world

Vansh’s parents, Harish Avantika, Manish and Swarna Goenka were all the students of the same Wizarding school. Years after their graduation they all gathered together. Vansh was a year old and Aditya Sharma (Shivaay) was almost of the same age. Kartik was a 6 month baby when they all gathered together . The get together was very peaceful. All of them were greeted by Nagesh, Gaurav , Maya and Chandrika the great teachers of the time. Nagesh meets them separately 

Nagesh: I am happy to have you guys here. You know what the great power lies in this wizarding gives us immense power and mortality 

Manish: But we all know its the dark power

Vansh’s dad : And its morally wrong to seek it or support it

Nagesh gulps his saliva and leaves from there without saying anything 


Harish: That time we did not know that Nagesh wanted us to join his Dark Lord

Avantika: Everything seemed normal..Vansh , Adi and Kartik grew up. Ishani was born. I got pregnant with Ridhimaa..and thats when it all happened…so suddenly. 

Avantika’s POV

The wizarding world entered chaos. Many wizards were brutally killed. Monster tornadoes hit the cities. And the Dark Lord proclaimed his supremacy. He wanted to hunt down all great wizards. The Goenkas, Rai Singhanias and Sharmas fight them bravely. But a pregnant Avantika is worried for Ridhimaa inside her womb. She learns about a ritual to give love protection


Avantika: For that ritual we needed a protector blood..a family of protectors vowing protection at any circumstances on a blood oath. Ishitha was my best friend. Her family the Khundras..Ishitha and her brother along with his wife and their parents volunteered. We performed the ritual and gave protection to Ridhimaa . That blood oath itself attacks certain attackers by nature. Thats how Aryan is the protector now

Avantika’s POV

The dark Lord possessed something which none increased his power everytime. Not knowing the protection..the Dark lord attacks Avantika who is term pregnant but he faces his first defeat. He is angered by it. By then he recovers from the defeat..its been months since Ridhimaa was born. He again attacks them but this time he is totally destroyed into pieces and loses his physical form and retreats to the jungle. Gaurav gets to know this and takes Ridhimaa with him. Few hours after he left few people kidnap Harish and Avantika..they torture them..Nagesh comes and tries to kill them but he dies…


Harish: Then we lost our memory…thats the last we remembered 

Vansh: Gaurav ji told the rest to me

 Vansh’s POV

After the attack on Sharmas house the news spreads to everyone. Mom was pregnant in term with Sia. They all rush to her..she was with Gaurav ji. They were discussing the defeat..when Nagesh showed his true colours. He cursed me and Ridhimaa in parseltongue. When they tried to stop him he killed Vansh’s dad and Swarna Goenka. At the last he murders Manish as he hides a pregnant Vansh’s mom from Nagesh. Vansh’s mom goes into labour and delivers Sia but she dies. Meanwhile Nagesh’s supporter Alga tries to kill Sia. Ishitha Khundra fights him and damages his powers and she dies in the struggle. Meghnand rescues Sia and takes her to Gaurav ji. Ridhimaa is given to her grandma and hidden from the wizarding world along with Khundras. 


Vansh: So Sia…thats how it all Nagesh’s blood Ragini, his follower Haden and his sister Ahaana have unleashed the Dark Lord..Haden is his physical form now. The struggle is here now..we have to end the thing our parents tried to end. Its our responsibility 

He then tells the recent happenings to Sia

Sia hears everything and walks out to the balcony 

Vansh: Sia…

Ridhimaa: Vansh..give her some time..she is a mature girl. Will definitely understand 

Angre walks in with clothes

Angre: Till then you guys try these clothes

Harish and Avantika leave for the venue again. Ridhimaa and Vansh try their clothes.Angre and Ishani get busy. Aryan walks to Sia

Sia: Leave me alone please

Aryan touches her shoulder. She turns to him with tears in her eyes

Aryan: I felt the same when they informed me about this…its hard I know that

Sia: Its ..

Aryan: need to explain..its okay

Sia places her head on his bosom and starts to cry. Aryan is dumbstruck by this act but he doesn’t react. There is just silence over there. A new precious bond has started to form between them. The scene freezes 

Next Morning. Engagement Venue

Angre: Arrey..yaar Ishani…where is Sia? Did you see her after night?

Ishani: No Angre..she was not in her room too

Angre: Bhai doesn’t know this…if he 

Ishani: Shut up..she will definitely be alright and will come to the function. Nothing will stop her from see everyone will everything ready?

Angre: Yeah…Ill leave for Rai Singhania Mansion now..uncle aunty Ridhimaa and Vansh will be waiting for me..Ill bring them

As Angre leaves everyone starts to arrive at the party

Gaurav, Maya and Chandrika enter first.

Next Kartik and Naira walk in followed by Sirat who helps Ranveer inside.

Ranveer trips and Sirat holds him. Their eyes lock

Kartik looks at this and to Naira in whisper

Kartik: I think love has started to bloom over there

Naira: I wish it happens so..Sirat deserves love..just like me

Kartik: Did you just praise me?

Naira: Haan yes..

Kartik pulls Naira into an embrace

Naira: Kartik..its public space..everyone will see

Kartik: Let them see..

He bends to kiss her..but they move apart in reflex after they hear a laughter. Its Bani and Veer

Veer: Woah..what a romance?

Bani: Awesome 

Kartik: Another super awesome romance is happening over there..

Everyone see to where he is pointing 

Shivaay is busy with the arrangements. Pankhuri is chasing him with a glass of water and a tabket

Pankhuri: Adi..dont forget this’s important

Shivaay: Pankhuri yaar..dont fuss about me..Im alright 

Pankhuri: Acha..teek hai..phir

She turns to leave. He holds her hand and stops her

Shivaay: Okay give..Ill eat

Bani: So good to see him like this..atlast he found someone who loves him a lot.

Veer: Shivaay is falling in love …my guilt has reduced

Kartik: No time for senti..lets go to them

Naira: Kabab mein haddi nahi banna hai muje

Kartik: Haan..our love itself has so many haddis

Bani: Did you just…

Kartik: Woh dekho..Aman , Roshini Karan and Preeta are here

Aman: Arey..why are you standing here..bride and groom will be here everything ready for them

Shivaay comes out..

Shivaay: Everything is set. Lets go in and settle ourse before Ridhimaa and Vansh come

They walk in..

Voice: Can we join?

They turn to see 

Shivaay: Arrey Ritik..Shivanya…welcome dears

Everyone welcome them. They settle inside. The episode freezes 

Next Chapter: Everlasting Love and Companionship 

Guys sorry for no Riansh specific chappy will have loads of them. Please do comment you views below. Thank you so much. Bye till next chappy

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