Sunday, 19 December 2021

RIANSH: WILL THEY FALL IN LOVE? (A beautiful journey) Episode 75


Hi guys, 

Thank you all for your immense response. Please, do keep supporting me like this.. 

Episode begins with.. 

Riddhima and vansh comes bome. Vansh looks at riddhima… 

VANSH: (thinking) I wanted you to be like this. But, I haven’t thought that you would take such a stand for me. Each and every time you are surprising me. But, what you have done today for me is something that none can do. But, I saw something new this time. I know that you will always stand by truth and can’t support wrong. But, this time you were mentioning me as your.. 

RIDDHIMA: Monkey.. 

Vansh gets shocked.. 

VANSH: What? 

RIDDHIMA: What are you thinking? 

VANSH: You could have called me two seconds after.. 


VANSH: Nothing..What were you about to tell me? 

RIDDHIMA: Better be silent for next five minutes. 

VANSH: What? Why? 

RIDDHIMA: I won’t tell you. You just be silent. 

VANSH: What happened? 

RIDDHIMA: If you don’t listen to me, I won’t come in. 

VANSH: Ok.. Ok.. I won’t speak.. 

RIDDHIMA: I don’t trust you in this matter.. 

VANSH: Just an hour before you spoke very big big words about me.. But, what happened? 

RIDDHIMA: Stop all your nonsense and promise me that you wont speak.. 

VANSH: What? 

RIDDHIMA: Promise me.. Or else.. 

VANSH: Okay.. 

Vansh promises her.. 

RIDDHIMA: Cutest monkey.. 

Vansh smiles at her.. 

Both goes in. Angre, sejal, uma, sia, virat and chanchal were there.. 

Vansh sees them and gets shocked. Riddhima sighs him not to speak anything.. 

ANGRE: Riddhu, what happened to you? 

VANSH: Angre, I asked you to go office, right? 

ANGRE: Don’t worry. Everything is fine there. But, why did she do this? 

Vansh was about to speak but riddhima asks him to be silent. He nods his head and stands silent.. 

SEJAL: Riddhima, we are asking you. Why did you do this? 

ANGRE: You know who JK is and what he can do? Till today he haven’t left any of his enemies to live in peace. 

VIRAT: Today, she had sent him to jail.. He won’t forgive her.. 

RIDDHIMA: I didn’t ask him to forgive me. I know what I did. Infact, I’ve thought twice before doing this.. 

UMA: Riddhima, what happened to you? You are inviting problems with your own hands. 

RIDDHIMA: I don’t care mom.. 

CHANCHAL: Riddhima, why are you so stubborn? 

RIDDHIMA: I’m not stubborn mom.. 

SIA: Riddhima, this might even bring a big storm in your life.. 

RIDDHIMA: I know.. 

ISHANI: Riddhima, have you gone mad? We are tensed and you are very cool.. 

RIDDHIMA: Even I’m asking the same to you. Why are you all tensed? 

VIRAT: Because of you.. 

RIDDHIMA: But, I’m not tensed. If you are, then it’s your problem.. 

ANGRE: Vansh, what happened to you? Do you have anything in your mouth? Say something.. 

VANSH: (thinking) This devil has tied my mouth by a promise. 

RIDDHIMA: I think that there’s no need for vansh to say anything. Why are you all making this as an issue? I know what I’m doing. Trust me.. None of you will fave any problem because of this.. 

Saying so, she goes out.. Vansh follows her. Both come out. 

VANSH: So, you know that this will happen. You know that they all will question us. 

RIDDHIMA: Yes.. Vansh, the entire city must have known about JK’s arrest. Now, the entire city is in shock. Definitely, they’ll question us.. 

VANSH: If you know that this is such a big problem, why did you do this? 

RIDDHIMA: For you.. 

Vansh smiles.. 

RIDDHIMA: Yes, vansh.. You have did a lot for me. I must do something for you, right? And whatever I might do, but I can’t return yur favour. 

VANSH: Favour? 

RIDDHIMA: Yes, what you did for me till today is.. 

VANSH: Enough.. I didn’t do anything special for you. I just stood by the truth.. 

RIDDHIMA: same.. Even, I did the same. Because, I know that the truth is with you. And all these problems  were because of me.. So, I’m responsible for this.. 

Vansh gets angry hearing her words. He looks at her.. 

VANSH: So, this is what you had till today in your mind.. 


Vansh leaves in anger.. Just then, riddhima recieves a call. 

RIDDHIMA: What? Just 10 minutes.. 

She runs and sits in her car. Vansh notices her leaving in hurry.. 

VANSH: What happened? 

Riddhima leaves in her car. She comes to shwetha’s house. She meets a masked person. 

RIDDHIMA: Did you get that? 

The masked person gives an envelope and leaves.. 

She opens the envelope and sees a photo and gets shocked.. 

RIDDHIMA: Is this my dream? No, this can’t be true.. 

Just then, she hears vansh.. 

VANSH: Riddhima.. 

She turns and sees varun holding a knife and vansh holding his hands and stopping him. He twists his hand. Varun drops the knife in pain.. 

VANSH: I’ve told you many times not to do this. Don’t you dare to touch her. I won’t spare you this time. I’ve already warned you the other day in the office. 

Vansh beats him. Riddhima stops vansh. Meanwhile, varun runs from there. Riddhima looks at vansh. 

She holds vansh’s hand and asks him to get in her car.. 

VANSH: Why? 

RIDDHIMA: I beg you. Please, sit.. 

VANSH: Riddhima, are you okay? 

RIDDHIMA: Please, sit in.. 

Vansh sits. Riddhima drives the car. She comes to Lal detective office. Vansh sees the office and gets shocked.. 

VANSH: Riddhima.. 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, if you really respect me, come with me without saying anything.. 

Vansh gets down from the car and follows riddhima. Riddhima enters lal’s cabin. As soon as lal sees her and vansh, he gets shocked.. 

LAL: Madam.. 

RIDDHIMA: Who told you to do this? 

LAL: What? 

RIDDHIMA: Don’t make me angry.. Did virat meet you? Or was it varun? Who told you to do this? 

LAL: Madam, what happened? 

RIDDHIMA: The other day, I know that someone came here and enquired about the assignment that I gave you. I know that he enquired about me too. But, before I could see him, I received a call and he left at that time. When I returned, that person was not there. I know that you won’t say even if I have asked. So, I asked your manager about that person and asked him to get me that person’s photo. But, I received vansh photo in this envelope. Who told you to do this? I know that it was not vansh. Who was the person who came the other day? Tell me.. 

Vansh hears riddhima and gets shocked.. 

Vansh remembers asking Lal not to reveal virat’s identity at any cost.. 

VANSH: (thinking) Riddhima I saw you coming here.  I know that you must have come here to enquire about pappu. But, I don’t want you to know that it was virat till he understands you. I’m sorry.. I can’t say this to you. 

VANSH: Riddhima, let’s leave.. 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, I know that it was not you. But, I need to know about that person who is trying to frame you. 

VANSH: Riddhima, listen to me.. 

RIDDHIMA: No, vansh.. Not this time.. Lal, I need the answer.. Who was that person? Don’t make me lose my control. I respect you a lot.. Tell me.. 

Lal remains silent.. Riddhima gets angry. She moves forward and was about to slal Lal but, his manager comes there and stops her.. 

RIDDHIMA: Thank God, you came.. The photo which you gave me is not true. It is not vansh.. He is not that person. Someone is trying to frame him.. 

MANAGER: No, madam. It’s impossible. I got that photo from cctv. I saw his face.. I can even show you right now.. 

He goes out.. Riddhima looks at vansh.. 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, don’t worry.. I’ll find out who did this. I know that it was not you. It can’t be you. You can’t do this. I know. Wait.. 

VANSH: Riddhima.. 

Manager comes and shows the cctv recorded video in his laptop. Riddhima sees vansh coming to the office and speaking with Lal. 

She looks at vansh. 

VANSH: Riddhima.. 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, no.. I know that it’s not you. Don’t worry. It must be fake. It must be their plan. I’m sure that varun Or virat must have done. They both are trying to frame you in front of my eyes so that I’ll doubt you. I know their plan. I won’t allow them to succeed in their plan. I know that this is not true. She breaks the laptop. She grabs lal’s collar and asks him to tell the truth.. 

RIDDHIMA: Tell me.. Who told you to do this. Varun or virat? Tell me.. I know.. Who told you to do this? 

Lal’s manager tries to stop her. She pushes him. Vansh tries to stop her. She does even listen to him.. 

LAL: Mam, believe us.. It was your husband who came the other day.. 

RIDDHIMA: Don’t you dare to say this again.. I won’t leave you. She was about to slap him. But, vansh stops her. 

VANSH: Riddhima, it was me.. I came the other day to know why you met him. I want to know the reason. So, I came.. 

Riddhima gets shocked.. 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, don’t lie.. I know that you can’t do this. I know that you are trying to save him.. You can’t doubt me. Why will you follow me and come here? Why will you enquire about me? You can’t do this. He is lying. You don’t worry.. I’ll ask him to tell the truth… 

VANSH: Riddhima, I’m not lying.. It was me. I came here.  Promise.. It was me.. 

Riddhima gets shocked.. She leaves lal’s collar. She looks at vansh. She recalls his words.. 

RIDDHIMA: Sorry, Lal.. I’m sorry.. I thought that I was right.. But, sorry.. 

LAL: It’s okay madam. I know you very well. 

Riddhima bends down and takes the laptop from the floor. She keeps it on the table.. Vansh feels bad for her. Her hands were trembling.. She keeps the laptop on the table. 

RIDDHIMA: I’m sorry.. I’ll pay for the damage.. 

She looks at the manager.

RIDDHIMA: I’m sorry.. You .. You risked your job for me. But,..  I.. I’m sorry.  I didn’t me.. mean that. Please, forgive me.. 

She shivers. Tears were rolling down from her eyes. She wipes her tears continuously and tries to control her tears. 

RIDDHIMA: I’m sorry.. 

Riddhima without even looking at vansh leaves.. 

VANSH: Don’t tell anything about virat.. 

He leaves.. 

Vansh comes out and looks for riddhima. He finds riddhima sitting in her car. 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, get in.. Let’s leave.. 

Vansh hears riddhima and gets shocked.. 

VANSH: Riddhima.. 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, I need to go office. Come.. 

Vansh sits in the car. Riddhima drives the car. She controls her tears without letting out. But, her eyes were filled with tears. She drives the car at a very high speed. She shows her anger in driving.

VANSH: Riddhima.. 

Just then, her phone rings.. She attends it. 

RIDDHIMA: Tell me, sejal.. 

SEJAL: Riddhima, are you fine? Your voice.. 

RIDDHIMA: I’m fine.. Actually, I think I have cold.. That’s it.. Nothing to worry. 

Vansh looks at her.. 

SEJAL: Riddhima, come to the office immediately.. 

RIDDHIMA: Okay.. I’ll be there in 10 minutes.. 

She cuts the call.. 

VANSH: Riddhima.. 

RIDDHIMA: Tell me, vansh.. 

VANSH: Are you okay? 

Just then, tears from her eyes falls on her hands. Vansh comes forward near her to wipe her tears. But, riddhima moves her face and wipes it.. 

RIDDHIMA: Absolutely super.. 

Riddhima and vansh reaches the office. Vansh and riddhima goes in. Both comes to their cabin and finds sejal there.. 

Sejal sees riddhima.. 

SEJAL: Riddhu.. 

RIDDHIMA: Sejal, one minute. I feel thirsty. Let me have some water first. 

Vansh gives water in a glass. Riddhima gets it and thanks him. She recalls all the incidents and vansh admitting that it was him. She holds the glass tightly. The glass breaks. Her hands begins too bleed. Sejal and vansh gets shocked.. 

VANSH: Riddhima.. 

SEJAL: Riddhima, what happened? 

RIDDHIMA: Sorry sejal, by mistake.. It’s okay.. Leave it.. 

SEJAL: Idiot, your hands are bleeding.. Can’t you see it? 


She looks at vansh. Vansh does the first aid. Riddhima’s tears falls on his hand. He looks at her. 

SEJAL: Riddhima, what happened? 

RIDDHIMA: Nothing.. 

SEJAL:Is it paining? 

RIDDHIMA: A lot.. 

Vansh looks at riddhima. Riddhima wipes her tears.. 

PRECAP: Riddhima, shwetha and sejal spend some time.. Vansh and angre too joins them.. 

Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made.. 

The post RIANSH: WILL THEY FALL IN LOVE? (A beautiful journey) Episode 75 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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