Friday, 22 October 2021

Teri Meri Ikk Jindri 22nd October 2021 Written Episode Update: Mahi does all the rituals


Teri Meri Ikk Jindri 22nd October 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Avnit says I should go to Jogi. I will talk to him and pass the time. She comes to Jogi but he’s asleep. Avnit puts a blanket on him. She leaves. Avnit says Jogi and Mahi have to part ways so Avnit and Mahi can be one.

Mahi prepares for the pooja. Jogi takes the arti from her. Mahi says Jogi we shouldn’t keep fighting. If our thoughts are different, let them be. We shouldn’t be distanced from each other. This distance will break our relationship. We should get this bitterness out of us. I love you and I know you love me. I am scared of losing you. I am with you even if our thoughts don’t align. I will do anything to ssave our marriage and love. Rest is upto you. Mahi leaves.

Scene 2
Avnit wakes up late. She asys I had to get the girls. She calls Arjun. He says I can’t get any. Avnit sneaks out. Biji says where are you going? Rupa says you didn’t bring the girls? Avnit says I was up all the time but I dozed off in the end. Let me get the girls now. Rupa says how could you be so irresponsible. Today? Jogi comes and asks what happened? Biji says Avnit couldnt’t bring the girls so she’s going now. She was sleeping. Rupa says you embarrassed me. Jogi says it’s very late now. Avnit says let me get them. I know I got late. Rupa says it’s late now.

Mahi brings in the girls. Everyone is shocked. Rupa says these kids with you? Mahi says when I came downstairs the girls weren’t here. avnit was asleep so I thought i should get them. It doesn’t matter who brings them. The point is service. Jogi and Avnit will do that. Biji says you brought the kids. It’s your right to do their service. Right Rupa?

Scene 3
Jogi and Mahi serve the kids together. Mahi looks at Jogi and smiles. They give gifts to the kids and wipe their feet togehter. Mahi smiles. The song agar tum saath ho plays. Avnit looks at them in anger. Mahi cuts her hand. Jogi hold her hand and cleans the blood. Avnit is angry. Mahi recalls their moments together.

Jogi smiles looking at the kids. Mahi smiles at him. Avnit is angry. Biji says see Rupa your DIL did everything in the end. And you were giving her right to an outsider. AVnit says everything happens for good. It’s good that I got up late. Jogi and Mahi could do this pooja togehter. But the bitterness between them is still there. Biji says I only see love in their eyes for each other. She leaves. AVnit says there’s no love between them. And I won’t let it live. mahi has to leave this house tomorrow. I will do that. This was her last win.

Episode ends.

Precap-Mahi hits the goon and says tell me where are my mom and sister? He points at the land. Mahi starts digging. She sees their bodies.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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