Friday, 22 October 2021

saath nibhana saathiya fan fiction: Gaura’s revenge part 4


The next day arrived. Gaura was very excited that Sindoora had succeeded in her plans. She was now waiting for Kokila to come.

And in the Modi mansion, Kokila would share her big secret only with Sindoora.

“Sindoora, I am leaving.” She said. “If Gopi or someone else asks for me, don’t tell them I have went to meet Gaura. Think of something else because they will get angry.”

“As you wish, Kokila behen. I will not reveal your secret, do not worry. But let me tell you something, if they are a real family to you they should support you in any situation. If you explain to them your reasons for meeting with Gaura they probably will understand.”

“I don’t know, really. Maybe you are right that I have to tell them about my meetings with Gaura, but not now. I first want to see how things will go and I will decide then. And you will not tell anything to them, please remember that.”

“I promised you, I will not reveal your secret, you can be sure. Now go and do  not worry about  anything.”

And then, Kokila left. And Sindoora send a message to Gaura.

“Kokila will soon be there so get ready. Her family doesn’t know anything about your meeting, she asked me not to tell them anything. Do you see, she is now lying because of you. The fun has just  begun and it will get even better.”

And after 20 minutes Kokila arrived in front of the prison. She was welcomed by the prison guard Radhika.

“Jai Shree Krishna behenji.” Kokila said. “May I meet with Gaura Suryavanshi?”

“Yes, you can. Come in.”

Radhika took Kokila to Gaura’s cell. She knew about Kokila’s visit, Gaura had told her about it the day before.”

“Gaura Suryavanshi, someone wants to see you.” Radhika said.

“Jai Ambe Kokila.” Gaura said. “How did you decide to visit me all of a sudden?”

“Listen, you don’t have much time.” Radhika said to Kokila. “So hurry up. I am leaving you now.”

Do to Gaura’s good behaviour and the friendship she had with Radhika, she was allowed to have privacy with her  visitors. So that’s how she was left without a guard to look after them.

“Gaura, how are you?” Kokila asked. “Are you fine? Do you need anything? How do they treat you in here, tell me!”

“I am fine, don’t worry. But why do you ask such questions? Did you suddenly start caring for me?”

“Look, I still remember how you tortured us and I will never forget it. But I decided to come and see you despite everything. Because I am not like you, Gaura. I care for everyone, even for my enemies.”

“Really? And what does your family think about that?”

“They don’t know I am here now.”

“And how so? How have you decided to keep secrets from your beloved family?”

“Well, if they come to know I am here they will probably be angry at me. So I decided not to tell them for now.”

“And when will you tell them?”

“I don’t know. I will probably do it later. Tell me, how have you been recently? Did you have time to think about your mistakes? Did you finally decide to become a good person? Did you finally realize that revenge will take you nowhere?”

“Oh please, stop with your moral sayings. You know that you and your family are my enemies and that will never change. I am happy that you are here though. It means that you still can feel affection for somebody else except your family. You are a selfish woman in general, you know.”

“No, Gaura I am not. If by telling me I am  selfish you mean that I stopped visiting you recently, yes, I  did. But what you did to us can never be forgiven. You took away my son and now Gopi is a widow because of you.”

“Yes. I murdered  your Ahem. Now you will feel the pain of losing someone close to you.”

“Stop it Gaura, stop blaming me for the death of Karunesh, didn’t I apologize a million times, what more do you want?”

“I don’t need your fake apologies! Your Jigna is alive, but you have never treated her the way I treated my brother. So I decided that it will be a better thing to do if I kill Ahem. You love him as much as I love Karunesh. That’s why he is dead and not Jigna.”

“You haven’t changed, Gaura. You are absolutely the same. That evil smile, that eyes full of hatred for me, it’s all the same.”

“Yes. I haven’t changed and I never will. But if I am that bad, why did you come to see me? Why do you still feel affection for me? Why did you lie your family about our meeting?”


“You have no answers, I  know. But I know why are you doing all of this. Because you still feel me as a friend. You had probably scene an old photo of me  or of both of us and you had remembered something about the past. And that’s how you have suddenly decided to visit me today. Am I right, Kokila? See, I know you very well. We were like sisters, you know. You want to be my friend despite everything I made you go through. But you are afraid because your family may disapprove your decision, am I right about that as well? Listen, I suggest that you tell them about how you have renewed your friendship with me. If they turn against you, you will be sure then that they are not your family for you, they have never loved you and they never will. And you will realize that the only true thing you have ever had is me. I was your sister, but then turned to your enemy. But you know what, I never allowed anyone else to hurt you except me. That’s sisterhood, my friend. I can do whatever you want with my sister, even murder her, but no one else can. Understand?”

“Gaura, please don’t talk like that about my family.”

“And why? Am I  not right? Why don’t you think about all the moments they have ignored you? Why don’t you remember about how your Gopi tried to instigate you against me so  many times? And even when she found out  about how I trapped your granddaughters, when she found out  I had been lying to you the whole time, she got more worried for Meera Vidya, and not about you. I tried to kill you so many times and she rescued you, yes. But she always cared about Meera Vidya more than about you  anyway. She kept saying you are her maaji but she has never loved you the way she loves her daughters, no matter how many times she threatened to hurt me because of you. So you now go and tell your family about our meetings and see how they will react. If they start shouting at you even when you explain them that you are just worried for me, then you will be sure thatI am the   only real thing in your life.”

“Maybe you are right. I will do exactly as you say.”

And then, Kokila went away without saying nothing more. And Gaura was so proud of herself.

“Very good, Gaura, very good!” She said to herself. “Your talent of manipulating people is getting better and better with every day! Now the real fun is about to begin! This time I will destroy the Modi family for sure and at the end, Kokila will be without anyone by her side!”

And sometime later, Kokila got back to the Modi mansion. Gopi was already waiting for her, since Sindoora had purposely  forgotten to tell her something at all about Kokila’s sudden exit.

“Jai Shree Krishna maaji, where were you until now?” Gopi asked.

“Did not Sindoora tell you anything?” Kokila replied.

“Kokila behen.” Sindoora then said. “Gopiji asked me about where have you gone so suddenly but I decided not to tell her anything because of the conversation we had  earlier. I think it’s time that you tell them the truth.”

“Maaji, what is she talking about? How can a maid know something that we don’t?”

“Gopi, please calm down, I will tell you everything. I went to see Gaura in jail.”

Gopi was shocked.

“What? Gaura? But why? How can you talk to her after everything she did to us?”

“Gopi, please relax. I went to see her because you know, I am caring to everyone, even our enemies.”

“But maaji, why should you care for her after everything she made us go through? Did you forget, she killed my Ahemji?”

“Your Ahemji? Gopi, Ahem wasn’t only your husband, he was also my son. And if you are so angry at Gaura about taking him away, then why did you marry jaggy that quickly afterwards?”

“Why are we talking about that now, maaji? You know, I married him because of the circumstances. I had to keep our family safe from Radhika, did you forget?”

“Yes, you always excuse  your actions with circumstances. You could find another way  to safe the family, couldn’t you? I told you so many times that you don’t have to marry him if you don’t want to. Because you was Ahem’s  widow. But you forgot about it and just married another man like that, excusing yourself with circumstances as you always do.”

“Maaji, why are you talking to me like that? You know I have always kept the family   together and I always will. And I never excuse myself with circumstances. I take decisions according to the situation.”

“No, Gopi that’s not true. You never take decisions according to the situation, you always take the decisions you think are best. That’s how you killed Radha and you again excused  yourself with circumstances.”


“Yes. Isn’t that true? We asked you not to kill her, I did, Paridhi Jigar did, even Ahem did but you killed her anyway and then went in prison. If you had stopped yourself she would be taken to mental hospital and you would be with us, Meera and Vidya would not spend so many years without their mother, Ahem wouldn’t meet Mansi, she wouldn’t fall in love with him,  she would never be a part of our life and she would never take revenge on us and we would never meet her brother Krishna!”

And while Gopi and Kokila were fighting, Sindoora was recording them in a video and would later send it to Gaura.

“So you are now saying that everything we went through was because of me?”

“Exactly. If you had stopped yourself at the last moment and you had left Radha alive now most of our problems wouldn’t be present at all. You even tried instigating me against Gaura, you suspected her in every little thing, even the most meaningless one. You always thought she has something in her mind, even from the beginning.”

“What are you saying, maaji? How can you take Gaura’s side again?”

“I am not telling you that Gaura is perfect. But she has always cared for me more than you. She always forgave your accusations just because she wanted us to become one family.”

“I can’t believe it, maaji. You went to see her in prison only one time and she has changed you that much? What did she do to you again? How did she succeed to instigate you against me all of a sudden?”

“I don’t want to talk with you for now. You didn’t even ask how is she and does she need anything?”

“And why would I ask? She troubled us so much and my Ahemji…”

“Ahem is my son, Gopi, and not your husband! You stopped caring about him when you married Jaggy so stop repeating Ahemji Ahemji!”

The post saath nibhana saathiya fan fiction: Gaura’s revenge part 4 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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