Sunday 16 May 2021

Love Beyond Limits(A RIANSH LOVE SAGA) Chapter#45


Chapter 45: “The Holi Celebrations-3”

Aditya who was eavesdropping in their conversation, thought,
A(himself): Vansh is doubtful about me. Had he listened to anything? No! What if he succeeds in convincing Riddhima. I can’t afford Riddhima doubting me at this stage.

Meanwhile, Riddhima spoke,
R: How can you say that Vansh? Aditya is the one who is helping me in this. He can never cheat me ever.
V: Riddhima! How can you be so sure? I have proofs.
R: What kind of proofs are you talking about?
V: Yesterday, he was behaving suspicious and today, I saw him talking to someone secretly. He had some kind of papers in his hand too and he was coming out of your room. Maybe….
R(cutting him): Vansh….Vansh! Relax! There is nothing such. He is just worried.
V: Worried about what?
R: Rehaan is coming to Mumbai tomorrow!
V: What!!
R: Yeah! He is coming for a drug deal And we have planned to catch him in this. And the papers, you were talking about were Aditya’s personal business deal. He was investing in some company so he wanted my signature as a witness.
V: Did you sign?
R: Ofcourse I did.
V(furious): Are you mad Riddhima? You signed those papers without checking them?
R(angry): Stop talking like this with me Vansh! I did read those papers. And I trust Aditya completely.
V: But I don’t trust him at all. He is definitely planning something and you are ignoring this fact. How can You trust him so easily?
R(serious): Like I trust you!
V(shocked): You mean there is no difference between me and Aditya?
R: If we really come to think about it, then Yes!
V(angry): What? Do you even know what you are saying? Have you lost it? You are comparing me with Aditya? Do you even know the meaning of trust? If you knew about it then instead of running away with those 50 crores, you would have trusted me and told me everything! I always felt guilty for misunderstanding you and putting all those allegations on you but the truth is you never found me trustworthy to tell me about my own Dad! You know what your problem is? You just have to boss around everyone! You just have to follow what your heart says. You are always dominating! You never ever listen to others.
R: Vansh! Let’s keep these trust things aside. Because there was a time when even YOU hadn’t trusted me. (Angry) You know what is YOUR problem Vansh! You just find faults in others. You just know to doubt others. You never try to reach the truth. You just keep believing what you see! If you can’t trust Aditya then don’t! Because I trust him and that’s enough for me!
V(angry): Isn’t my love enough for you? Isn’t it enough or you have to go around seeking revenge for the one who doesn’t exist anymore!!!!
He stopped!…..Riddhima was shocked and quiet. He stopped because he knew what he said,….he should’nt have said. He knew well how much respect she has for Rajveer! Still he taunted her on this sensitive topic. He made her go through all that again in her mind! Isn’t it true???
“ Words are weapons!”
Yes, Its true. And now, Vansh was just staring those angry, fierce, hurt and painful eyes that were helpless to say something more because the one she was fighting with was her love and the one she was fighting for was her life. He again made her chose between the two. There was complete silence.
Riddhima was looking at Vansh,
V(guilty): I didn’t mean to say that! I am ….
He steps forward to hold her hands but she steps back,
R(hurt but polite): Its Ok!
Saying so, she turns,
V: Riddhima!
R(without turning): Hm?
V: Its Holi Today! Dad would be waiting for us!
She didn’t reply.
V: Riddhima?
She didn’t reply again but turned and started walking towards the lawn. Vansh followed her.

Aditya was listening to all this and was smirking. Again something was going on in his mind. But now, another pair of eyes had also joined watching them secretly. He was smirking too imagining his own dreamworld. It was Rehaan who was enjoying the whole fight between the two and thinking,
Reh(himself): I found your weakness Riddhima! Its Vansh! Its Vansh whom you can’t fight with! Its Vansh whom you can’t oppose completely! If Vansh is not on your side, then it makes you weak! And weakness destroys fierceness. You are standing at your dead end Riddhima! Now, I know what I have to do. Misunderstandings can create rift even between the perfect relations too!
He smirks.

Riddhima and Vansh both reach outside and tried to bring a fake smile on their faces. Riddhima went towards the girls and Vansh went towards the boys. Dadi and Ajay noticed their behaviour. They understood that the youngsters have fought again! They started talking to each other,
Ajay: Ma! I think its just you and me who want to play Holi here. These youngsters know nothing except fighting.
Dad: You are right Ajay! We just wasted the whole day planning for this event! You know them well! Their ego and their self-respect is so big in front of their elders!
Ajay: Not just us! Its even bigger than this festival! I think I should call the organizer to clean up this all!
The girls spoke,
I: Why are you both acting like this? You know what…you both act so bad!
Sej: Why are you spoiling your Holi because of us?
Sia: We will definitely play holi Dad! What matters to us the most is your happiness!
R: Exactly! Your happiness is the thing which is the most important! You know na that we can’t see you upset!
Ajay: Do you know where our happiness lies?
The girls were quiet.
Dadi: In your happiness! You know what is Holi for us?
Ajay: Its not just about colours! Its about togetherness!
Dad: Its about the smiles that we see on your faces!
Ajay: Its about the peace we feel to be around our children!
Dad: Its just not about following the traditions! Its about living them every year with new hopes and with new zeal!
Ajay: Its about realizing the love, the respect, the values you have learnt!
Dad: Its about living your life to the fullest forgetting all the differences!
Ajay: And the most important!….Its about togetherness! Its about family!
Dad: And fights keep going in the families but it never means that the love will lessen. Holi is not just about colours! Its about togetherness!
Ajay: And I want my family together…you know what children! In all these years, Holi was celebrated every year, but what I missed was my family. And there is no Holi without family!….I want my family!

This had made all of them emotional. The girls stepped forward and hugged their father together.
Girls: We are with you Dad! We are always with you!
The boys went to Dadi and said,
Boys: Its our mistake Dadi! We made your girls sad!
Dadi(caressing their heads): Then, you should also know to rectify it.
Dadi pointed with her eyes towards holi colours and red roses placed on the table. The boys got the idea. Kabir picked up a rose and filled his fist with red colour and went towards Sia,
He sat down on his knees and said,
K: I never ever thought that I would find such a sweet and loving girl in my life! Sia! You are not just a best friend to me! You are the best person I ever met in my life! You are the one without whom I can’t imagine my life! You are the reason for my smile and peace everyday! (Presenting her the red rose) I am really sorry for being a complete jerk and ignoring you! But I can’t imagine you with anyone else! Because….I Love You! And I really love you alot!
Sia had tears in her eyes. She sat down on her knees and hugged him. Kabir reciprocated. After breaking the hug, Kabir applied red colour on her cheeks,
K: Happy Holi!
Sia: Happy Holi Kabir!
Everyone smiles. Now, It was Angre’s turn,
He came towards Sejal. He was about to sit down when Sejal said angrily,
Sej: You Don’t need to copy him. Atleast gather some courage today on your own Angre! Its been 6 years since you are playing this hide and seek!
Angre(murmurs): I am gone Today!
Sejal glares him. She was waiting that he would say something but what he did made her speechless. Angre bowed his head down in front of her. Sejal was stunned. He said,
Ang: I have never been an open person Sejal! You know this! I don’t know how to express my feelings! But there is one thing I am sure about! I don’t know whther I would be able to express it today but Sejal, (bending his head more downwards making his back to bow a little) I respect you alot! You don’t know what is your worth in my life! I am ready to bow down my head like this in front of for the rest of my life because……I love You! I don’t know how much but There is no Angre without Sejal! (Presenting her rose) This rose is considered a symbol of love. But for me, its a symbol of love, respect and trust. I never ever presented it to anyone before you. This is the first time I am presenting it to someone and I am proud that Its you whom I am presenting it to. I am proud of my choice! You are my everything Sejal! Maybe I took so much time to confess it but I really love you alot Sejal! I really do!
Sejal hugged her as a reaction and everyone clapped for them.
Ishani: Finally! The story progressed! Sejal! You don’t know how much these words are special for me even more than you! Thank You Angre Bhai! Now my wish for dancing on a family wedding will be fulfilled soon.
Aryan(himself): Is it my turn now? Oh God! This witch!
He came forward closing his fist tightly and holding a rose. Ishani glared him narrowing her eyes.
Aryan: Hi Ishani!
Ishani(serious): What?
Aryan: Even I want to say something to you!
Presenting her the rose,
Aryan: Without you, all my craziness and mischieves are incomplete! I miss you alot when you are not around as I can’t tease you and pull your leg. I am really sorry Ishani because……
He came forward and started applying black colour on her cheeks, saying,
Aryan: I hate you!
Saying so, he laughs and Ishani angrily picks up a full plate of yellow colour and throws on him.
Everyone: Not again!
Ishani and Aryan run throwing colours on each other. Sia, Kabir, Angre and Sejal also join them. Dadi and Ajay glare Vansh. Vansh picks up and rose and was staring it when Riddhima approaches him,
R(serious): I know you love me. You Don’t need to say it again and again. (Taking rose from his hand and giving a fake smile) Its Ok! I am not angry with you. Don’t show so much efforts again to earn forgiveness. For Dad’s sake, Please join everyone in playing holi as I am not in a mood to play right now.
Saying so, she starts leaving from there but she hears a voice behind,
V(smirking): Sweetheart!!! You can’t go like this!
Ranjhanaaa song plays with drum beats…..
Riddhima turns to find Vansh Dancing. He sings those lines and dance with it beating the drum. Riddhima smiles. Everyone joins Vansh in dancing. Vansh holds Riddhima’s hands and makes a puppy face saying,
V: Sorry na! My Holi is incomplete without you sweetheart!
Riddhima smiles and nods in Yes!

After this, Everyone plays Holi.
The boys dance on the song, Jai Jai Shiv Shankar.
The girls dance on Balam pichkari….
They all dance together on Twist….
SeAngre and KiYa dance on Chogada Tara…..
RIansh dance on Men Rang Sharbaton ka…
IshAyan Dance on Tu Mere Agal Bagal Hai…..
They all do Bhangra on the drum beats and were totally indulged in the fun. Aditya was also pushed by the boys to dance with them and Rehaan was also mixed up with them. There was alot of noise and music. Everyone was enjoying. They were throwing holi colours and water on each other.
In the meantime, someone is seen holding an injection in the hand, the person silently approaches the dancing crowd and goes slowly towards Aditya. Aditya was dancing in full mood when someone injects something in his arm and starts dancing mixing up with the crowd. Aditya when feels the piercing pain in his arm, he jerkes it and looks around to see what pierced his skin. But he didn’t find anything. He again started dancing ignoring it. Riddhima while dancing sees a familiar tatoo on someone’s hand. She becomes suspicious. But Vansh pulls her towards him and her attention diverts. Meanwhile, Aditya slowly sneaks away from the crowd and was going to call Rehaan when he collided with someone. He looked at his face trying to recognize who it was. As soon as he did, his eyes widened. He grabbd the person by his collar and pulled him towards the backyard,

Aditya: What are you doing here?
Rehaan: Its not your concern!
A: Shut up! I told you to not come until I say. Can’t you get one thing in your mind!
Reh: I was following the plan until I got this.
He showed him the message,
A: What is so shocking about this? RV means Rehaan Vikram!
Reh: Are you a foolish or something? Why would I send this message to myself? For the one last time, I am telling you, I am not sending these threatning messages to you.
A: Then, Who is it?
Reh: Rajveer! These are Rajveer’s initials!!!
A: What Rubbish! Rajveer is dead!
Reh: That’s what I am here to confirm. I also want to know whether Rajveer is alive or dead. If not Rajveer, You can also be behind this.
A: I don’t need to play these silly games. I have almost completed my mission. I got those papers signed. And Tell me one thing! Are you thinking to confirm it from Riddhima!
Reh: Yes!
A: You think she will happily tell you? Rajveer is dead otherwise Riddhima wouldn’t have been taking this revenge. Or if he is alive then he would be playing his own game, because even Riddhima and Vansh received this same message.I have done my job and tomorrow, we will close your chapter too. After that, Even if Rajveer would be alive, he would not be able to do anything.
Reh: And what about my aim? If you will kill me, how will I achieve that.
A: You Don’t need to do all that. Because Riddhima is destroying her own self. She is such a fool that she trusts me so much and she didn’t even listened to Vansh’s talks. Vansh was doubting me and he told it to her but she didn’t believe.
Reh: yeah! I was also there. I have seen it. Vansh is Riddhima’s weakness. She will destroy herself by not trusting him. Its good they are fighting. It means Riddhima is losing her strength and it will be easy to kill her. Everything is going according to our will! Just some days to go and I will achieve what I want.

“You won’t achieve anything!!!!!”
A voice came from behind.
Both Aditya and Rehaan turned and were shocked to find Riddhima standing there.

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