Hi guys!! So I am back with new update….let’s start .
So this plot was requested by Anam2025 . So let’s start.
It was a hectic day for our boy Vansh Raisinghania . He had two deals today and fortunately he was successful in completing them both . He was returning to Vr mansion but as it was month of October so a fair was organised by government on occasion of Navratri .
He was stuck in traffic and was in very angry mood when he heard something that make his inner demon calm down . It was a voice of cute girl and that is none other than our Riddhima .
Riddhima : Mishti where are you going , don’t run baby you will get hurt .
Mishti : Riddhu di nothing will happen to me , you don’t worry .
Mishti runs and riddhima runs behind her when suddenly a car was about to hit mishti but she was saved by someone .
Ridhima : Mishthiiiiiii…….
She take a breath of relief when she saw Mishthi was safe and was in the arms of one man ……she immediately runs towards them and took Mishthi from the arms of that man ……
RIDHIMA( checking Mishthi) : Baccha you didn’t get hurt na , I told you not to run then why did you , Thank god that man save you otherwise I won’t be able to live without you .
RIDHIMA (turning towards man) : Thank you so much sir , thank you so much for saving my little sister , I don’t have anyone apart from her in this world I can’t imagine what I would have done if something will happen to her , thank you so much
(Forwarding her hand )
Myself RIDHIMA and you
Man (forwarding his hand for handshakes) : Nice to meet you Ms RIDHIMA , I am Vansh Raisinghania
RIDHIMA : Nice to meet you too Mr vansh .
Vansh : So now I will take your leave and take care of your sister , she is really cute .
RIDHIMA : Thank you for the compliment sir .
Both departed for their seprate ways towards their home. Vansh ‘s mind was fully occupied by the thoughts of Riddhima .
ANGRE : Boss I have found out about all the information of that girl ….
Vansh : It’s good ANGRE , now tell me her total details .
ANGRE: Name is Riddhima sinha
Age is 25 years
……. (So on …I don’t want to drag her all information)
Vansh : It’s enough ANGRE
ANGRE: Ok biss
ANGRE left the place , vansh started stalking Riddhima … putting bodyguard behind her and being updated on her every move …after some day he say a news
Vansh blood boils seeing this …..
Vansh (shouted) : ANGREEEEEEEEEE…….
While vr mansion us startled by his voice
ANGRE (fear, shivering) : Yesss…boss’s
VANSH : We have to go , let’s move
ANGRE: Ok boss’s , but where
VANSH: To bring your bhabhi , my bride , my love , my Riddhima
ANGRE: Ok boss
Vansh and ANGRE when to the venues where the wedding was going to be happen.
They successfully made Riddhima unconscious and take away her and Vansh married Riddhima in a temple
RIDHIMA (after getting to know the truth) : What the hell !!! How dare you marry me , why did you marry me.
VANSH : No , you can’t marry that guy because I love you
Riddhima : WHATTTT !!!!!!
VANSH : Yes ! I love you and you can’t marry someone else leaving me
RIDHIMA : But I love kabir
VANSH : No you can’t love him , you will only love me . You have to be with me , I won’t let you go away from me
RIDHIMA : And what of I run away
VANSH : Try me sweetheart and next day you will see your kabir lying in a graveyard
Riddhima : No you can’t do this .
Riddhima was shocked but she started laughing clutching her stomach , rolling on the floor
Riddhima : Mr budhu I knew it that you love me and even I also love you it was all my plan with my best friend Kabir to make you marry me.
VANSH : What ??!!!?!?
Riddhima : yes !! you know what the day you saved Mishthi I lost my heart to you. The few days I saw some body guards were following name this continued for 4 to 5 days until one day kabir caught one of the bodyguard and he revealed your name. After this I instantly understood that you also love me but the great Vansh Rai Singhania is afraid to say 3 words to a girl . So I made a plant with Kabir of this false wedding and as per my plan you came and married me.
Vansh : means Kabir is not your fiance
RIDHIMA : No !!! I love you only so gow can I marry someone
VANSH ( laughing and jumping lika a kid ) : My riddhu loves me …Hurraaayy !!! I got my Riddhu ….my Riddhu loves me .
Riddhima : Stop doing such acts like a kid Vansh ….now cab we go to Home because I am tired and if you don’t want to go then I will call my kabir my kabbu to drop me
Listening to Kabir name Vansh immediately stops jumping and pulls Ridhima towards him from her waist.
VANSH : You are not going to call him , we are going to home , come lets go .
RIDHIMA was laughing at her husband’s jealous and possesive nature .
After this they loved happily ever after and if any men use to even touch riddhima he was found dead next morning
The end !!! Hope you all liked it !!!
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