Kyun Rishton Mein Katti Batti 22nd October 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
Shubhra says to Vedika you will get everything you want. You should go to sleep. Where do you wanna sleep? Both Anand and Samaira both say with me. Vedika says with mama. Samaira says you should also go to your house and sleep. Shubhra says your partner is with you, you can sleep. But I don’t know where is my Kuldeep. I will wait for him here. Samaira says what? Shubhra says I will leave once he’s here. Vedika says mama come please. Samaira goes to her room. Shubha asks Anand why are you here? I know it’s not becaue of Vedika only. Anand says I hate her adn the fact that she’s near my daughter. SHubhra says you have been her father and mother. you think she can forget you in a couple of days? This is just a phase. There will only be two possibilities. Either you both will end up together or.. Anand says or I will kill her. Shubhra says you will lose Vedika forever adn go to jail. Go home, Vedika will come to you. Anand says will Samaira let Vedika come to me?
Kuldeep comes and says no. samaira won’t let Vedika go out of her sign. Samaira says so you are here? Is this a friendly sleepover here? Kuldeep says to Shubhra you should go home. Shubhra says won’t you come? He says no. Samaira says poor you. Shubhra hugs Kuldeep and says it’s part of married life. you won’t know it. Your love isn’t yours. Your husband isn’t your either now. You are always half loved only or a quarter. she leaves. Kuldeep says I am here, happy? Samaira says I don’t care. Kuldeep says Anand go and sleep in my room. You should be with Vedika. I will sleep anywhere. Happy family. Samaira goes to her room in anger. Kuldeep says to Vedika there’s a new plan. You don’t have to kill samaira. Stay here. Samaira will be distracted if you are here and we will prepare for her to go to jail.
Scene 2
The next morning, Kuldeep sees the tickets. He says I never thought she is so serious with this plan. Samaira plays with Vedika. She says let’s have breakfast. Samaira makes Vedika eat. Vedika ignores Anand. He is uspet. Shubhra asys would you eat bread? VEdika says papa pass butter to mama. Anand gives it to samaira. Anand coughs. Vedika says mama give him water. Anand takes him himself. Anand says let’s go out and watch a movie. Vedika says will mama come too? Kuldeep comes in. He says there is a big news. My tickets are booked for Dubai. For me and Samaiara only. We are going together. Only us. Everything is done. We have to leave in 10 days. Samaira says what rubbish. Kuldeep says the agent told me you booked the tickets for both of us only. Vedika gets angry. Samaira says Vedika listen. She leaves.
Shubhra comes with kids. Samaira says Vedika is low. Why are you here? Shubhra says she called her friends. All kids will go for movie with Anand. The kids hug Vedika. Samaira says he put a rift between me and Vedika and enjoying with his kids. Samaira says hug your dad but after that he is leaving for Dubai in 10 days. He’s gonna leave you all. Just me and your papa. roli says really mama? Papa is leaving us? Rishi says won’t be ever come back? Kuldeep told the plan to Shubhra. She said Samaira will attack you back. Kuldeep said I have to tell Vedika. The kids go inside upset. Samaira goes inside as well.
Anand says I am taking all kids outside. I will take care of Rishi and Roli like Shubhra took care of Vedika. You all can solve your problems. Only 10 days are left. You have to convince the kids as well. Anand says to the kids lets go for movie. The kids are upset and say we don’t wanna go anywhere. Roli says we are mad at all elders. Roli says please go from her euncle. Roli says I told you your mama is bad. She’s gonna leave you and taking our dad with her as well. Your mom is a witch. You called her nice? See. She’s gonna leave you. You broke friendship with us as well. Rishi says she is sad, don’t say that. Don’t fight. Everything will be fine. Aai will fix everything. Roli says our mama is the best. VEdika says our mama is the best.
Shubhra says to Samaira were tickets expensive? Did you buy the house? You might have to cancel it. Samaira says only I know my plans. I will take Kuldeep with me. Shubhra says now my plan will work. Your sins won’t be covered anymore. Stop dreaming of taking Kuldeep, you can’t even take yourself out of this country. Your game is over. You are baba’s murderer. You might kill a lot of people. Samaira says go to your kitchen. Don’t give me fake threats. Shubhra puts a knife on her and says I can kill you too. Samaira says I will send you to jail for attempt of murder. Shubhra says I can do a favor to this world by killing you.
Episode ends.
Precap-Shubhra says Kuldeep is my life and I won’t let him go to Duabi. Even if you take him there, I will come there myself. Not even death can part us. Harsh comes there.
Update Credit to: Atiba
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