hello everyone , i hope everyone is doing well
i am here with another beautiful epiosde today , i hope you guys love it enjoy
( preeta and shrishti get of the train as it stopped in mumbai , preeta wishes to meet her mother soon as it’s only her and shrishti )
shrishti: wow di this is so beautiful , im going to start working and make all my dreams come true , this is the city of dreams
preeta( in heart ) : we have no where to go we have only 50 rupees , my little sister is hungry , oh god please show me a way
shrishti : di shall we go we need to look for jobs before evening
preeta : ha ha let’s go
( they leave with their bags and get out of the train station)
preeta : shrishti first you will go with me i can’t leave you alone
shrishti : okay di chalo
( they hear some men screaming ” thief ! thief!” and look back just to see a little baby chased by some men)
shrishti : oii why are you running after this innocent child
preeta : what did this kid do he is just a kid leave him alone
one man : ma’am he stole my boss’s money
preeta : okay but he is just a kid he doesn’t know what he is doing , tell me how much did he take i’ll pay you
the man : no ma’am he has it he should just give it back
a voice is heard at the back telling the man ‘ its okay let it be i’m getting late for the meeting let’s go , everyone turns around to see who it is
turns out to be none other than RISHABH LUTHRA
preeta looking at the kid : please just forgive him , he didn’t wish to do so maybe he is just hungry and wanted to buy food with it , im sorry from his side please keep this 50 rupees , then she looks at rishabh’s face
rishabh looks at preeta talking and is mesmerized with her and couldn’t take his eyes off her and was lost in her eyes that he didn’t even hear what the other man was saying ,
the all over sudden shrishti who was standing there screamed ( di ! shall we go ) the rishabh came back to reality and said to preeta
rishabh : it’s okay you can keep your money and your son can keep it
preeta : he is not my son
rishabh was happy knowing that she doesn’t have a kid
shrishti : di auto came let’s go
preeta left and rishabh kept looking at her
one man : sir shall we go
rishabh (in heart) : i wish to meet her again
arjun : good morning mum
sarla : good morning child , your sister is coming tomorrow
( the house phone rings , arjun picks it up )
the person on the line : hello
arjun : hello arjun arora speaking
the person on the line : hello bandru ( monkey ) pass the phone to mum
arjun: so it’s you ms good for nothing
he passes the phone to his mother
sarla : haa reema child how are you
reema : mum im good happy early birthday in advance , just letting you know that i’ll arrive tomorrow early in the morning
sarla : thank you child i love you and okay child i’ll send your brother to come and pick you up
reema : thank you mother can’t wait to see you i love you
she cuts the phone
sarla : shagun ( one of the workers) please get reema’s room ready my daughter is coming home soon
shagun : yes ma’am but she is coming tomorrow right ?
sarla: yes but she is coming early in the morning so she will be tired so get the room ready and put some freshers and everything as she likes
arjun : god looks like there won’t be peace at home from tomorrow
sarla : you gusy fight as much as you want but remember your sister will leave the house soon as i’ll look for a suitor that fits her life and takes care of her
arjun : cmon mum my sister is still young she will only get married when me and preeta get married i won’t let my sister leave the house she is still young and childish
sarla : ha beta but she should get married
arjun : bas mum topic ends there my other sisters will come and handle the business with me and get married when the right time comes
sarla : okay fine i just want my three daughters to come home
arjun : don’t worry i’ll find preeta and shrishti and papa , now i need to go to the office as i have a meeting ajit (the driver) please get the car ready he took his mother’s blessing and left
suddenly the light of the temple in the house turned off followed by heavy wind
sarla : oh god please don’t let anything happen to my kids please keep them safe
rakhi praying : oh god please bring a nice and kind girl to my rishabh’s life , please help me find a good wife for my rishabh and a good daughter in law for me who will brighten up my house
kareena bua : bhabhi you don’t worry , i will find a good suitor for our rishabh
rakhi : lekin kareena di will he even accept because he is always busy with work and business
kareena bua : you don’t worry leave that to me
rakhi : okay di i’ll go check mummji and maheshji
kareena bua in mind : i’ll fix rishabh and my friend sanjana’s daughter alliance then everyone in this house will respect me and listen to me after all i’m Kareena Luthra
a lady is pressing dadi’s leg and then karan comes in
karan : dadi do you know rishabh went to look for a physiotherapist for you and said that you are getting spoiled and that you need a physiotherapist and then laughs
dadi : oii you are laughing instead of talking to your brother tell him i don’t want a physiotherapist
the lady who was pressing dadi’s leg : ma’am don’t you want to walk and dance with your friends
dadi : ofc i want
the lady : then you should let a phsiotherapist come to you she will treat you and then you can dance as much as you want
dadi : okay fine and you karan don’t you have cricket training
karan : ha dadi i was just leaving
( then karan leaves saying bye to everyone )
sammy and kritika : rishabh bhaiya come we have the meeting in 5 minutes
( they all left for the meeting)
after a while rishabh gets a call and is shocked
the person on the call : hello we are calling from the city hospital Mr Arjun Arora met with an accident please come here fast
rishabh : okay doctor please don’t let anything happen to arjun we are just coming , guys our partner met with an accident meeting is over sammy please call sarla aunty kritika you please come with me
kritika and sammy : okay rishabh bhaiya
( as kritika and rishabh leavesammy goes to call sarla aunty )
sammy on call : please pass the phone to sarla aunty its very important
shagun : ma’am they are saying it’s an important call
sarla : okay give it to me
(shagun gives the phone to sarla )
sarla is SHOCKED and falls down
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