Monday 15 March 2021

Qurbaan Hua 16th March 2021 Written Episode Update: Vyas je orders Chahat to leave Neel if she truly loves him


Qurbaan Hua 16th March 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Chahat explains that she has lost her father so would not loose her husband, Sahil exclaims if she thinks he would let the killer of her father live, Chahat struggles with him and she is able to snatch the gun from his hand warning that if tries to come near her then she would not let him live, Naveli also comes from the corner asking where she is when Chahat explains that Sahil brought her and desired to perform Nikkah with her because he is a Muslim, Naveli is really angry and so tries to hit him however Chahat explains that she needs her help and they both pick up Neel taking him to the car while everyone is still in the house, Chahat requests Naveli to bring the family to the hospital, Ghazala going upstairs calls Baleq exclaiming everything has gone according to their plan and Neel has killed Dr Baig while he himself is about to die, they both rejoice about the time because they have taken the revenge.

Chahat pleads with the doctor to start operation otherwise he would die, the doctor exclaims that this is a police case and they cannot do anything without the police, Chahat reason with them when Vyas jee comes to the hospital, she is glad to see him when the doctor agrees to perform the operation however Vyas je mentions that there is no need, Chahat exclaims that if they do not perform the operation he would die, Vyas je exclaims that it would only be death as if he is with her then would fill the side of his bad omens and would surely die, Vyas je agrees saying that she can perform the operation if she agrees to leave Neel and never come back, Chahat is shocked so exclaims she cannot leave Neel as she loves him a lot, Vyas je is adamant that she would only be allowed to perform the operation if she leaves Neel, he even performs the Sthan for the last rituals of his son, Chahat pleads that if she will not perform the operation then Neel would die, Vyas je makes her swear and when she takes oath of Neels life only then Vyas je allows them to perform the operation after which they rush him in the operation theater.

Baleq exclaims to Saraswathi that she should start the preparation for accepting Neel because he is also going to die and if he is saved then would not be able to live with Chahat as he would marry her with AlakhNanda, Naveli coming in the room slaps him exclaiming that he is the evil in the house because Chahat saved her honour and he said that she is not their friend however Naveli excliams she would reveal his true face, Baleq holds her neck and pushing her on the bed shows the photo with Sahil threatening to distribute it to the entire village after which every place from where she goes the residents would ridicule her, she pleads with him to not do such an act however he asks if she doesnot know that her father would not be able to bear the news and would die. Baleq agrees under one condition and it is that he should leave the village and never come back, Naveli requests that he not show the photos to anyone however Baleq scolds at her ordering that he leave. Baleq exclaims that he has taken care of one of the enemies and is waiting to hear the news of Neel’s death after which he would be able to sleep peacefully.

Chahat is assisting the doctor in performing the surgery, Vyas je is performing the pooja and exclaims to god that he would not allow his son to diver from the path of their religion and would surely save him from the Muslim girl who has caused problems for them all. The doctor is not able to take out one of the bullet because it is really close to the heart, Chahat exclaims that she can do anything which seems impossible for Neel, the doctor is however skeptical of the operation because the heart rate is constantly falling, Chahat takes the utensils, she is able to successfully take out the bullet after which the heart rate also starts to stabilize, the doctor congratulates Chahat exclaiming that it is all because of her effort.

Chahat after calming down decides to reveal the news to Vyas je, she calls him, he leaves the pooja to answer the call, she reveals that the operation was successful, Vyas je is relaxed after hearing the news then asks if she remembers what she needs to do, Chahat exclaims that she would leave after saying one last goodbye to Neel.

Precap: Chahat asks if Neel is really happy because he has finally killed her father however Neel says that he would accept the punishment if she feels he is guilty and she can shoot him, Chahat says that his punishment is that he would see Chahat kill herself in front of his eyes, she places a gun on her forehead, Neel gets really worried.

Update Credit to: Sona

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