Hello all..I know its been long since I met you with this ff.. sorry yaar..exams are nearby..and managing all ffs with it is very difficult. But now lets get on to the business
Recap: Akshara is Alive. The killer knows about Naira. Singhanias and Goenkas in Jaipur.
Akshara is taken for the surgery
Nurse: Sir..the surgery will be few hours longer so please dont crowd here
Naksh: Ill not go anywhere, Ill stay with papa
Kartik: Naira you go to the haveli and take rest. Ill stay here with Papa and Naksh. Keerthi go take Naira. Nani , Dadi , Maa chachi, Papa, Chachu and Luv Kush you too go.
Naira: Par Kartik…
Kartik: Naira tum pregnant cant get exhausted like this. Chalo na…
Naira: Than going there and getting tensed Ill atleast be here. You go
Kartik: Naira please meri baat suno….please
Keerthi: Kartik…these two brother and sister will not listen to us at any cost.
Kartik: Then others atleast go. Chachu please take them.
Swarna convinces Rajshri and takes her with them. Naksh is on call with Devyani and Bhabhima. They get happy to hear the news. Meanwhile Naitik is sitting in a corner worrying for Akshara. Naira goes to him
Naira: Papa….
Naitik suddenly feels breathless and Naira holds him
Naira: Kartik…Kartik…papa…papa
Kartik runs to them
Kartik: Papa? ..what happened? Nurse….nurse emergency
Naitik is taken in for the treatment. While the nurse comes to an anxious Kartik and Naira
Nurse: Sir..Akshara ji’s family?
Kartik: Yes tell me…..
Nurse: Sir..the surgery has got certain complications she is having profuse bleeding. Blood is in a nearby blood bank . The thing is transport is an issue today. So could you arrange someone to get it
Kartik: At once…
He turns to Naira
Kartik: Naira you stay here with papa and Naksh, Ill go and get the blood and come
Naira: Ill also come Kartik
Naksh comes there
Naksh: What happened?
Kartik tells him
Naksh: Ill go Kartik..
Kartik: be here..Papa needs you , Ill go and come soon.
Naira: Kartik please Ill come too
Kartik: You wont listen right…ok come
They both leave. Naksh is tensed for Naitik and Akshara and is running from OT corridor to ICU corridor. The scene freezes
Imperial College
Police come to the college. Vedika is stunned to see them.
Police: Where is Kartik sir by the way?
HOD: Kartik sir is on an emergency leave sir. Kuch family issues
Police: Thats fine. Can we get their pictures as for now so that Mrs.Goenak easily finds them out?
HOD: Ill give you a database access from there you can access the pictures. Vedika get the pendrive
Vedika walks out but her face has a gloominess. She thinks that Mrs.Goenka is Kartik’s mother.
Police: So now we can contact Mrs.Goenka for the identification?
HOD: Sir..woh..madam’s mom is serious thats why sir is on leave. Cant we have it later? Woh..she..was thought to be dead but now she is back thats why
Police: I can understand her situation, no problem first we will rule out the un suspected person si that it gets easier
Vedika walks in with the pendrive. Her hand shivers as she gives it to the officer
HOD: Anything wrong Vedika?
Only her words say so. Her eyes hide a lot of feelings. The scene freezes
Kartik and Naira reach the hospital in the car. Both of them race to the blood bank reception
Kartik: Emergency..we need blood of group O negative one unit soon…the hospital had already informed you
Receptionist: Sir..its out of stock. Just now some other hospital got it.
Naira bursts Crying. Kartik hugs her
Kartik: Naira…naira..dont worry we will get it
Kartik: Where do we go now?
Receptionist: The nearby Kapoor Hospital. They have a blood bank too and availability is also there.
Kartik and Naira get back into their car to go to the Kapoor hospital.
Kapoor Hospital
Kartik races inside the reception and lands with a crash on it
Kartik: Is there availability of one unit O negative blood.
Receptionist: Sorry sir..its not there
Kartik gets petrified and starts crying
Kartik: Why Krishnaji? Why?? Why are you giving such a pain to everyone of us?
Suddenly Kartik feels a hand on his shoulder and turns to see a guy
Kartik: Aap?
Guy: Dr. Vishal Kapoor. Heard that you need O negative blood
Kartik: Yes sir..but…
Vishal: Im O negative and I can donate. Ill come with you
Kartik gets overjoyed and hugs him. Naira who was waiting anxiously in the car gets out and comes to them.
Naira: Kartik..what happened?
Kartik: going to donate blood to muma…lets go…
Naira is about to thank him
Vishal: Arrey..not now..after the procedure works well you can thank me.
They leave from there. The scene freezes
Hey guys which actor do you want as Vishal? Do you want any pair for him and do you want his story progress? Do tell in comments. Bye till next episode.
Precap: Successful Surgery…what are Akshara’s first words? Naira identifies the killer.
The post Kaira Destined To be Together Forever Episode 15 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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