Saturday, 21 August 2021

Riansh (the saga of truth unfolds) #episode 100


Hello peeepies aagyi me..

My hands are literally shaking while writing this..ok i don’t want u all to cry like me..

Few of my readers are new so i wanna share a story why i completed 100 epi today..i had a reader name tanishka she was a cancer patient..she said she has a last wish that i complete 100 epi of this ff and then she left this World

Let’s start before I start crying miserably

Scene 1

4 months later..

Nilaanjna is standing at the edge of cliff having a nine months Baby bump

And riddhima is standing in front of her crying..

Nilaanjna – I am sorry riddhima.. I won’t be able to give this baby..

Riddhima (crying)- Plz..plz . don’t snatch my baby from me..i will die without him ..😭

Nilaanjna – I can’t.. I can’t give u this don’t deserve this child .

I am going riddhima taking your baby with me..

She smiles and jumps off the cliff..

Riddhima ran to her but only able to hold her duppatta in her hand .

Riddhima (shouting)- Myyyyyy babbyyyyy!!!!

Riddhima wakes up with sudden jerk.. panting heavily..

Riddhima (crying)- baby…vansh😭

Vansh where are u..mera baccha kaha hai..😭

Vansh comes and sits besides her.

Vansh (hugging her)-Riddhima..jaan..look at me..u just saw a dream nothing else …

Our baby is absolutely safe and in few days u will be able to hold him also..

Riddhima (crying)- He will be fine na..i am so scared..

Vansh- Shhh!! Nothing will happen.. relex..

He kisses her forehead soothing her …

Scene 2

At hall..

Nilaanjna and ishani are sitting in hall with 9 months baby bump and nakshatra and angre are massaging their legs respectively..

Riddhima comes running behind siya holding a glass of milk .

She gives the glass to siya who is making faces seeing it .

Riddhima sits on the sofa with thudd ..

Riddhima (huffing)- godd!! i am missing u mumma .why u and dadi left me here in this house alone …

Handling three three pregnant women is not easy..

If it wasn’t about dadi’s treatment i wouldn’t have let u go leaving me .

Siya (pouting)- C’mon bhabhi..i am just 3 months pregnant..when i troubled u .

Riddhima (rolling her eyes)- You troubles me more than this 2 devils(pointing towards nilaanjna and ishani)

Angre – Vansh bhai u are lucky that u don’t have to do this hammalli for your wife..

See we are working like a labour here day and night .

Vansh (Chuckling)- I do this everyday without any reason..

Riddhima (glaring)- Did u say something..i didn’t hear u properly..

Vansh (smiling)- Yeah i was just saying..that u should take care of your wife ..

Nilaanjna – I want to go to kuldevi’s temple before my delivery to take blessing..

Nakshatra – Ok then let’s go today..there is still one week left in due date .

Riddhima -noo..!! U can’t go i mean its risky …

Nilaanjna – Plz riddhu..let me go na..i want to go out..

Vansh – Ok fine we will go..i will also accompany u guys ..

Riddhima -but vansh…

Vansh assures her with his eyes..

Riddhima – i would have also go but ishani is not feeling well today so I can’t leave here alone .

Siya – then i will go with them..she won’t feel alone then

Scene 3

Nilaanjna nakshatra..and siya sat in  car to go .

Vansh (holding riddhima’s hand)- i promise nothing will happen wrong .

Riddhima – i trust u vansh but don’t why i am feeling restless today..

Vansh- Shh.. don’t think much..kuch nhi hoga .

He left giving her a forehead kiss..

Scene 4

At evening..

Riddima is sitting in hall watching tv..

Suddenly the news started flashing

Land slide due to heave rainfall at XYZ road … the whole road is block…

Riddhima (shouting)- Bhai….vyom😭come fast..

Angre and vyom comes running…

Angre – sona what happened..

Riddhima (crying)- Bhai..see the news..they also went to same route..😭..

Vyom – lets call vansh…may be possible they left that place back then..

Riddhima hurriedly calls vansh..

Riddhima- Van..vansh…where are u .is everything ok.. everything is fine na..😭

Vansh – helo.. hello..ri.. riddhima..we are struck here..the weather is extremely poor.. I can’t even hear u..hello hello ..

And the calls get disconnected..

Riddhima (shouting)- hello..hello van..vansh…

Bhai😭they struck there ..

Vyom – omg…now what .

Riddhima – i am going to bring them back …😭..i am not getting good vibes now .

Angre – i am also coming with u …

Riddhima – no bhai.. ishani need u..

“Angre” a voice boomed in whole mansion…

They turns to see ….ishani is standing at stairs holding her stomach…

Ishani (crying)- Angre…my water broke…we need to go to hospital now😭..

Riddhima and angre rushes to her and takes her to hospital..

Scene 5

At XYZ road..

The whole road is blocked by fallen trees and its raining heavily..

Nilaanjna (crying)- Aaaaaaahhhhh!!! 😭 Do something guys..i think it’s time for delivery..

I can’t wait more …

Siya (stroking Nilaanjna’s hairs)- Shhh..relex.. nothing will happen..take deep breath…

Vansh – don’t know what to do .i promised riddhima that nothing will happen..

Nakshatra – I think we should find a shelter first..we can’t wait more..

Both picks nilaanjna and walks finding some shelter..

Siya sees a small house at the end of the road..

They take nilaanjna there .

Its a house of a priest and his wife

They instantly takes them inside…

Lady – Don’t worry nothing will happen i am a ved..i know how to do delivery..

Nilaanjna (crying)- Aaaaahhhhh!!! Its paining alot ..😭

She started loosing consiousnes..

Vansh instantly tries to video call riddhima and thankfully it connects..

Riddhima (picking the call)- Va.. vansh how..are u is everything fine…

Suddenly she hears Nilaanjna’s screams..

Riddhima – va..vansh what happened…where are u .

Vansh – We are at someone’s home …

Nilaanjna is having labour pain..a lady is doing her delivery..

Riddhima plz she needs u ..motivate her plz .

Riddhima – Vansh ishani is also in hospital..her water broke..

Vansh – shit .why this things had to happen today only

he keeps the call in front of nilaanjna and leaves along with give them space..

Lady – Beta.. don’t close your eyes..push!!..Push!!

Siya – nilaanjna plz push…your baby is coming na.. push..

Nilaanjna – Aaaahhhh😭 i am tired..its paining alot ..

Lady – Beta.. don’t loose strength..a mother is a fighter indeed…

Push…!! Push hard!!..

Riddhima – Nilaanjna..see our baby is coming..u are a fighter na..we can do this ok..push .see our baby will come he will call u maasi maa hena..plz push😭

Scene 6

At hospital..

Ishani is screaming from OT and riddhangre are panicking …for both nilaanjna and ishani..

Suddenly the baby’s cry heard and riddhangre hugs each other in happiness..

Angre – me papa bn gya ..sona..i became father now..

Riddhima (crying)- yes..bhai..your baby has arrived.. (video call got disconnect already)

The doctor comes from OT..

Doc – congratulations..Mr malhotra..its a boy .

Both mother and baby is fine..

Riddhima (weeping her tears)- Van..vansh..i should call him..

Don’t what is happening there..

Suddenly vansh calls her .

Riddhima picks the call.

Riansh (unsion)- The baby has come ..

Both smile at each other shedding tears..

Riddhima (crying)- Congratulations boy has come…

Ishani is also fine .

Vansh (smiling)- congratulations mumma…my princess has come i won..

Nilaanjna is also fine …

Riddhima (crying)-van..vansh..we became parents..plz come soon i want to hold our part in my embrace..i just want to shower her with all the love i have..

Vansh – I am jealous..ur love is mine ok🙈

Riddhima (smiling)- Come soon plz!!

Vansh nodes weeping his tears..

Scene 7..

2 days later..

Riansh’s room

Riddhima is sitting on bed holding her baby in her lap..

Riddhima – Aww…my princess is looking soo beautiful in this pink frock..hena baby .

Vansh comes from behind and sit hugging both of them

Vansh- She is looking like a princess indeed.. Papa’s princess hena..

The baby laughs seeing vansh..

Riddhima (pouting)- See..u both father daughter duo forget me..

Nobody loves me hufff!!!

Vansh -awww..see baby ur mumma is jealous..

But she doesn’t know that u and she are Papa’s lifelines.

I can’t imagine my life without u both..

Riddhima – U know vansh i was so scared that day..but deep down my heart knew that u will not let anything happen to our baby..

U both completed my life vansh..

Now i feel complete..

The baby giggles seeing her parents..

Vansh – lets go for name ceremony…

Scene 8

The whole VR mansion is decorated like a fairy…

All the guests are waiting for the couple to come..

Dadi and anupriya are sitting with anaisha..

And siya and ishani are playing with her baby boy..

Riansh descends from stairs holding their princess like a royal couple..

Dadi does the aarti of both the babies and the priest started ceremony..

Priest – Plz tell me the name of boy..

Angre (smiling)- Ishani and me wants to keep the baby’s name as Ayaansh…

Ayaansh means the blessing of god..and indeed he is a blessing for us..

Everyone claps …and blesses ayaansh…

Priest -, What is the name of baby girl …

Dadi – Vansh..riddhima .tell us the name of your princess..

Vansh – riddhima and i decided a name but we don’t know what is that .

So we will say together..

Riansh (unsion)- Jeevika!!!

Vansh and riddhima looks at each other in shock and then smiles..

Anupriya – Indeed u both are soulmates…

Vansh – I kept this name because jeevika means the source of life …

And my princess and her mumma are my lifelines ..

Riddhima – i also kept this name … because i was incomplete without her..

She completed a source of jeevika..

Everyone claps and blesses jeevika..

Riddhima picks jeevika in her arms and vansh back hugs Her

Riddhima started singing kissing her baby’s forehead

Mere ghar aayi

Mere ghar aayi ek nanhi pari
Ek nanhi pari

Chandni ke haseen rath pe sawar
Mere ghar aayi ho

Mere ghar aayi ek nanhi pari
Ek nanhi pari..

Angre picks ayaansh in hirs arms and started singing

Tujhe suraj kahoon ya chanda

Tujhe deep kahoon ya tara

Mera naam karega roshan

Jag mein mera raj dulara

Dadi and anupriya comes forward amd start singing

Aye dil laya hai bahaar
Apnon ka pyar kya kehna

Vyom hugs siya from behind singing

Mile hum chhalak utha
Khushi ka khumar kya kehna

Siya sings while holding anaisha in her arms

Khile khile chehron se aaj
Ghar hai mera gule gulzar kya kehna

Vansh comes and taps on riddhima’s shoulder

Hum tum yun hi milte rahein
Mehfil yun hi sajti rahe

Nakshatra pulls Nilaanjna’s cheeks singing

Bas pyar ki yahi ek dhun
Har subah shaam bajti rahe

Riddhima keeps her head on his shoulder looking at jeevika

Gale mein mehekta rahe
Pyar bhari baahon ka haar kya kehna

Nilaanjna sings smiling at her family

Khile khile chehron se aaj
Ghar hai mera gule gulzar kya kehna

Everyone hugs each other from side and dances singing

Aye dil laaya hai bahaar apnon ka pyar kya kehna
Milein hum chhalak utha khushi ka khumaar kya kehna
Khile khile chehron se aaj ghar hai mera gule gulzaar kya kehna

Scene 9

Anupriya and dadi are playing with jeevika

Siyom and ishangre are playing with Ayaansh

Nilaanjna and nakshatra are playing with anaisha..

Riansh are standing in corner admiring their not so small family..

Vansh (side hugging her)- I always thought that i am the business man etc etc..

But after seeing our family..and u and our princess by my side i feel i am the most luckiest person ..

That money name fame can’t give me peace..u are my peace riddhima this family is my peace

Riddhima – U remeber how our journey started..

From two logger heads person to friends then lovers then haters than husband and wife and now parents..Our journey completed here vansh..

Now i want nothing but u and our family by my side till my last breath..

Vansh – This journey of love trust ..truth ..lie.. seperation..ends here with a happy note of love only..

We passed all the hurdles our love won riddhima..

I will always be greatful to your bappa for giving me everything..

Riansh (unison) – Ek zindagi hmne yaha ji..ek hm jannat me jiyenge..

Yaha bhale hi duniya alg kr de..waha saath hi rhenge..

Ek pyari si duniya basayi hai hmne..

Dekho na..har gam ko piche chhod har ek khushi apnayi hai hmne..

Aaj is kahani ka ant hoga..phir ek nayi kahani ka agaaz hoga..

Phirse naye vansh riddhima janam lenge ..phir se kahani me kuch khas hoga ..

Riddhima – Vansh..our love will remain forever na..

Vansh (smiling)- Riansh will be immortal..our love will be a will be a inspiration..

We are going but our memories our story will always remain in the hearts of our admirers

Koi nahi sau saal jiya hai
Pyar magar kaayam rehta hai
Dhoop khushboo aur hawayein
Banke yeh reh jaayega
Baad apne bhi humaare
Yeh jahaan mehkayega
Mera pyar tera pyar
Mera pyar tera pyar

The End!!

And here the saga of truth finally unfolds

Riansh is not just a name its an emotion

We did it.. finally we did was not me guys it was u who did that..

Tanishka dear i know u must be watching this from heaven..see i completed your last wish..u are happy na .i wish u could be here to read this wasn’t me it was u who did this..

At last i wanna say a special thnx to amna dear who encouraged me to start the ff

A special thnx to menna dear and @riansh1212 urf manha ji u both were my inspiration ..

A special thnx to aarushi meri u all used to wait for my update i used to wait for her comment

And a very very big thnx to those who were with me since epi 1 and to those who joined the clan later..

U guys are my back bone .who supported me and encouraged me

This ff is very close to my heart its my first gave me a new identity and most importantly it gave me u guys …this much beautiful friends..who are not with me physically but emotionally..

So many memories are associated with this ff .the virtual money the virtual party.. comments compitition..etc .

With this signing off from Riansh ( The saga of truth unfold)

Your author


Word count of epi: 2000+

Comments tapka dena

Lob u all



The post Riansh (the saga of truth unfolds) #episode 100 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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