Monday 23 August 2021

Riansh OS – You Belong With Me


NOTE – I hope everyone reading this OS likes it. One request from my side… do comment.


You’re on the phone with your girlfriend, She’s upset

She’s going off about something that you said

Cause she doesnt get your humour like I do,

“Hey, Vansh.” I sat down next to my best friend on the same park bench we had used since we were five. Well, unfortunately “best friends” is all we’d ever be. Vansh and Ragini had been dating for about two months. I didn’t really understand why Vansh dated her.

I’d known Vansh my whole life and Ragini just didn’t seem Vansh’s type.

You see, Vansh and I have been friends since childhood. I’d been in love with him almost as long. All through school, me and Vansh had been the geeks. We kept to ourselves and nobody really bothered us. When we started college, Vansh had gotten contacts, his parents had taken him to see a dermatologist and gotten his acne cleared up, he’d gotten taller and filled out and joined the football team. That was about when girls like Ragini had gotten interested in Vansh.

“Hey, Riddhima.” Vansh sounded a little upset and aggravated.

“Is everything okay?” I asked. I usually don’t ask this question. I found it pointless. If you have to ask someone if they are okay, they obviously aren’t. But I figured it wasn’t my place to ask about his life and I was giving him the option to tell me that nothing was wrong.

“No. It’s Ragini. She’s so supersensitive.” Vansh put his head in his hands and his bronze hair fell forward. I had the urge to run my hands through it, but I held back.

“What happened?” I asked, feigning interest. I really didn’t care one lick for Vansh and Ragini’s relationship. If I had my way, there wouldn’t be a relationship. But Vansh was my best friend and I hated seeing him upset.

“Well, I said something that really upset her,” Vansh said, looking up at me, fixing me with a stare from his beautiful green eyes. I was momentarily breathless and it took me a minute to regain my composure.

“What did you say?” I asked.

“I don’t even know! I was just joking around and all of a sudden she got really offended and stomped off.” Vansh shook his head, his hair flying around his face once again.

I sighed. This was one of the reasons-

” Ring.” Vansh’s cell phone went off. He picked it out of his pocket and looked at the caller ID.

“Ragini,” he muttered before opening it and starting off with an apology. That was one of the reasons I knew Ragini wasn’t the girl for Vansh.

If he was with me, he would never have to apologize for a joke. It all came down to knowing Vansh. He had a… different sense of humour. You just had to get used to hearing it and then you would know when Vansh was joking or not. Ragini obviously didn’t know Vansh.

Vansh stood and started walking down the path that led back to the neighbourhood, he half glanced at me as he walked away and waved.

I sighed and decided I better get back home before the tears started falling.

I’m in the room, it’s a typical Tuesday night

I’m listening to the kind of music she doesn’t like

And she’ll never know your story like I do

I walked up to my room after dinner on Tuesday night. I decided I was in the mood for a little music. I hit the power button on my Amazon Echo and scrolled through the music I decided on some Arijit Singh. As I listened to the first few verses, I felt the rhythm flow through me and I had to dance. I started jumping around my room and dancing like a crazy woman. I smiled to myself as I thought, “I bet Ragini wouldn’t be caught dead listening to this.”

Anything to be different than Ragini was okay with me.

But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts

I walked into college on Thursday and immediately saw Ragini and Vansh in the corner of the hall. Vansh was smiling and Ragini was giggling. I took in Ragini’s outfit and realized just how short her skirt was. Any shorter and you’d be able to see her underwear. I looked sadly at my own ratty, un-flattering t-shirt. Maybe that was why Vansh never looked at me that way.

She’s cheer captain and I’m on the bleachers

At five-thirty on Friday, I walked out my front door and jumped in my truck. I quickly backed out of the driveway, narrowly missing the tree. I tore down the road and was soon turning onto the highway heading for the college.

Tonight was a game night. That meant that Vansh was playing, and I never missed one of his games. I arrived at the college ten minutes till game time and I took one of the few available seats left. I could see the cheerleaders doing a pre-game crowd-pumper. I scowled at them, seeing Ragini at the top; the cheer captain’s spot.

Dreaming about the day when you’ll wake up and find

That what you’re looking for has been here the whole time

I was awake. Of course I was. It doesn’t matter that it was three in the morning. I wasn’t getting any sleep until I had done my grieving for tonight. And I was being stubborn. I was done grieving. But I couldn’t help hoping that there would be a day when Vansh would wake up and realize that whatever he’s looking for in Ragini, I have.

And I was hoping it would be someday soon.

If you could see that I’m the one who understands you

Been here all along so why can’t you see?

You belong with me

You belong with me

I sat in my biology class and watched Ragini and Vansh at the desk next to mine. If things had been like they were in school, Vansh would be sitting next to me and we would be done with this lab.

I saw Vansh’s smile falter slightly as Ragini spoke. I couldn’t help but think that Ragini didn’t understand Vansh at all. She didn’t know what made him happy. What made him sad. What bugged him beyond all get out. She didn’t know anything about him. And I did. I didn’t understand how Vansh didn’t understand that.

Walkin the streets with you in your worn out jeans

I can’t help thinking this is how it ought to be

Laughing on the park bench thinking to myself

Hey isn’t this easy?

Vansh and I went for a walk on Sunday afternoon. The sun shined off Vansh’s face making him seem happier than he had been in a long time. His worn out jeans look about ready to fall apart and his hair was very messy, but I thought he looked perfect. I realized that I could see this every day if only Vansh would realize that we were meant for each other. We walked up the path a bit and sat on our park bench. I told Vansh about my mother’s new idea for a hobby and watched as he threw his head back in his laughter. I couldn’t help but laugh, too and think about how perfect, and natural, and easy it would be.

And you’ve got a smile that could light up this whole town

I haven’t seen it in awhile, since she brought you down

You say you’re fine I know you better than that

Hey, Whatcha doing with a girl like that?

Vansh and I sat on our park bench again. I could see that he was still upset over his last argument with Ragini. I realized that the last time I’d seen him smile was the last time we sat on this bench.

Vansh that the most contagious smile. If he was smiling, so was everyone else around him. It was so bright and truthful. But ever since Ragini had last spoken to him, it had all but disappeared.

“Hey, are you doing okay?” I asked. There was that stupid question again.

Vansh looked up at me. He tried to smile, but it was only a ghost of the usual grin. “I’m fine.”

“Oh, come one, Vansh. Don’t insult my intelligence. I know you better than that.” I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed.

“Yeah. I guess you do.” He glanced up at me, and for the briefest moment I thought I saw some intense emotion. But it was gone before I could identify it. “Well, it’s just that Ragini is pretty upset with me. Again.”

I rolled my eyes again, this time in disgust. “What are you doing with a girl like her?” I asked.

“Girl like what?” he asked.

“You know. The preppy cheerleader with the perfect hair, perfect grades, perfect boyfriend, perfect life.” I said.

Vansh grinned widely. “So you think I make the perfect boyfriend, huh?”

I rolled my eyes yet again and hit his shoulder. “Oh, shut up.” But I grinned in spite of myself.

She wears high heels, I wear sneakers

I sat with Vansh at a lunch table at school. We were just talking and reminiscing about old times.

“Vansh!” I heard from a distance. I did nothing to hide my eye roll as Ragini sauntered up to us.

Ragini snorted at me, then looked down. “Nice shoes,” she said. I looked down at my dirty old sneakers.

“Well, at least I won’t break my ankles trying to walk up the stairs,” I said, indicating her high-heels. I picked up my backpack and swung it over my shoulder. “See you later, Vansh.”

“Yeah, later.” He sounded a little reluctant to let me go, but I shrugged it off and walked away.

She’s cheer captain and I’m on the bleachers

Dreaming about the day when you’ll wake up and find

That what you’re looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I’m the one who understands you

Been here all along so why can’t you see?

You belong with me

Standing by, waiting at your back door

All this time how could you not know that?

You belong with me

You belong with me

Oh I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night

I’m the one who makes you laugh when you know you’re about to cry

I know your favorite songs and you tell me about your dreams

I think I know where you belong. I think I know it’s with me.


I opened my eyes.


I grabbed my phone and saw it was Vansh calling. I looked at the clock and saw that it was one-thirty in the morning. I flipped open the phone and flopped back onto my bed as I answered.

“Hello?” I said, a little groggily.

“Hey. Um, do you mind if I come over right now?” Vansh sounded a little worried and a little frustrated.

“Oh. Um, yeah, sure. Come on over.” I said.

“Well, I’m kinda already here. Could you let me in?” he asked.

I laughed. “Yeah, hang on a second.” I quickly changed into some real clothes and then went down to let Vansh in. He looked on the verge of tears.

“Oh, no. Don’t tell me. You’re crying because your cat Mimi just died and you want me to help you bury it right now?”

As I expected, Vansh laughed. “Riddhima, Mimi died when we were in 8th grade. And I actually did come and get you.” He laughed again.

“Come on in, Vansh.” I laughed and moved out of the way for him.

Can’t you see that I’m the one who understands you?

Been here all along so why can’t you see?

You belong with me

Standing by or waiting at your back door

All this time how could you not know baby

You belong with me

Have you ever thought just maybe

You belong with me

You belong with me

It was the last day of our first year. I was just climbing into my truck to drive myself home when I heard his voice. “Riddhima!”

I turned and saw Vansh, slightly winded, running toward me.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“I have something I need to tell you,” he said, still panting.

I looked at him expectantly.

“I broke up with Ragini,” he blurted.

I was surprised to say the least. “Why?” I asked.

“Because you were right. She’s not the girl for me. You are. Riddhima, I have been in love with you since we were five. And I just-”

He was caught off guard as I crushed my lips to his. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist. I pulled away and smiled at him.

“You belong with me,” I told him.


NOTE – Go to my profile and check out my new Riansh FF titled “JUST FRIENDS”.

The post Riansh OS – You Belong With Me appeared first on Telly Updates.

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