Monday 23 August 2021

Riansh FF – Just Friends – Prologue



Vansh! I’m so glad you came!” Riddhima exclaimed as she hugged Vansh. Riddhima, the most popular girl in school, was throwing a party the night of their high school graduation. So, since Vansh and Riddhima were best friends, he couldn’t not have come. Everyone pinned Riddhima down to be the mean, popular, skinny, b*t*h of the school, when really she was the nicest human being Vansh had ever known. Well, there’d been Angre and Ishani too, but they were not popular. They’d the same social status as Vansh, yet Riddhima, Vansh, Angre, and Ishani were all inseparable at the time. 

Riddhima began to lead him upstairs into her room, where he’d been many of times before. 

Hey, do you mind if I talk to Angre for a second?” 

Sure. Meet me in my room, alright?” Riddhima said with much enthusiasm. 

Vansh nodded. He walked over to where Angre and Ishani stood.

Vansh, my man! Now is finally your chance,” Angre said, “to get out of the friendzone. Literally the worst place to be. Ever. Now go get her.” He shoved Vansh towards the stairs. 

Along the way he received multiple insults that ranged from “fatty,” to “sumo-man,” to “butterball.” He always brushed it off. In the future, it wouldn’t matter, because they’d all be working under him anyway. 

Vansh opened the door to Riddhima’s bedroom. 

Vansh!” She hugged him again, and she hadn’t been able to fit her arms all the way around Vansh. “Can you believe we graduated?” she yelled. “It feels good!” 

Vansh smiled. He only allowed Riddhima to call him Vansh. “Yeah.” 

They stayed in silence for a while. Their silences were never awkward between the two. 

Riddhima… Can I tell you something I’ve wanted to say for years?” he asked. 

Of course. Anything, bestie.” She smiled. 

This time, Vansh wouldn’t chicken out. He’d be brave, and not do the cowardly thing he always did. Run. 

Riddhima, I’m-” 

They were interrupted by a loud banging on the door.We’re busy!” Vansh yelled. 

I think you’ll want to hear this note!” Vansh recognized the voice. Kabir Sharma. Star of football, wrestling, and baseball. You’d have thought Riddhima and Kabir would be perfect together, both being popular and all, but he was really a huge a*sh*le. Riddhima and Kabir dated for a while. Everything had been easy going between them. But Riddhima woke up one day and supposedly realized he was a dick. Which he was.

Oh my god,” Vansh mumbled. Kabir was going to read Vansh’s note to Riddhima revealing his feelings towards her. 

Vansh ran out the door of Riddhima’s bedroom, but he was too late. Kabir was already reading Vansh’s thoughts on paper. 

“- in love with you ever since the day I laid eyes on you.” Kabir tried to stifle a laugh. “Not as a brother, but something more. But I know you’d never go for the fat kid. You’d rather go out with someone who wouldn’t ruin your rep. I understand. But just know that I will always love you, Riddhima,” Kabir finished. He laughed his ass off so hard he rolled around on the carpet. 

Everybody was pointing fingers at Vansh laughing. He couldn’t take it anymore. 

He ran out of the house, slowly but surely, considering his weight.Vansh!” Riddhima shouted. 

He hadn’t turned around or waited for her. 

Vansh!” she cried, and put a hand on his shoulder. “Is that really how you feel?” 

Maybe,” he mumbled as tried to catch his breath. “Why?” 

That was the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard in my life. I love you, too. As a brother. We’re still just friends, right?” She smiled. 

That crushed him. But he understood. He was just a fat, loser kid who listened to softie love music that reminded him of Riddhima. 

He nodded stiffly. 

Then, all of the sudden, black goop rained down and covered Vansh.

Vansh and Riddhima had been standing right beside the roof, and Kabir poured all of it on him, not a drop landed on Riddhima. 

What the hell?” Riddhima yelled. “Don’t you all have something better to do with your lives?” She had tears in her eyes. 

Vansh!” she shouted as he walked away, but Riddhima never bothered running after him this time. 

Then, he stopped and turned around. He used a really stern voice when he said loudly, “I will show you! I will show all of you! You’ll see what I become!” 

The post Riansh FF – Just Friends – Prologue appeared first on Telly Updates.

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