Wednesday 11 August 2021

My Love Is Harmful For You #Riansh ff Chapter — 9


Hello buddies!! Hope you all are doing well. Thanks to everyone for your lovely comments. It really means a lot to me. And I am glad you atleat missed my stories😂😂👀. So let’s start with today’s one :–  

The episode starts with Riddhima narrating about the past incidents. As she is scared, she hold Vansh’s hand and keeps saying.

Riddhima : As it was your birthday, so I thought to gave you a suprise. I thought to say you everything related to our marriage, reason and everything. That day I made your favorite dark chocolate cake for your birthday. I brought a ring for you also. I have already informed you that I will meet with you beside a cliff in the morning. 

Flashback starts:- 

1st October, 2020, at 11:30pm.

Vansh is sitting impatiently on the edge of the bed with his both hands on his chest. He seems to be tensed and angry as well. Sitting for few seconds, he stands up and starts to walk loudly. After walking for few more seconds he sits in the sofa. Then suddenly he stands up.

Vansh : No, this is becoming too much for me now. Riddhima has gone to her friend’s house in the evening and now also she didn’t come back. Did she think to spend the whole night over there only?? ( frowns ). No!! She have to come back now only. I can’t sleep without hugging her. But how will she come back it is too late. ( watching the wrist watch ). Let me call her first and check about her whereabouts.

Saying this he walks upto the bed and picks up his phone and dials her number.  After 4 – 5 rings she picks it up. 

Riddhima : Hello Vansh.

Vansh : Where are you Riddhima?? It is too late now and still you didn’t come back. Do you make up your mind to stay over there only?? ( angry ).

Riddhima : Stop shouting on me Vansh. I am totally fine, don’t worry too much. I am not a child. And listen I called you for an important thing…

Vansh interrupts instead of listening to her. 

Vansh : I don’t want to listen a word anymore. Just say me where are you, I am coming to pick you. No more words than that. I am coming to pick you and that’s final.

Though Vansh ordered but Riddhima being Riddhima, didn’t care a bit and kept on saying her words.

Riddhima : Listen my words carefully, I am not coming home today. Meet me tomorrow beside the cliff. I can’t say anymore now, just come tomorrow at sharp 6 am.

Vansh : Riddhima!! This time I am not going to listen you. You are coming home and that’s final. Nor will I go to that cliff area and….

But it was too late, Riddhima has already cut the call. Vansh threw his phone on the bed in frustration.

Vansh : Why don’t she listen to me ever?? I am saying for her good only. I don’t know what is going in her mind but I can sense something bad is going to happen. I am not getting any good vibes and this girl. Uff!!! She is getting on my nerves now. Let her do whatever she want. I am not going to go over there.

Saying all this he switch off all the lights and lie down on the bed. His one hand is on his head and the another one on her stomach. His eyes are fixed on the ceiling. Different sorts of bad things are going in his mind.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2nd October, 2020

Riddhima is standing beside the cliff with a rose in her hand. She is waiting eagerly for Vansh. She know her love will surely come to meet with her and same happens. She listens someone’s footsteps. It is becoming louder with each passing seconds. Now she can sense someone is standing behind her.

Riddhima starts to say without turning.

Riddhima : I know you must be very angry on me. But believe me I didn’t intend to hurt you. I just wanted to give you a small suprise. Yes I know you don’t like surprises that to on this day. But being your wife it is my duty to see whether you are happy or not. So to make you feel special, I have arranged all this. Today I will say everything to you and will erase all the misunderstandings that are making us apart and from enjoying each others love. But at first I want to say you something and that is, I Love You Vansh. I want to stay with you forever. Enik ennum ninte koode undavanam.

Saying this she was about to turn but she felt a strong hand on her shoulders. She gets imbalance and falls down from the cliff. Her eyes are opened and her hands are trying to search for an object but she didn’t get any and falls from the cliff shouting Vansh’s name.


Vansh wakes up from his sleep with a sudden shock. It was the most bad dream he have ever saw. He is sweating like hell and is breathing heavily. He can’t even see a scratch on his sweetheart’s body and this dream pierces his heart.

Vansh : What did I saw?? No it can never happen in real. Nothing will happen to her. But why I saw it?? Is it a dream only or a bad omen???

He searches for his watch and see it is 5 am.

Vansh : Early morning’s dream happens in real right?? That means really… no no!! Think positive Vansh ( hands on his head ). I asked her to stay with me atleast on this day but no she didn’t listen to me. Why is she so stubborn?? I can’t waste even a second. I have to go towards her as soon as possible.

Saying this he stroms towards the washroom and gets freshed. After coming out he quickly grabs his car keys and his mobile and lefts for the cliff area. 

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Vansh takes his car from the garage hastily and drives. He is driving very fast and is praying towards god for her well being. He already lost all of his closed ones and now he don’t have anymore guts to lose Riddhima. If he loses her then he will regret for this loss for all of his life.

While driving a big loaded truck was coming from the opposite side. Vansh’s car is coming from the left side but still the truck driver is coming from the middle of the road. Vansh is constantly horning but all in vain. To avoid crash he takes a left turn but there was not enough space and there are trees on the side of the road. So his car hits a tree. Vansh also got injured in his head. He is seeing all blur but he didn’t stop. He tries to start the car again but it was not starting. So he comes out and starts to run.

On the other side Riddhima comes near the cliff area with a rose and a ring box in her hand. She is constantly blushing thinking about her plan. She goes and stands at the edge of the cliff.

Riddhima : Today a new sun will rise and it will end all the evil things from our life. Now there will be know sorrow in his life. Just happiness and happiness. ( smiling ). 

It was at sharp 6 a’clock when she heard footsteps from behind. Butterflies start to flutter in her stomach. She is feeling a very weird feeling. She composed herself and closes her eyes.

When she felt that someone comes and stand behind her she starts to say,

Riddhima : I know you must be very angry on me. But believe me I didn’t intend to hurt you. I just wanted to give you a small suprise. Yes I know you don’t like surprises that to on this day. But being your wife it is my duty to see whether you are happy or not. So to make you feel special, I have arranged all this. Today I will say everything to you and will erase all the misunderstandings that are making us apart and from enjoying each others love. But at first I want to say you something and that is, I Love You Vansh. I want to stay with you forever. Enik ennum ninte koode undavanam.

Riddhima is smiling so much after saying this but who knows this is short lived.

Voice : My Love Is Harmful For You…. ( coldly ).

All the happiness and smile vanishes from her face. With a terror face she turns slowly to see a boy standing wearing a black hoodie. His face is covered only the mouth is not covered. The person has a evil smile in his face.

Riddhima was about to say something but the person raise both his hands and pushes her. Riddhima was hell shocked with this behavior. She didn’t get anytime to think, everything is happening in such a fast forward mode for her.

As she is standing beside the edge she gets imbalance. The roses and ring fell down on the ground. She is shouting Vansh’s name but he is not there to protect her. Riddhima struggles to hold that person to save herself but being unable to catch him she falls down.

While falling from the cliff she remembers all the special memories she spent with Vansh. She never thought that their love will remain incomplete. Her eyes are still open and she is staring towards the cliff.

Riddhima shouts while falling down : I Love You Vanshhh……

And she fells down.

On the top of the cliff the person comes near the edge and says, ” Good bye sweetheart “. 

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

End of this chapter. Meet with you all soon in next chapter.

Stay tuned for it😉😉.

Sorry for any grammatical mistakes as this is not edited. 

Next chapter after 30 +comments.

Love you all and bye😘😘😘.

Take care.

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