Hello everyone i am back
Again your comments were less but i m posting
Kya kre pyar jo kia h nibhana to pdega
May be my exms will be there so i won’t post regular once in 3 or 4 days or in a week (jb chli jaungi tb yaad kroge isliye abhi comment kr dia kro)
@ananya happy birthday dear may your all wishes come true stay safe and happy always
Epi starts here
Scene 1
Vansh riddhima are sitting together and angre is sitting adjacent to both of them
Suddenly vansh gasps and left flabbergasted and freeze on his place
Ishani – what happened bhai
Vansh (stammering) – Not.nothing.
Dadi – Beta have your brkfst na
Vansh started eating by his left hand
Siya – Bhai!! Why are you eating with left hand
Riddima (teasing) – What happened vansh why are u eating with left hand
Vansh (in her ears)- leave my hand sweetheart
Riddhima (chuckles) – Enjoy Mr. Romantic raisinghania
Riddhima is holding vansh’s right hand tightly and squeeze it
Vansh pleads her with his eyes but she is giggling
After some time she left his hand and vansh started eating again
Vansh’s POV
You messed with wrong man sweetheart now wait what will i do
Whatever the situation is but your this version uff!! I am loving it..
Pov ends
Vansh removes his shoes and forward his leg and started rubbing his toe with riddhima’s leg
1 minute gone
2 minute gone
No response fron her
After getting no response from her he tilt his head near Her and whisper in her ears
Vansh (perplexed) – Sweetheart didn’t you do wax on your legs (i was laughing like maniac while writing this )
Riddhima (shocked)- What the hell what type of question is this vansh i did that but why are u asking
Vansh – Then why i m feeling roughness on your legs
Suddenly angre tilt his head towards vansh and whisper in his ears
Angre (smiling sarcastically) – Because that leg is mine
Stop your romance here otherwise ishani will tont us that you are having extra marital affair with your ex girlfriend
Vansh quickly take back his leg and started eating silently and riddhima giggles
Scene 2
Riddhima is sitting in hall sadly
Dadi – What happened beta why are u sad
Riddhima – I am missing my daughter dadi .
In this 5 years i never stay awayed from her
Dadi – Vansh!! Take riddhima to vyom’s house it’s my order
Vansh – Ok dadi even i can’t see my sweetheart sad
Riddhima (happy) – Thnk u so much dadi !! I will take siya too my baby will be happy meeting her
Dadi – She is not at home beta
Riddhima – Ok then we are going
Riansh leaves
Scene 3
Riansh enters vyom’s house and anaisha comes running to riddhima and hugs her
Riddhima takes her in her lap and started kissing her
Riddhima (in tears) – mumma is sry baby!! But i missed you alot
Anaisha- I missed u too mumma
Suddenly anaisha started glaring vansh (bacchi bhi glare de rhi ab kaha gya VR ka khauf
Anaisha (angry) – Why you bring this uncle here
I hate him he always hurt you and now he snatched you from me and took you away
Vansh bow down his head in disappointment (ab bacchi ko kya hi smjhau)
Riddhima cups anaisha’s face
Riddhima – Baby!! Don’t say like this
You know vansh uncle is best he loves your mumma alot and he keeps me so happy there
Anaisha(innocently) – He is not bad !!
Riddhima – No!! Now go to him and say sorry
Anaisha goes to vansh and sit in his lap and hugs him
Anaisha – I am sorry uncle
Riddhima – Baby!!now he is not your uncle call him papa
Vansh looks at riddhima but riddhima assures him by blinking her eyes
Anaisha – But how can he be my papa
I have my vyom papa na
Riddhima (smiling) – Baby you remember i told you that You are bappa’s special child that’s why you have 2 mothers me and sejal mumma
Same as you have 2 papa
Anaisha becomes happy and again hugs vansh
Anaisha – I am sorry vansh papa
I won’t hurt you again ( many of u were right itta paisa ni h mere ps me ni dungi)
Vansh hugs her back and kiss her forehead
Vansh – Don’t be sorry you are my daughter now
Riddhima – Vansh you play with her i am going to call vyom
Vansh holds her hand
Vansh (annoyed) – Why are you going he has legs he will come himself (vanshu is julious)
Riddhima (smiling) – Mr. jealous raisinghania stop being so jealous from my best frnd
And he leaves making vansh pissed
Vansh’s POV
Okok i accept i am jealous
But what can i do
I know she loves me but when there is love jealousy always takes place
Pov ends
Scene 4
Vyom’ s room
Riddhima enters
Riddhima – Vyom!!
Vyom (stammering) – Shi..shivanya…tu..tum ..yaha..
Riddhima – can’t i come to my home
Vyom – No no it’s nothing like that
Riddhima – What are you doing here lets go downstairs vansh wanna meet u
Vyom – You go i am coming in a minute
Riddhima – Ok!!
(What is she thinking guess)
She leaves
After sometime riansh come back to VR mansion
Scene 5
Riansh’s room
Riansh and ishangre are chit chatting in room
Ishani (teasing) – So how was your first night bhai!!
Angre – Ishani stop yr don’t embarrass everyone
Riddhima (frown) – You two ex bf gf are same (pointing towards vangre)
Both are unromantic
And ishani don’t ask about first night you bhai did so much of adventure with me
Ishani burst into laughing
Riddhima (pointing towards angre ) – And bhai!! I am extremely disappointed from you
You are seriously such a spoilsport
You didn’t even decorated our room for night
So boring (pouting)
Ishani and vangre left jaw dropped
(Did u also left jaw dropped )
Vansh (facepalming) – Stop this sweetheart you are embarrassing me
Riddhima (angry) – Oh yes..i always do everything na
You are so saint and i am devil
And she storm out of the room angrily
Vansh’s POV
Now what did i do yrr!!
I m feeling so helpless
How people stay in marrige for this much years i got tired in one day only
Pov ends
Angre – Enjoy bhai!! All the best
Ishani (teasing) – Bhagwan apko sehen shakti de
And ishangre leaves
Scene 6
Ishangre’s room
Angre is thinking something deeply
Ishani comes from behind and hugs him
Ishani – what are u thinking jaan
Riddhu was right you are so unromantic
Angre (serious) – i am thinking about her only
Didn’t you notice her behavior since when she started behaving this much bold yr
Ishani – You are thinking too much angre you should be happy for her na that she is giving chance to their relationship
Angre – No!! Ishani my heart is not accepting the fact
Even bhai is unable to digest her behavior
What if they are pretending to be lovey dovey couple and hiding something from us
(What do u think guys)
Ishani – This is too much angre you are thinking so much now
But if you have doubt na!! Then i have an idea
Angre (curious) – What!!
Ishani – we will spy on them tonight
We will go to their room and see what they do in night
Angre (shocked)- ishani have u gone mad
I can’t spy on newly wedded couple’s room that too in night
And that too in my own sister’s room
No no no!!
The thought is itself so horrible
Ishani (grabbing his collar) – I am not asking you i am ordering you
We are doing this and that’s final
So that you can live peacefully and let me also
And she dragged him to riansh’s room
Scene 7
Outside riansh room
Ishani and angre are standing near door trying to listen what is happening inside
Angre – ishani plz let’s go what is anyone saw us here what will they say
Ishani (glaring him) -they will say that we are spying
Now You better shut up!
Let me listen what is going inside
Suddenly some voices started coming from inside
Ishangre looks at each other in horror
Done for today
Precap : your lie has been caught i know what are u hiding from us
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Target is 40
Luv uh all
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