Monday, 16 August 2021

Being with my so called kidnapper # episode 33 # Inner beast


Hello peeepies aagyi me..

So happy to see you response..

@keerthi dear..u asked me to increase the i am extremely sorry dear i am already writing 1200 words episode despite having thoda busy schedule and i am sick also right now.. ..sorry dearđŸ€§..but i will try whenever i will be free

I hope u are not having any confusion till now and if any then do ask..

Lets start

Scene 1

Vansh’s pov..

“Yuckk what u did.. dumbo ” i yelled at her..đŸ€ź

“Serves u right “she retorted..🙄

I glared at her again and she bow down her head..

I was suprresing my lips to control my laughter..

What i just said..i just traced her lips with my thumb saying ” Don’t u think your lips are having so much lipstick..i should wipe some na..well i won’t mine coloring my lips by yours😜”

My shirt😭..u will pay sweetheart..

I again looked into her eyes tracing her lips

Pov ends

Riddhima’s pov

” can’t do this..” I yelled at him trying to be as bold as i can be at that moment because his intense gaze on my lips are piercing my soul..

“Why..why can’t we..we have done this so many times in shimla na..” he said leaning towards my lips..

” You were my vanshu that time but the person sitting in front of me is VR whom i hate to the core of my heart ” i looked at him with hurtful eyes..

Without any prior warning he smashed his lips on mine..

I flinched feeling his rough lips on my soft one.. holding him from his shoulder..i started hitting him with my palms..but this hippopotamus raisinghania is kissing me harshly..may be venting out his anger on me..

Pov ends

Vansh’s pov

I kissed her venting out my all anger and longing for her..

How dare she to refuse me..but she is not responding ..

I slided my one hand in her top and started making patterns on her bare stomach and back 

Aaahhh!! I know how to calm my little kitten
.and here she lost the battle..

I looked in her eyes and we indulged ourselves in a passionate eyelock..

Even she didn’t realise when she started receprocating the kiss..

She feel her love is her weakness but u don’t know sweetheart..your love is your strength..

We kissed each other .. nobody is ready to leave each other.. first time i am feeling that she is being dominating towards me otherwise she always submit herself without any hesitation..

Pov ends

Riddhima’s pov

We leave each other panting heavily..

I could see my old vanshu in this VR..the same passion the same love and longing for his Sweetheart 

I joined my forehead with his pulling him by his hairs..

” Why
Why are u doing this jaan” i looked at him with tears brimming in my eyes..đŸ„ș

I saw some guilt in his eyes for a second but very next second..he plastered his face with emotionless expression..

“Back to your room right now” He jerked me from his lap..

“Vansh say na jaan..why are” i said directly looking into his eyes..

“Leave riddhima” he ordered D’Souza and she dragged me to the room..

I shouted at him ..but seems like he is the same unknown person for me whom  i met 1st day..

Pov ends

Scene 2


Angre’s pov

This two people will surely turn me insane one day..

First they love and enjoy then they fight and snatch my enjoyment..

I can’t tame his beast.. only bhabhi can do..

“Angre” Boss yelled at me taking me out from my thoughts..

“Yes boss” I asked bowing down my head..

Pov ends

Vansh (shouting)- She is asking me angre..she is asking me the reason of my behavior..

Angre – boss sorry to say but i think u should tell her the whole story..

Vansh’s pov..

No no no..i Can’t.. she will hate me..

Is she loving u right now my sub consious mind mocked me..

“She will hate me more angre.. I can’t tell her”i roared making him flinched at his place..

” That’s what she is doing right now” Angre retorted gulping his saliva..

I really wonder how this man manages to gather this much audicity  to retort in front of me..

Pov ends

Angre – She loves u boss..she will understand u..

Vansh’s pov

How i make him understand that..she loves me now..but the hate is very old..

This new blossom love won’t be able to over power the hate of years..

I can’t loose her after getting this much attached to her..

I can’t breath if is she is not around me..

I snapped at angre and he left.. leaving me in my own thoughts..

I really don’t know what to do..what is wrong what is right.. I don’t know..

I wish mom u could be here..with me..

I miss u maa..i miss u so much..i really need u..

Scene 3

Riddhima’s room..

Riddhima’s pov

Why i am feeling something is beyond my imagination here..

How can he changed in just one night

Am i missing he hiding something from me..

He loves me..his tongue can lie but his eyes can’t..

I am gonna kick your ass Mr.liar raisinghania if u are trying to break me again..

Thuddd!! My room’s door opened and here he comes..

“Now what” i smiled at him sheeply..

“Can’t i come to meet u” He said rolling his eyes🙄..

Pov ends

Vansh’s pov

This woman gosh!! When she smiles sheeply i can sense something is going in her petty mind..

Can i just smash her face for giving me this idiotic look..

I wish i could..but i wanna live more..

No matter how powerful i am.. whether i called god here or anything else.. I can’t fight with my hungry little kitten..

She is always ready to pull my hairs and to fight with me..but the difference is she used to do this with love before but now i can see only hurt in her eyes..

Hate..naaaahh..she can’t hate me.. atleast not now..i can’t say about future..

Pov ends

Riddhima’s pov

He came close to me pinning me to the wall

I was sandwhiched between his strong arms and wall..

No matter how much angry i am but his slightest glance made me compel to gawk at him..

He looked in my eyes may be saying some unknown words..

He leaned close to my lips.. unknowingly i parted my lips inviting him to claim them..

He traces my back with his finger..we came close..more close.. about to kiss each other..

My subconscious mind mocked me..What the hell are u doing riddhu..he just kidnapped u..he betrayed u..he faked his love..all was a facade..and u are here Gawking at him while romancing ..shame on u..

I jerked pushing him with all the force i had

Pov ends

Riddhima (Angry ) – oh yeah..u only need me when you have some desires right..

Sometimes i really wonder.. Did u just used me for your s*xual desires vansh

Otherwise how can u change in just one night..

Was i a s*x object for u..

Vansh’s pov

My blood boiled listening her bullshit..

I never gave her right to insult my feelings..

I pulled her hairs in my fist scaring the shit out of her..

“come again” I rebuked with my blood shot eyes..

“you us..used me..for your desires na” She said with tears brimming in her eyes..

Thuddd!!! Very next moment i can see her on floor holding her cheek..with my fingers marks dancing on her..

Pov ends

Done done dana done ✅

Hope u like it .

Comments tapka dena

Lob u all

The post Being with my so called kidnapper # episode 33 # Inner beast appeared first on Telly Updates.

8/16/2021 10:11:00 amFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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