Saturday, 19 June 2021

Riansh ( A ghost story) # epi 6 #limited edition#by aishaD



Hello everyone giving only one update today

I wrote this epi in night at 12 to thoda upr niche ho jaye to  mind na kre or comments kre.

Epi starts here..

Scene 1

Kabir’s room

He is lying on bed shivering.. Badly


Its been whole freaking day i m locked in my room

No no no i can’t go out what if she will come there too

She will kill me and what if vansh would get to know abt my deeds

I am trapped from both the sides…

Pov ends

Suddenly there is a knock on the door

Kabir started shouting

Kabir(shouting) – No.. Don’t kill me ragini go…

Plz don’t come near me..

Suddenly the sound of knock started increasing

Kabir, (shivering) – Who’s these


It’s me kabir ..

A male voice is heard

Kabir (sighs) – Vansh..

He opens the door immediately hugging vansh

Kabir (happy) – Bhai thnq u came
I am so scared

Ragini will kill me

He is shivering badly

Vansh makes him calm down

Vansh (keeping his hand on kabir’s shoulder) – Relex kabir..

Calm down

She wont kill u

She was our frnd why will she kill us..

We didn do anything wrong with her right…

Kabir’s face become pale..

Kabir (shivering) – She threatened me.

She will kill me…

Vansh Makes him calm down..

Suddenly the sound of anklet is heard


Kabir (shouting) – Wo agyi… Ragini agyi..

Vansh wo maar degi me plz

Vansh – relex kabir..we will see lets go.

Kabir refused several times but vansh drag kabir with him..forcefully stating the fact that he is also scared…(ghnta 😂)

The sound of anklet is heard continuously…


Kava is walking in corridor with baby steps

Kabir is shivering badly and drenched in sweat..while vansh is smirking seeing him like this..

The whole corridor is dark.. making the scenario more worse…

Kava reached the hall…

A female whisper is heard



Kabir shivers listening this

He clutches vansh’s kurta like a baby

Kabir (shivering) – Aagyi..wo….ragini..agyi maar degi mujhe.. Bro save me..

Vansh assures him..

And then she comes

Descending from stairs like a queen

The same style as ragini..

The same way of walking …

Kava moves aside seeing her…

Riddhima comes in center And shakes his ankle little making sound of her ghunghroo

Chnnn chhannana..chnnn..chahanna…

Mere dholna…sun..

Mere pyar ki dhun…

Mere dholna…sun..

She started dancing gracefully the same way ragini used to do..

She comes near vansh and encircle her arms around him dancing

Saathi re Saathi re mar ke bhi tujhko…

chaahega dil…

Tujhe hi bechainiyo mein..

paayega dil...

She goes near kabir and touches him seductively

Tere dhadkanon ki sargoshi
Meri dhadkano mein bajti hai
Meri jaagti Nigaahon mein,
Khwaahish Teri hi sajti hai
Mere khayalon mein harpal,
Tere khayal shaamil hain
Lamhe judaiyon wale,
mushkil bade hi mushkil hain
O piya…………………

She started taking rounds in dancing

And fall down in center..

She lift her head slightly

Riddhima (smiling wickedly) – kabir…

Kabir (stammering) – Stay away from me..

Pss mt ana…

Vansh hides behind enjoy thr drama…(bole to popcorn la du vanshu😂)

Suddenly all the lights of mansion started Turning off and on frequently

Kabir started running to the main door and bang it to open but in vain

He turns abruptly and gasps

Kabir (gasp) – Ri…rim.riddhima

She is standing very close to him with blood shot eyes..

I will write riddhima instead of ragini…

Riddhima  (shouts) – Ragini… Ragini hu me

Riddhima nhi

She holds kabir’s neck

Riddhima (intimidating)- Kon hu me….

Kabir (shivering) – Ra….ra… Ragini…

She leaves him..

Riddhima (smirking) – Good boy kabir darling..

Kabir runs again but riddhima  push him.. Hard and He fell on the floor

She  keeps his one leg on his chest and bend on his level

Riddhima  (shouts) – U have to pay for ur deeds darling…

See u loved me so much na..

I came back for u..

Won’t u give me pleasure now..😉

She again chokes his neck scaring the shit out of him

Kabir gets up..and runs few steps

Riddhima (shouts) – Kabirrr!!!😬

She moves her hand upward in air
And kabir started flying in air according to her hand’s direction (remember the chip…)

Kabir(pleading)- why..why are u doing this plz leave me

Riddhima (angry) – U bastard…

U have this much audacity till now that u r asking me why i m doing this…

She moves him more in scare him

Kabir (crying) – Dont kill me ragini plz i am sorry what i did with u..

Plz mujhe mt maaro jaane do..

Maaf krdo mujhe plz

She lowers her hand and let him fall on floor with thudd!!! Beneath the chandelier

Meanwhile vansh is watching the whole scenario and fuming in anger

Fb starts

After discussing the plan

Vansh(angry)- i want to kill that kabir..

Riddhima- We can’t take law in our hands vansh..

Vansh(angry)- No riddhima he deserves this.

Riddhima- Fine i will ask the servant to cut the rope of chandelier

Rest will be his fate..

Vansh hugs riddhima

Fb ends

Kabir fall down with thudddd!!!

Riddhima (smiling)- u want me to leave u..

Fine i will let u go i won’t kill u..

Kabir (happy) – thnq ragini…thnq so much…

Riddhima -Tch.tch..poor kabir..

Even oxygen is not free how can i let u go..

I have a contidion

Do as i say n i will let u go

Kabir (happy) -i will do what you say

Riddhima (angry)-Confess all ur crimes and ask for apology from me..

I will.let u go then

Kabir (shocked)- I …. Can’t do this..

Mene kuch glt ni kia..

I didn’t do any crime…

Riddhima(smiling)- I knew it u won’t do so easily

It’s ok i have special treatment for u..

She snaps her finger once and fire ignited around kabir in circle

Kabir gasp seeing this

Riddhima(smiling)- Now what u are going to do..

Wanna die or wanna confess

Kabir (pleading) – I wil…will confess

He joins his hand bowing down in front of ragini.. Crying

I am sorry ragini…

I was always jealous of vansh

He had name fame and everything what i wanted

Then i saw u..and i wanted u with me.

But u loved vansh…

So i molested u to make u mine and to make vansh suffer i killed u ruthlessly

And faked the phone call in front of u..that vansh ordered me to kill u..

He was not at fault i did everything..

Now plz let me go…i confessed everything

Riddhima(with tears)- Just for your desires u killed me ruthlessly.

U molested me..

People like u don’t deserve to be alive…

She points a finger towards the chandelier

Riddhima (pointing finger upwards) – Look there kabir

Kabir (scared)- What is there.. kya hai waha

Riddhima (dangerously) – Tumhari maut…!!!😬

Kabir looks upward and shouts on top of his voice

Kabir (shouts) – Aaaaaaaaaaaashhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

The chandelier fall on him.. taking his soul with it..

Riddhima cries seeing this…

Vansh comes from behind the pillar with tears…

Riddhima (happy tears) – Ham jit gye jit gye…

Your ginni got justice…

She will be so happy na

Vansh is crying seeing kabir’s body after all he was his frnd best frnd

Vansh (with tears)- Look kabir what ur deeds served u..

U are the reason of ur own doom

My ginni will be at peace now..

He hugs riddhima and they both cry!!

Vansh (breaking the hug)- U got tired sweetheart go and change.i will ask servants to remove this bastard’s body from here

Go and freshn up..

Riddhima smiles and leaves

Scene 2

Vansh reaches to his room And open the door

He is going to switch on the light but a servant comes to him

Vansh – What happened

Servant – ****************

(Conversation muted)

He leaves

Vansh (gasped) – Whattttt!!!!!!!

Done for today

Roz roz rehem ni krungi😂😂

Do comments n support

Lub uh all

The post Riansh ( A ghost story) # epi 6 #limited edition#by aishaD appeared first on Telly Updates.

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