Wednesday 30 June 2021



Hi guys, 

Thank you all for your immense response.  Thank you all for your answers. Your answers helped me to develop my ff further. Thank you so much. Please, do keep supporting me like this.. 

Episode begins with.. 

Angre takes vansh to his room. 

ANGRE: Vansh, did you had anything? 

VANSH: I had my drinks.. 

ANGRE: I know that. I asked you whether you ate anything? 

VANSH: Why should I eat? 

ANGRE: There’s no point in asking you. You just stay here.. 

Angre goes down and gets food from kitchen. Meanwhile riddhima and ishani comes there.. 


ANGRE: I don’t want to speak anything. Just leave.. 

ISHANI: Angre.. 

ANGRE: Same to you too.. I don’t want to speak anything.. 

He goes to his room. He noticea vansh being slept already.. 

ANGRE: Vansh.. Get up.. Vansh.. 

VANSH: Angre, what happened? Won’t I be even able to sleep peacefully? 

ANGRE: Stop your nonsense and get up. I have brought food for you. Get up.. 

VANSH: I don’t need anything.. 

ANGRE: Vansh, enough.. Don’t make me angry.  Get up and eat.. 

Vansh gets up. Angre feeds him. He eats. Angre makes him to sleep. Angre was about to go. But, vansh holds his hand.. 

VANSH: Angre, will you too leave me? 

ANGRE: Idiot, now stop all this nonsense and sleep.. 

VANSH: Yes…  I’m a nonsense. That’s why I couldn’t understand anyone. That’s why, everyone left me? Whatever happened till today, I’m already used to it. But please, you don’t do the same mistake which they did. Because, I don’t have anymore courage. I’m not anymore that stronger vansh. They all have broken me in such a way that the old vansh can’t be back.. 

Saying so, he sleeps. Angre sits beside him and thinks of his words and all that happened. 

ANGRE: Vansh, I don’t know why I’m thinking like this. I know that you are too hurt. But, I feel that the reason is something else. I know that you are hurt by sia’s words. But, the reason for your today’s behaviour is not only that. I have a strong feeling that there is something beyond sia’s words that have hurted you. What happened? You have promised me that you won’t drink. But, today you have broken that promise. Vansh can do anything in this world. But, vansh won’t break the promise which he had made especially to me. But, today this has happened? What happened that made you to forgot your promise and made you to drink? Vansh everyone here are thinking that you have spoken all this because of them. But, there is something else. What’s it? I’m sure that the only thing that hurts vansh the most in this world is riddhima. So it must be related to riddhu.. 

Angre thinks.. Just then, he notices vansh crying in sleep. Angre wipes his tears. He was about to go down. But, just then he notices vansh holding his hand. Angre removes his hand and goes down.. 

KABIR: Angre, has vansh slept? 

ANGRE: Yes. 

RITHESH: Did he say anything?

ANGRE: He was continuously talking the same thing which he told here. Finally, somehow he slept. Now, you all go and sleep.. 

SIA: Angre.. 

ANGRE: Please, sia.. Even I don’t want to talk anything about this. Please.. Now, you all go and sleep. We’ll talk about this in the morning. Meanwhile, I informed aunty that you all will stay here. 

ISHANI: Angre, you told everything?

ANGRE: No.. I didn’t tell anything about vansh. Aunty won’t be able to bear it. So, I don’t want aunty to know about it.. 

Saying so, he goes.. 

Ishani and others move to their rooms.. 


Angre couldn’t sleep. He thinks of vansh’s words. Just then, riddhima comes there.. 

ANGRE: Riddhu, what happened? Didn’t you sleep? Why? Is there any problem? 

RIDDHIMA: Bhai, please.. I know that you are angry on me. But, bhai what did I do? Even I didn’t do anything knowingly. I know vansh is hurt. I even know that you are hurt. You are angry on me. But, I’m your sister. Can’t you understand me? 

ANGRE: Riddhu, this is your problem. You want everyone to understand you. But, you don’t want to understand others. From when did you change like this? This is not my sister riddhima. She can’t do such things. Even now, you wanted to prove that you are not wrong. You just wanted to tell others that you are right. You wanted to tell that you are not responsible for vansh’s state. But, this is not true. Even you know this. But you won’t accept it. Riddhu, you think that you have became strong in these six months. But, no.. You have become arrogant. It’s such a arrogance that even after knowing that vansh, who stood by you, who stood for you, who has done everything for you is in this state, you just wanted to prove yourself right. Riddhu, you are worrying for vansh. But, you don’t want to accept it. When  vansh spoke all that you were silent. You were crying. Because, you know that whatever he spoke is right. But, still you don’t want to accept it. You have even ignored that care which you had for vansh, right? 


ANGRE: Riddhu, I haven’t complete.. Did I come to you to speak all this? No, right.. You came to speak. Then, you have to hear all this. Riddhu, whatever you are doing now will make all your loved ones to go away from you. When vansh came here after six months, after knowing that you forgot to laugh he done many things to make you laugh. Today, he is crying because of you. I wish I could get back my old sister. You are thinking that you are strong now. But, no.. This is arrogance. My old riddhima is strong. Because, one who bears all the wounds and tears for the sake of their loved one’s and smile for others is strong. My old riddhima was such type. But, she is not anymore.. You have changed.  I wish that vansh shouldn’t have come here. Because, he wouldn’t have faced all this. Riddhu, when he came here, he saw you crying in your sleep and promised me that he won’t let you again cry. But, today the person who promised me to wipe your tears is crying in his sleep. If I would have been in this place then, I would have hated you. But, he is still loving you. That’s why even now he couldn’t say anything to you. 

RIDDHIMA: But, bhai you told all this. Didn’t you love me? 

ANGRE: Riddhu, I love my sister riddhima.  But, if a situation arises for me to choose between you and vansh then, I’m sorry.. I’ll definitely choose vansh.. He is more important to me than you..

Saying so, he was about to go.. But, he stops and returns… 

ANGRE: No.. than everyone.. Vansh is most important to me. I won’t even think a second to choose vansh.. Keep this in your mind.. Don’t forget that the main reason for vansh’s state is you.. 

Saying so, he goes.. 


Vansh wakes up.. He finds angre beside him.. 

VANSH: Angre, what happened?

ANGRE: Vansh, last night you spoke too much. Now it’s my turn. And you are going to just listen. I couldn’t talk to you last night because you were not in a state to listen to me. But, now you should listen.

PRECAP: Vansh speaks to uma and fixes sia’s engagement along with ishani’s and sejal’s.

Guys, I have another question for you all. Which one do you think is the strongest and best vansh’s love or angre’s friendship? And which one do you like the most in my ff, vansh’s love or angre and vansh’s friendship? 

Please do answer this question. Also do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made..


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