Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 8th June 2021 Written Episode Update: Bala is missing!


Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 8th June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Mangesh was afraid of Maharaj, Bhim Rao claimed to protect him. He asked him not to feel weak.

Sethji and Pandit brought Mahesh, he was asked to get his blessings. Mahesh asked why he was summoned. Maharaj replied that he has heard about his feud with Mangesh over a land. Mahesh said that regardless of the Dharam he will take that land from Mangesh. Pandit demanded Mahesh to correct his manners in front of Maharaj. Mahesh was aware of Maharaj’s previous conspiracy to take the land. Maharaj said that 4 years back Mahesh stole the gold water from the Murti, Mahesh was shocked to his core. 3 and a half years back he stole the Murti’s, till date not thief has been caught. 2 years back he killed his bother in law, people thought that he became a prey to wild animal. And now, he was involved in stealing the Britisher’s cars. Maharaj said that he was aware of everything, he has proof. Mahesh was asked either to stand with Maharaj or pay the price, he offered him a liquid. He wanted him and his family to drink it and become Maharaja’s follower. He took it, he asked Maharaj to order him the job. Maharaj asked him to tell Mangesh that he will not trouble him for the land anymore nut in return Mangesh has to give him 5000 Indian rupee, which Mangesh doesn’t have. He will ask Sethji for help and there Maharaj will pray his trick. Mahesh agreed and left. Sethji praised Maharaj for his talent in molding the situation to meet his demands. Sethji questioned how Maharaj came to know about Mahesh’s past. Maharaj replied that when her heard of him, he went to find his weaknesses as they always come in handy.

Mangesh noticed to men with sticks in their hand, he ran while the men followed. Mahesh came in front, Mangesh recalled Bhim Rao’s advice to not be afraid. Mahesh told Mangesh that he was here to solve their feud. He said that being sons to same father they can solve this issue differently, he said to pay him 5000 rupees for this land. Mangesh wasn’t sure if 5000 rupees would rest the case, he refused to pay the price. Mahesh in return threatened to kidnap his family, he was also asked not to approach Bhim Rao for help. Mangesh asked him not to bring family in this matter. Mahesh gave him tomorrow’s ultimatum. Mangesh refused to be afraid of anyone.
Sandesh called Ramji to check the accounts. Ramji asked Anand to study while he was massaging his feet, Ramji told him not to come to work if was unable to manage his studies with it. Anand complied. Sandesh interfered saying Ramji not to worry, they were not to be Viceroys. Ramji asked Sandesh not to comment on his children’s education. Sandesh gave him the ledger to check, he commentated to ensure any charge of corruption. Bhim Rao said that uneducated doesn’t mean being the bad guy. Rani came in saying that Sandesh has not let go of his sarcastic humor, he took hi for dinner. Meera called for dinner as well. Bala was nowhere to be found. Ramji, Anand and Bhim Rao went to find him. Sandesh wasn’t interested, he went to have dinner and took Rani with him.

Mangesh wondering about the threat wanted to consult Bhim Rao but remembered that Mahesh warned him about it as well. Mangesh was afraid of Mahesh kidnapping hi family.

Sandesh ate his meal, clueless about Bala and his intentions for life. He asked Rani to move to blew air with the hand fan. As she did so, he said that being the elder brother Bala is a constant assistant of Bhim Rao and Bhim Rao who’s addicted to his studies as if he is to become a viceroy. Tulsa and to inform that Bala was nowhere to be found. Sandesh asked her to relax, he will come and find him after finishing his meal. He hovered Rani to leave for having no manner to serve his husband. Rani left, she wondered where Bala could have gone.

Ramji, Anand and Bhim Rao came back with not trace of Bala. Manjula was worried for him. Bala came from behind. Everyone questioned his disappearance. Bala answered that he left to make a deal in the neighbor village. Ramji asked him to inform in future. Everyone was relieved, went to have dinner. Sandesh saw Rani coming from the other side, he called her. He investigated where she was coming from at this time of the night.

Update Credit to: Sona

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