Friday 21 May 2021



Hi everyone!!! This might be a little short kyuki today I am going out… But I will try keep posting…. And yes I will pair Ishangre soon

2 days later
At VR Mansion
Chanchal: That girl is a bad luck for sure!
Dadi: Don’t say like that. She is a very nice girl.
Ishani: Yes, she suffered so much just to save her mother. She loves her mother very much.
Siya: Where is Vansh Bhai?
Ishani: He has gone to meet Angre. He is still a little week.
Siya: How do you know?
Ishani: Woh… Actually… I heard him talking.
At JK Mansion
Riddhima returned from the hospital. She still had some bandages. She was standing at the door when Jai stopped him.
Jai: Stop right there!
Asha: What happened?
Jai: This girl will not enter my house! Nice plan, you tried to burn my house just for not getting married!
Ramansh: Dad! You can’t talk like that to her!
Jai: Wow! So now you have done magic to my son?
Ramansh: Whatever you say Dad. Riddhima will live here, and that’s final.
Jai: Of course, come in madam! Need a aarti!?
Riddhima was really scared. She directly ran to her room.  She called at Natasha’s number.
Riddhima: Natasha, stupid. Where are you?
Natasha’s mother: Riddhima beta,…
Riddhima: Aunty..  where is Natasha?
Natasha’s mother: She left us. She is no more. Your best friend left the world. (Crying heavily)
Riddhima declined the phone is shock. She shouted on top her voice.
Riddhima: Natasha!!! You can’t leave me like this!!! Where are you!!  No. My Natasha!! Who is mine in this world now?? Why did you leave me?
Asha came running hearing her cries.
Asha: What happened beta? Why are you crying??
Riddhima: Mumma… Mumma… Natasha!!! She left me!??
Asha hugged her seeing in this state.
Riddhima: I have no friends now mumma. How will I… I be out of any problem?
Asha: Don’t say like this baby. Everything will be fine. Why are you saying that you don’t have friend? I know you have a friend. And… Don’t care about what your Dad said.
Riddhima: I know. I sometimes get hurt. But right now I am fine. The whole city is calling me a bad luck. Dad doesn’t love me because I am…
Asha: Don’t utter anything… Understand? You are my daughter. And I am your mother. Now smile for me…
Riddhima: Mumma..
Asha: Mumma.. let me tell you..
She started tickling Riddhima. Riddhima leant on the floor laughing hard.
Next day at College
Riddhima breached college and took her seat. She saw the seat next to her was empty. Her eyes filled with tears…
Riddhima comes and sits at her seat. Natasha also comes. Riddhima pushes Natasha by her shoulder. Natasha does the same. Riddhima did it again and so hard that she slipped on floor. They both started laughing.
Flashback ends
A drop of tear makes path through Riddhima’s cheek. She hears a voice which breaks her thought.
Someone: You know. She is an absolute bad luck. Just stay away from her.
Riddhima turns to see who it is. Most of the students were laughing at her. She turned back and realised someone has taken the seat next to her. It was Vansh. His eyes, heavy, as in pain, he was biting his lips, tapping his feet on ground.
Riddhima: Vansh?
Vansh: Hi Riddhima…
Riddhima: Are you alright? How is Angre?
Vansh: He is fine. He isn’t able to tolerate that Natasha left us. I know you aren’t also.
Riddhima: hmmm
Vansh (trying to change the topic): So how would you like to celebrate the farewell?
Riddhima: It’s not our farewell. They will celebrate.
Vansh: I have arranged everything. I want your brother to stop roaming around you as soon as possible.
Riddhima laughs a little.
Riddhima: When is it?
Vansh: Day after tomorrow.
Riddhima: Isn’t it to early?
Vansh: Yes but no. All the students have already discussed and everything is ready.
There was silence between them which was broke by Riddhima.
Riddhima: How’s your family.
Vansh: As usual.
Riddhima: Actually… I will not come tomorrow. I am going out of Mumbai with mumma. So I need to shop everything today only.
Vansh: All the students are coming there. No need.
Riddhima: That’s fine. Bhai will not follow us then.
After college, all the students pounced and the nearest mall. And started there shopping. Everyone maintained distance with Riddhima. But Vansh was with her all the time. They completed shopping really fast.
Vansh: You didn’t buy a dress.
Riddhima: I did.
Vansh: Let me see.
Riddhima: You will see it day after tomorrow.
Vansh: Completed?
Riddhima: Yes.
Vansh: That’s actually really fast.
Riddhima: Indeed
Both looked at each other with a smile. They were lost in each other.
Precap- you are someone special

So this was it today, hope you all like it. Comment your reviews. Keep reading keep loving

Tanvi 🌠

The post STOLEN SWEETHEART- RIANSH FF EPI 7 ‘Sadness or love?’ appeared first on Telly Updates.

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