Hii guys.. I am back with the update..
So the episode starts with..
VR Mansion.. Same day.. 5:45 in the evening..
Vansh grabbed his luggage and went down..They have decided to go in two cars one 7 sitter and one 4 sitter..
Vansh – Hurry up guys.. We are getting late!!
Just then Ragin, Rishi and sia came down.
Ragini and Rishi – Ready!..
Vansh – where are the others??!!
Sia – Bhai.. Ishani dii got an urgent call and her packing is still left so she said that she will come in the second car.. And, Kabir bhai got an event to check up on so he asked to pick him up from there..
Vansh – ohk..Then let me, Ragini and Rishi go in the first car(7 sitter) and go pick riddhima and her friends.. And let Ishani drive you and angre.. You guys go and pick up kabir and meet me at riddhima’s house.. Ok?..
Sia – ok!
Saying so the three of them left. When Ragini and Rishi were putting their luggage in vansh decided to text riddhima..
Vansh – Hey Riddhima!.. You guys ready??
Riddhima – Yeah!..
Vansh – Ok! We guys are just leaving..Byee!
Riddhima – Byee!
Text ends..
When vansh was texting her Ragini came and sat in the passenger seat.. And rishi sat in the middle seat.. When vansh was done texting her he sat and they drove to Riddhima’s place.. They kept their luggage.. Just then Ishani arrived along with others.. Riddhima sat with Rishi and sejal and aryan went to the back seat..
They started driving..
1st car
All of them had random talks in between.. About an hour passed.. Sejal and Aryan got bored and decided to browse through their phone.. Riddhima and Rishi were talking about random stuff..Ragini sat in silence while browsing through her phone.. Vansh sat in silence.. Another hour passed.. Rishi got tired and decided to take a nap.. About after 15 minutes.. He was fast asleep.. And unconsciously rested his head on Riddhima’s shoulder.. She was surprised at his actions.. But noticed that he did it unconsciously, so she didn’t bothered.. But vansh saw this through the mirror.. He felt a bit jealous but then tried convincing himself that it happened unconsciously.. But he wasn’t able to move his gaze from them.. Just then..
Ragini – VANSH!!!!! Watch out…
They were about to bump into a car.. But thankfully vansh got alert and Applied a sudden brake.. Rishi was about to fall but riddhima held him.. But due to the sudden brake he woke up and noticed that he fall asleep and unconsciously rested his head on riddhima’s shoulders.. He suddenly pulled his head away..
Rishi – I am so sorry Riddhima.. I didn’t do it intentionally.. Please forgive me.. I a-
Riddhima cut him off by saying – It’s ok i know it was unintentionally.. Don’t panic!..
Rishi – Thank you!!!!..
Riddhima smiled in response..
Vansh was listening this whole conversation.. He felt a bit weird but then convinced himself that was indeed unintentionally..
After half an hour they reached their destination.. They quickly took their luggage and went in.. It was a bit dirty and not arranged so they decided to do some cleaning and arrangements..
They divided their tasks..
Ishani – Let me, angre, sia , Kabir bhai, Sejal and aryan do the rooms.. Ragini and vansh bhai living room and riddhima and rishi can make the dinne.. Ok?..
Riddhima – ok.. But does rishi know how to cook?
Ragini – He is the best chef i know!!
Riddhima – ohk..
They went to do their work..
In the kitchen..
Riddhima – So what are we cooking??..
Rishi – Let’s make something simple.. Maybe noodles , soup and burgers??..
Riddhima – ohk!..
They started preparing the food..
In the living room..
Vansh and Ragini started doing their work.. Vansh was quite but Ragini was talking ,talking and talking.. Just then vansh heard some voices from the kitchen.. On further hearing he heard both of them talking, laughing and giggling.. He felt jealous but didn’t knew the answer of the question he was asking himself.. “Why was he JEALOUS??!! “..
Precap – Vansh – Hey Riddhima! Wanna walk up to the park?
Riddhima – Sounds fun!..
Rishi – Hi guys.. Hey Riddhu! Where are you guys going?!
So that is it for today guys.. I hope you guys like it!.. And do let me know your views in the comments .. I will reply to them all!.. Thank you so much for the love and support you guys are showing to my ff!!..
Lots of love from me to you all!!
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