The episode starts with Aryan still being very shocked after seeing Sejal in front of him.
Sejal comes in front of Aryan.
Then she immediately slapped him a very hard slap.
Sejal(shouting and screaming): How dare you stupid Aryan to play with my feelings and cheat me?! How dare you to use me to destroy my brother?! How dare you to just think about destroying my brother Vansh?!
She slapped him another hard slap.
Many tears were scattered inside her eyes.
She was heartbroken and shattered after knowing that the one that she has loved him the most has cheated on her and was making her facing and being against her own brother.
Sejal( shouting with broken heart and her voice was a mixture of the anger and the shatter): Why? Why you have done that to me? Why you have faked your love to me? You are very cheap man idiot. I hate you. You must to get punished for cheating me. You must to get punished for trying to destroy my brother. You must to be punished for breaking Sejal Rai Singhania’s trust.
She kept slapping him more and more.
Each slap she was slapping Aryan with it was hurting Aryan’s ego a lot.
She was trying by slapping Aryan to get all the shatter and the pain that she is owing it.
Sejal was crying very much while she was getting her anger out by slapping Aryan.
Vansh has came near Sejal to stop her from slapping Aryan more than that.
He holds her closely to him.
Then he has hugged her to calm her down.
Vansh( in a caring voice): Please Sejal dear relax and calm down. Please don’t hurt yourself more and don’t make an effort in slapping that idiot as leave that to me. I will be able to punish him a very hard punishment for playing with your feelings and using you in that cheap plan. Don’t worry Sejal I will take your right from that idiot guy.
Aryan’s ego was being very insulted after what Sejal has done to him.
He was very angry and shocked.
Aryan to himself: How this is possible?! How my plan could to failed?! How Sejal could be able to know my whole truth that easy?! How dare her to hurt my ego that much?! Why she has came at that time?! She has heard everything from me so how I will be able to get out from that situation?! I must to do something as I would never be able to allow Vansh to destroy my plans and make me fail in fulfilling my motive.
Aryan(pretending as if he is so innocent): Sejal baby please listen to me before you could judge me. You have slapped me before you could even know the whole truth from me. You don’t have to judge me from words that you have heard from me without knowing the whole conversation. Your brother is the one who deserves those slaps not me. He has threatened me to say those words otherwise he would has killed me and harm you my baby. Your brother doesn’t love you like he is pretending to do. Sejal, Vansh could do anything just to get rid of me even if he could harm you just to make me admit about stuff that I didn’t have made it. Actually, if you have asked your brother now about any proof that could support his words he will not be able to get you any proof and this will prove to you that I haven’t done anything wrong and he is the one who has forced me to say those words that you have heard. Please Sejal baby don’t make him succeed in separating us. Don’t make your brother succeed in putting fake words inside your brain darling.
After Aryan has finished his acting, Vansh starts clapping.
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! You didn’t have taken a long time until you have started a new plan to get out from this situation! Impressive! You have impressed me a lot from how you are a very cheap and cunning man who could do anything just to reach to your motive. You could easily stick everything you have done it on me just to not be exposed, but actually you will not be able to do that idiot as you have got exposed now stupid Aryan and you will not be able to get out from that situation even if you tried very hard. You will not be able to make up any fake story to convince Sejal with it stupid Aryan as you have got trapped in my tarp Mr. Aryan Oberoi. Everything has happened was included on my plan. Don’t think that you have failed my plan by deleting the videos that were on my mobile as this was a part of my plan. Welcome to Vansh Rai Singhania’s trap stupid Aryan.
Aryan got shocked after he has heard Vansh’s words.
Aryan: What?! What do you mean?!
At that moment, the whole family has came to the hale of the house.
Ishani was taking Anuprya with her.
She was was surrounding her to not make her go to any place.
Kabir comes near Aryan to face him.
Kabir: You have got trapped in Vansh’s trap stupid Aryan. Your foolishness and overconfident are the things that made you you got exposed and you got fallen on Vansh’s plan. You and your mother got exposed and you both will not be able to get out from Vansh’s trap.
Ishani: You both will get the punishment that you both deserves for messing with VR family.
Siya was very anxious while observing that Aryan and Anuprya got exposed.
Siya to herself( being worried): Shit! Aryan and Anuprya aunt got exposed! How this is possible?! How Vansh has succeeded in exposing them?! I just hope that he couldn’t has been able to reach to my motive and know my truth. Aryan and Anuprya aunt could put me in a huge danger as they could after being under Vansh’s pressure they could tell him about me and my real motive. Yes I trust my partners, but I still can’t be able to sit quietly like that. I will not be able to help Aryan and Anuprya aunt in getting out from this situation, but I still could be able to protect myself and don’t make anyone doubt me. I must to watch everything now until I could take the advantage to interfere in the right time so I could protect myself. I’m sure that Kabir will do anything to make Aryan admit about me and my motive, but I must to be more alert and interfere in the perfect time.
At the same time, Aryan and Anuprya were very shocked.
They weren’t able to understand how Vansh got succeeded in trapping them and exposing them in front of Sejal and the whole family.
Vansh: You have helped me a lot stupid Aryan to trap you in that plan. Do you think that I have really forgotten my mobile?! Do you really think that Vansh Rai Singhania’s mobile will be left like that without a password?! No idiot I was meant to do that. So I could make you take my mobile and delete the videos that I was meaning to leave it on my mobile so you could delete it and that could give you a huge confidence and a huge happiness then could make you admit all what you have done due to your happiness and overconfidence so I could make Sejal know your real face and knowing your truth from your own mouth. So she could be 100% sure of every proof I have collected to her today.
Aeyan: Proofs?! How?! I have already deleted them!
Vansh starts laughing.
Vansh: This is your misunderstanding idiot.
Vansh signs to Angre.
After Vansh has signed to Angre, he plays videos on the screen.
The videos of Aryan’s jean admitting all what Aryan has ordered him to do it have appeared on the screen.
Vansh: Those videos aren’t the only proof I have against you idiot. Actually, there is a person who wants to meet you Aryan.
Kabir leaves.
Then he comes with a man.
That man appears to be Aryan’s jean.
Aryan was shocked.
Aryan: What?! How you are still at the country?! You have told me that you have left the country and you have told me that you have escaped from Vansh’s men so how you are here now?!
Vansh: It was my plan idiot. I’m the one who has ordered your jean to call you and inform you that he got escaped from my captivity just to fool you and you have got fooled like I was planning.
Flashback shows Vansh being near the jean while he was calling Aryan.
Aryan’s jean: I have done exactly what you have told me to do it Mr. Vansh. Now Mr. Aryan will come to your house today and he will do anything just to reach to your phone. I have made him very worried that he could be exposed in front of your sister.
Vansh: Great! You have done like what I have told you to do it. Now that idiot Aryan will believe that you have been escaped from me and he will be believing that your chapter got ended forever and he will never imagine that you will come in front of him after some time. *Flashback ends*
Vansh: Your jean has done what I have exactly told him to do stupid Aryan and now he has came here to admit what you have done so you could have never be able to say that those videos are fake.
Aryan’s jean starts telling everything Aryan has ordered him to do it.
He has admitted how Aryan was wanting to destroy Vansh very much.
Sejal was more shocked and shattered after hearing those stuff.
Vansh was still hugging her to not make her feel that she is alone.
Vansh: Now you would have never be able to get out from this situation Aryan as your own jean is the one who has admitted every bad deed you have done it. Actually, I could admit that your jean has helped me in trapping you idiot as by using him I made you exposed yourself by your own self in front of Sejal.
Angre: So that’s why I have given the idea of going to the garden so we could give you the chance to take Vansh’s phone and make you believe that you have won.
Vansh: And then Siya could come at the right time to hear you while admitting all your bad behaviors.
Kabir: And this was my role in Vansh’s plan. My role in that plan is to start the doubts inside Sejal towards you Aryan and make her go to the hale of the house at the same time that you were admitting everything you have done it to Vansh so she could know your truth from your own self.
Flashback shows Kabir sending the message to Sejal from an unknown number. *Flashback ends*
Ishani: I also was having a small part in that plan as I was the one who has helped Sejal, without making her know that, in escaping from that witch’s eyes so she could catch Aryan red handed.
Vansh: You were believing that you are the one who has won Aryan, but you don’t know that you are just fulfilling my plan. We have all worked together to catch you stupid Aryan and we have succeeded in that as we are all in the right side and God was helping us to expose you idiot and that what has happened at the end. You were just a pawn in my plan. I have used you to expose your own self with the same way you have used on it my sister Sejal. You have got trapped idiot and all your bad deeds got exposed now.
Riddhima has came near Sejal.
She has putted her hands around her in a caring way.
Riddhima: I know that you aren’t loving me Sejal and you always believe that I don’t deserve Vansh. I know that you aren’t accepting me or believing any words from me so that’s why you were trusting that idiot very much and you got convinced that I have cheated him, but actually he is the one who has cheated me and he is the one who is so cheap and I will make you know what has happened from a year and a half so you could be sure that he is so cheap and he doesn’t deserves you dear.
Riddhima signs to Ragini.
So Ragini has left.
Then she came with many girls.
Riddhima: After Vansh has told me his plan at the garden before he could came to face Aryan here, we have decided to open up in front of you Sejal about the bad and cheap deeds that this idiot has done it before.
Flashback shows Vansh telling Riddhima about his plan.
Riddhima: What a plan Vansh?! It is just perfect! I’m sure that this plan will be successful.
Vansh: So now I need your help in that plan Riddhima as I want you, while I’m confronting that idiot and exposing him in front of Sejal, to call all the girls who Aryan has made an affairs with them so they could come to VR mansion and admit how Aryan is a very cheap man and tell Sejal everything about him.
Riddhima: Leave that matter to me Mr. organizer and just go now to confront that idiot and kick him out of our lives forever. Best of luck Vansh.
Vansh gets up from his place and he kissed Riddhima’s forehead before he could leave. *Flashback ends*
Riddhima: Those girls are the ones who that idiot was making an affairs with them while he was in a relationship with me. Those girls will tell you that idiot’s truth.
The girls start telling Sejal everything about Aryan.
They told her how he was cheating on Riddhima when they were in a relationship and how he was just playing with her feelings.
Actually, one of those girls Aryan was doing an affair with her while he was in relationship with Sejal and that what proved to Sejal more that this Aryan is a very cheap man.
After Aryan’s truth got exposed, Kabir and Angre made the girls and the jean left the house.
Aryan was shocked and he wasn’t able to do anything.
He wasn’t believing that all his plans got failed along with being exposed.
Ishani has came near Sejal.
She has hugged very tightly.
Ishani: Now you have known the whole truth Sejal dhi. Now you have known how that idiot has fooled you. I don’t think that you need any other proofs beside all those proofs to be convinced of how that idiot is a very cheap guy. I know that what you have known today isn’t easy at all for you dhi, but we were must to make you know his truth to prevent him from cheating you more.
Vansh: Actually that stupid guy isn’t the only one included in that cheap behaviours as his mother is also included in that and you both will take the punishment for what you both have done to our family.
Sejal has came near Aryan.
Then she slapped him a very very hard slap.
Sejal: You have fooled me and played with my feelings and you didn’t just get satisfied with that as when you got to be exposed you were easily sticking everything you have done it on my brother Vansh just to make me believe that he doesn’t love me. You are a very cheap man. I hate you so much.
She starts looking at Anuprya with the same disgusting way that she looks at Aryan with it.
Sejal: And you Anuprya aunt. One second, why I’m calling you aunt?! A woman like you doesn’t deserved to be respected and called aunt at all. You have helped your son in fooling me and using me. I have trusted you both a lot and then what you have given back to me?! Just cheating and heartbreak. I hate you both so much.
She runs to dadi and she throws herself in her arms.
Vansh: Why you are so silent Aryan?! Where was your confidence?! It has just has got vanished idiot. You will always lose Aryan. None of your plans will be successful. You are a cheap man and cheap men will never win. Winning will always be for me. Winning will just be for Vansh Rai Singhania.
Riddhima: You are the one who has putted yourself once again in the same embarrassing situation because you don’t have any morals idiot and you will never learn from your mistakes. We will not leave you Aryan Oberoi. You and your mother will be published and you both will spend your whole lives regretting that you have messed with us.
Aryan got very angry after hearing Vansh and Riddhima’s scolding and insulting words.
Aryan to himself: No I will not lose. Even if I got exposed, I must to separate those two from each other. I must to make you pain and suffer a lot Vansh Rai Singhania.
Aryan has pulled Riddhima towards him angrily after he got a knife from his pocket.
Then he has put the knife on her neck.
Everyone got shocked and panicked after seeing Riddhima under Aryan’s captivity.
Vansh was very shocked and worried.
Aryan: Do you think that I will give up that easy Vansh? No Vansh, I will not leave you celebrate your success. I will snatch your beloved one from you. Your Riddhima will be under my captivity and I will be the one who will punish you both.
Vansh: Don’t you dare to touch her Aryan. I will kill you if you caused a scratch to her.
Siya was watching everything was happening and she was smiling.
Siya to herself: Not bad Aryan! This is the perfect way to punish those love birds. I’m sure that you will use that Riddhima to get out of here and I will help you in doing that as I will be safe when you and Anuprya aunt will be safe.
Before Vansh could do anything to rescue Riddhima with it, the lights switched off.
When the lights went on once again, Aryan and Anuprya along with kidnapped Riddhima have been vanished.
Vansh got very angry and worried.
Vansh( shouting): Riddhimaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Angre and Kabir have rushed outside the house to search about Aryan, but they didn’t found him.
Angre: I’m sorry boss, but Aryan got succeeded in kidnapping Riddhima.
Precap: Gun shot.
A message from the author of Love beyond limits: @Riansh1212 wants to inform you all that she will not be able to post today any update because she is busy with doing assignments.
The end of the episode. I hope you like it. Thank you so much guys for all of yours support and encouragement. I’m really thankful for you all for making me got succeeded in reaching to my target on the previous episode. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target on this episode. My target is the same. My target is to reach to 25 comments( excluding my comments). I hope that you all could make me reach to my target so I could be able to be encouraged to update the next episode. The upcoming episode will be published depending on all of yours respond and after making me reached to my target. The next episode will be published when you all could make me reach to my target on this episode. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target very soon so I could publish the next episode daily. I know that you are all very supporters and you all will help me in reaching to my target and update the next episode. Please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. So please don’t forget your feedback on the comment section below.
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