Monday, 17 May 2021

Mehndi Hai Rachne Wali 17th May 2021 Written Episode Update : Pallavi slaps Raghav


Mehndi Hai Rachne Wali 17th May 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Raghav says here is a video confession and shows video of Sulochana and Amruta to Deshmukh’s, Vijay says very good get out, Raghav says Vijay Deshmukh I am trying to confess my mistake too and your daughter is veru good call her talk to her tell her you were wrong too, Vijay says oh is this Pallavi’s new teaching and listen to me we don’t want to listen to you, Pallavi married you and proved that she is no good and Sulochana is my brother’s wife how dare you hit her, and threaten her, Raghav says she is lying, Vijay says oh may be this is Sulochana’s new act but I will trust anyone then you, Raghav says will you trust Pallavi atleast, Vijay says get lost, Raghav says my god you believed me a liar and not Pallavi, poor girl keeps struggling and fighting for her family, she is a mad woman and noone here deserves her, I came here to tell truth and now its upto you what to do with it and leaves.

Sulochana smiles at Amruta.

Raghav thinking about what happened at Deshmukh house, and Pallavi’s words that he is selfish, Raghav says this Pallavi should have taught all principles to her mad father too, Raghav imagines another Raghav sitting beside him and he says I am that version of Raghav you never met, today first time Raghav lost control for someone else, Raghav says she is my wife, I fight for Amma and Kirti then why not her she is now part of my life and will now tell Pallavi that she has a selfish egoistic family, Good Raghav says Raghav tell me why is her family behaving this way, Raghav says I agreed it was my fault but I went confessed, good Raghav says Pallavi should understand all this talk to her honesty always wins and good Raghav vanishes.

Raghav walks to Pallavi and knocks, Pallavi says no need to knock this is your room, Raghav says leave Deshmukh’s they don’t deserve you, you since separation cry so much but look at them, I met them and told it is all my mistake, Pallavi says that you ruined my life, my character, why did you do it, oh to take revenge from me because you thought I did wrong to Amma and Kirti but then you found the truth that it is Sulochana, Raghav says I wanted to get her arrested but I thought of telling Deshmukh’s truth but your father says he doesn’t trust you or me but her, they believed when I lied and not now, Pallavi says you are surprised right, but you are Raghav Rao and you want everything as you want, first you destroyed my life and then you thought you will telk truth and all will be fine, you played with a girl and her whole life, your ego look what it led to, I was morw daughter than daughter in law, you destroyed my self respect, you snatched my family away from me and do anything you want I can never have them back and why am I telling you all this.

Pallavi leaving room, Raghav stops her, says I agree I am wrong but I am not the only at fault they dont trust you, who throws a daughter out of their house, if they loved you, they would try and trust you, they never took you as your own, they don’t desrve you, forget them and you will be happy, Pallavi slaps Raghav and says not a word against them, I told you I am daughter to them and it wasn’t forced, you have family with you because of me, I wasn’t lucky like you to have parents, I was born with no parents, my brother took care of me, and then I married Mandar and lost him on the first day of marriage, but his family accepted me and ignored the whole society and made me live a independent family and you want me to forget them and you things they are bunch of crazy people, it would be good if you would talk to me that that but you wanted revenge, and you took away my family and my life, its better you kill me here, Raghav says enough, Pallavi starts crying.

Pre cap: Raghav ask Farhad am I really that bad, Farhad says yes you are.
Amma says to Raghav if you are guilty about what you did to Pallavi then try be good.
Raghav visits Pallavi’s room and shouts.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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