Monday, 17 May 2021

Soul forever? #Riansh FF..part 6 …by Aayu


Hello everyone!!


Author wants response…pls give this poor author your priceless comments…

It’s precious to me 🥺….


Enough of my rantings….


Let’s start with the update..


A small recap:-


Episodes starts with


Riddhima sitting alone in the dinning table…


She was not eating..

She was playing with her food…


Her eyes were wet..


And in no time her cheeks were also…


Tears were rolling down her cheeks..


She closed her eyes…


Flashback…(finally most awaited 🥳🥳)(But I will not reveal the whole thing….suspense🤐)


Riddhima and Parita were in cab


Pari:- Riddhima!!




Parita:-Riddhima!!!!! Where to go?


Riddhima:- Pari..I don’t know don’t disturb me right now only decide!!


Parita:- You and your phone…just ignore me…My time will also come when I will ignore you and will not reply then you will understand..


Flashback ends…


Riddhima:- Pari I am I will never ignore u..but please don’t ignore me..🥺🥺


She again closes her eyes…




They were in most famous and big mall of Mumbai…


When Riddhima receives a call…


Riddhima:- Hello!!


Vansh:- Mis Sharma..I am waiting for you from the hell 40 minutes and you are still not here.. didn’t you know how to value time?


Riddhima:- But the time given was 5:00 and there are still 20 minutes left..


Vansh:- what rubbish..the time was sharp 4:00..


He cut the call ..


Vansh:- Angre!!!


Angre:- yes bhai!!


Vansh:- What time you have given ??


Angre :- It was 4:00..


Scene shifts to Riddhima..


Riddhima:- Parita I have to go..time was 4:00 and now it’s 4:45

Only 15 minutes left..

You wait here I am going..


Pari:- No I will also come with u..


Riddhima:- okay..


They leave….


Flashback ends…


Riddhima:- I will take revenge.. because of him my pari is in this state….I have to be strong..


Scene shifts..


Vansh flight landed..


He was in his full attitude..


Vansh:- Hello Shimla!!!


To be countinued…..


So many questions.


Answers ??


U will get to know soon….


Stay tuned..


Do comments…


I am quite busy these pls bare this…

Take care..


Be safe…


Be strong both mentally and physically…


“Life will be on line again”..








The post Soul forever? #Riansh FF..part 6 …by Aayu appeared first on Telly Updates.

5/17/2021 12:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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