Sunday, 30 May 2021

Angels and Suitors ft. Mishibir, Kuhukunal, Samaina and Mineil – Promo


Hey guys!!!

I’m here to inform you all that;

I won’t be writing for some days due to covid crisis.

My family members are affected by covid and my close associate’s death made me weak emotionally. I can’t write in this critical situation. So, hope you all understand this. I’ll be continuing the updates once everything is okay. Hopefully, I’ll be back soon.

For now, I wanted to give the update on this because many of you messaged me why I’m not writing Angels and Suitors and bashed me for that. So, I just want to let you know all about this crisis.

So thought of giving a quick promo here!!!

Mini and Neil spend time together in the restaurant and get to know each other better!!!

They have silly fights but it gets resolved and they try hard to be a good couple!!!

Vivaan (Mita & Ashok’s son), Arya, and Kia get bonded well much to the surprise of the elders!!!

Babita returns her old mangalsutra to Ashok!!!

Mita and Babita get bonded well!!!

They save their restaurant!!!

Naina finds it hard to balance her studies and job!!!

Sameer tries hard to help her but they both long for spending time with each other!!!

Rakesh supports Shanti when she loses her mother!!!

Beena and Bela discuss Rakesh’s loneliness!!!

Beena finds Arjun and Shefali romancing!!!

Mishti and Kuhu have a fight!!!

Abir and Kunal get struck in these two girl’s fights!!!

Priya tries to push Kuhu but Mishti saves her and slaps her hard!!!

Mishti gets pregnant!!!

Meenakshi asks them to come to Rajkot!!!

Kunal gets doubt when Parul’s blood group matches with him and not Meenakshi’s!!!


Stay Safe guys!!!

Thanks in advance!!!


The post Angels and Suitors ft. Mishibir, Kuhukunal, Samaina and Mineil – Promo appeared first on Telly Updates.

5/30/2021 08:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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