Sunday, 11 April 2021

For you and with you (Episode 13)


The episode starts with Vansh lifting Riddhima’s hand ,Riddhima smiles and faints.
Vansh shouts Riddhima…
He shakes her,shakes her cheeks and lifts her and rushes out of the jungle ,Angre helps him via mobile navigation.
Vansh tells Angre over call,
Vansh: police and ambulance at the moment.
He reaches out ,police and ambulance reaches,he make Riddhima lie on stretcher,and gets inside ambulance with her.
Vansh keeps Riddhima’s head in his lap.
Vansh tells to unconscious Riddhima,
Vansh: Riddhima..I am ..I am here…nothing will happen to you…
They reaches hospital and Riddhima is taken inside..
after sometime,
Doctor: Who is with that girl here?
All Riddhima’s family,Vansh and Kabir comes forward.
Doctor: I want to tell you that she fainted due to hypertension,dehydration and tiredness,Nothing else has happened to her.
Riddhima’s mother and Vansh thank god.
Riddhima gets conscious.
she is taken home,
Police: So ,that was our duty,to drop the victim till her..we have written your complaint.Let us leave now..
Riddhim’s mother shouts what complaint?
police officer: About all that what happened with your daughter…
Riddhima’s mother: What hapenned with her?Just that her dupatta was snatched…and she got missing in forest…We don’t want any FIR ,please cancel it.
Riddhima stays stunned looking at her mother in full shocked.
Her expressions was like she had knew it that it will happen but was making herself understand no it won’t happen..your mother is with you but what she heard now was complete betrayl from her mother.
Riddhima’s mother: Why are you looking at me like this Riddhima..tell the officer that we don’t want any complaint.
Riddhima was just speechless…all stunned.
Vansh shouted: For God sake Mrs Thakur….for God sake…your daughter had suffered so much today…she came back after fighting death ,anything could happen to her and you are saying to not fire any complaint?
Riddhima’s mother shouted back,: You shut up,you saved my daughter,I am thankful to you,but you don’t know anything about the fear of a mother.
,anything could havee happpened with my daughter but didn’t happen.And if we file complaint now,that enmity with those gooons and then,my daghteer.. her name will
be shown everywhhere ,she will become the topic of gossips foor everyone..who will then accept her as a bride now?
And her mother fell down crying and again stood up with full anger and shouted that no complaint.
Riddhima’s step father: I had already toold this girl mother that stop her studies..girls should be married by this age..they become burden not responsibility.

He looked at her mother.
And sopke…Now will you stop your daughter’s study? Now are you getting my point.
Riddhima’s mother nodded,she said in sobbing voice..calmly to Riddhima.
RIddhima’s mother: Riddhu..beta stop all this.No complaint,no college..I will marry you now.
Riddhima was just looking at her silently.
She had no tears now in her eys.Her eyes were dried,as she knew already that this will happen.
Vansh sat besides Riddhima,
Vansh: Riddhima..see..I understand Mrs Thakur’s concern..but you decide yourself.
He stood up and said fircely..Riddhima…those goons,those rascals,due to whom you faced so much today.Are you going to leave them as such?You remember the first day we met,I had told you that I don’t like coward person…
Police officer: Please Say fast Riddhima Thakur.
Kabir who was enjoying all this till now and was just gazing Riddhima’s beauty now interrupted.
Kabir: Amm Riddhima I thinkk..
Riddhima spoke before he could say anything further.
Riddhima: Please work on this case and find those goons as soon as possible inspector.This FIR should neverbe cancelled.
Police officers nodded and left.
Vansh and Kabir were also going to left but stopped when they heard the sound of slapping.
Vansh turned and saw that Riddhima mother had slapped Riddhima.
Within a moment Riddhima’s mother started shouting,
Riddhima’s mother: Happy now ? Riddhu riddhu riddhu…I always called you such and you gave this thing in return? What do you think? What will you get by this complaint?
he went inside and brought a full bag of dupatta and throwed it over Riddhima.
Riddhima mother: HAve it..have as many as you want..but now tell me that who will accept you in society?
RIddhima was shockingly crying,Vansh was unable to understand such situation.He was just looking at Riddhima crying.
Riddhima: Maa..please.Please top this.What have I done that society will not accept me? They snatched my dupatta..they made me go to forest..what did I ..
Andthen she cried heavily unable to speak.
Riddhima step father: Listen one thing ..I am not going to lift the burdenof your daughter for whole life..Who will marry her now?
Riddhima’s mother fell crying: Riddhima,you don’t know what have you done.Now how will I prove to society that nothing had been done with you.Who will believe us.Who will marry you..
And she cried so heavily ,it seemed she might get an attack.
Riddhima: Maa..please…

They all made her mother lay down.
There was silence.No one was able to speak anything.
All were crying.
Kabir : I will marry Riddhima.
And everyone with utmost shock looked at him.So did Vansh,.
Kabir sat in her mother’s feet.
Kabir: Aunty…I am kabir Roy..the college in which Riddhima study..I am that college dean’s son.I know that nothing happened with Riddhima.I will marry her.
All were stunned.RIddhima was looking at him with tears stopped and extremely shocked,she was unable to understand the situation,
Riddhima’s step father heard the word Dean’s son,and he got the view of money.
Riddhima’s step father: What are you thinking won’t get this oppurtinity ever..see your daughter had got a new life…god himself had sent you new life for her..
Riddhima’s mother couldn’t believe.She started laughing and then held Kabir’s hands.
Riddhima’s mother: Will you…really marry my daughter?
Kabir nodded,and her mother’s happiness had no bounds.
She tightly hugged Riddhima.
RIddhima’s mother: Riddhiiii beta your life…your life got saved beta,.He will marry you.
And Riddhima was just extremely shocked looking at her mother who was behaving like Riddhima had got new birth,she was stunned.She never asumed that her own mother could do this to her.She had not committed any crime,still her own mother is snatching her studies and has decided to marry her off with a man she don’teven know whose name.
Riddhima’s tears had stopped.

Her mother was shaking her,hugging her,but she ,Riddhima seemed to be lifeless doll,who was just quiet and still.
Vansh fiercely pulled Riddhima up.
Everyone became shocked.
Vansh: Are you in your senses or not Riddhima? Do you knoww that what is happening? Riddhima listen to me…It odoesn’t matter that it is kabir or me or any other person.No matter of goodness or evilness of person.Its just that why will you marry anyone due to today? Riddhima..I know..many girls spoil their lives by coming under pressure of their families and society..but you think once.Why will you kill yourself and start a new life? What new life? Whay will this life get stopped?
He got back and left Riddhima.
Vansh: Riddhima..I don’t find the meaning of any marriage at the moment.its about your life,its about the truth,.truth is that you are pure.And you don’t need any proof of your purenees.No marriage can become the proof of your pureness.If you believe on me,just,just come out.come out of this house,this life and have a afresh beginning by creating your life yourself,not by giing your life to anyone else.Riddhima..recall that you are not a burden.You are a lifter,who can bear any pain but will not give upon herself.
Riddhima was hearing him very carefully.His every single word,was so much full of life.She straight turned towards her mother,
and just gazed her.

No words to speak were left.He then looked at kabir and smiled a little.
She then started moving out of the house,Vansh smiled.His smile was such which anyone would have hardly witnessed.He won a big battle today.
Riddhima’s mother shouted: If you get out of this house today,these door will be closed forever.
Riddhima stopped and turned.
Riddhima: Think that you have married off your daughter.Live with pride now.Live with happiness.Just stay happy with your family ma..this house..this house never belonged to me.This is not the house of my baba,this is the house of yoour husband.I was earning for my livelihood,still was living here due to you.But today I realised ma,this faamily ,this society ,is more to you .So be happy with them ma.Because my family,my society is just the truth that I have with me.And the truth is I am innocent.Don’t make me feel gulity by marrying me off,by making me burden on someone.Let me live my life ma.Today these steps ,these steps out of the house,will lead me to world of my own.Where I will make a new identity of Riddhima.
She smiled ,joined hands and turned and moved out.
Vansh waas really eeling proud of her.
and Kabir,he felt that much insulted,that if he would have any gun at the moment,he would have killed Riddhima.

Precap: Vansh hugged Riddhima tightly and told her to cry.She cried heavily.

The post For you and with you (Episode 13) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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