Hey guys welcome to my ff as really glad that u have completed my target so here is the episode so let’s start RECAP: children wish to go India and ahana S evil motive. Episode start
In London
Sejal goes to bela after talking to vyom
The scene shifts
To ridhima and children
Ridhima is teaching them belly dance
(Guys ridhima know kathak , hip hop and belly dance )
Ridhima children danced on tareefan song and saki saki other song which are for belly dance
Then they dance on semi classical choreography on dhadak then kajra mothbahat wala ( remix ) and other song
Then they dance hip hop of song like ankh mare then ole ole 2.0 then garmi and etc
They dance for 2and half hour
After completing the dance practice Riva vanya and tanu were fully tired then they came and sat in the sofa where sejal and bela were chit chatting
Bela said : looks that today ridhima has done a lot of practice
Riva : what s new in this everyday jaan does this much dance yaar my leg want .. before that ridhima said
Ridhima : now don’t say that my leg want cry
Then Rivan and ridhwik entered after playing and bela said taunting way
Bela : ayi a janab padhariye
English ( come Mr please enter)
Rivan : common , mimi today u know i won the football and the basket ball match ( then Rivan went to ridhima and back her ) and said sweetheart I guess it time for our chocolate caramel milkshake which u promised us so as I know my sweet R S will never take her words or promises back
Ridhima : So my handsome hunk is buttering me meena
( guys meena is one of the servant as what mrs d Souza do that same to vansh as meena means meena is one of the oldest and believed servant )
Then meena bought 7 glasses of chocolate caramel milkshake ( AS mahir is in office )
All the children said : you are the best
ridhima: tell me something that I don’t know said in attitude way
Then the start eating / drinking the chocolate caramel milkshake and were chit chatting with each suddenly ridhima got a sound of message and exsued from there
The message
Black mamba : how are you
Ridhima : fine
Black mamba : so let me come to the point
Ridhima :Yes
Black mamba : I guess u know for what I have messaged u
Ridhima : hmm for the location of mafia award function
Black mamba : very smart so the location is INDIA MUMBAI I guess u don’t have prblm as u have mansion there
Ridhima was a little shock but then message
Ridhima : ok
Black mamba : hmm I want u to be present this year
Ridhima : ok I will be present their so tell me when I will come
Black mamba : the function will be held after three days but I want u to come tommorow evening and I know it friend is going to marry so u can give it children an easy excuses
Ridhima : ok I will be coming by tommorow evening and thanks for the help but on the award function my children security
Black mamba : u will take them their where it will be held and their I will keep it children safe but to take their safely will be it duty
Ridhima: ok but don’t dare to betray me as u know very well I hate betrayer s
Black mamba : as u know that I dissent betray any one
Ridhima : good now byeee
Black mamba : ok and come with us right hand sejal as the p. a or the right award and the media will be our mafia world media for the old or the retired mafia and for the family of mafia who couldn’t come
Ridhima : ok byee
Black mamba : bye
Then ridhima goes where others were present
Note : guys sejal bela and mahir knows that ridhima is a mafia the children dosent known
Ridhima : sejal and bela bhabi can u come I have some imp work
Sejal and bela : ok coming
Children : is everything fine
Ridhima : yes just some business dealing work
Sejal bela and ridhima came to a room
Guys sejal is for S , bela is for B and ridhima for R
S : what happen
R : see this
The three saw the message and understood
S : don’t worry u are changed u are not the old one and we are their nothing will happen
B : yes don’t worry be strong
R : hmm I have to be strong
The scene freezes
The scene shifts to vansh office
The scene difreeezes
Vansh and angre were talking suddenly vansh got a message
The message
Guys black mamba is B and vansh is V
B : hi
V : hi
B : so how are u
V : fine
B : so let me come to the point
V : yes
B : so I have decided the place where mafia award function will be held
V : ok so where
B : in India and u have as didn’t come and the location will be message that day and come with us family and I’ll take care of them that’s my promise and u know I dosent break promise
V : ok I will be attending and my family will be coming
( guys everyone in the family knows vansh is a mafia )
Black mamba: and ya p.a or the right hand award will be their and the media will be mafia world media and others u known
V : yes
B : bye
V: bye
Then angre asks : what happen boss
Vansh show the message and angre understood .
The after little chit chatting
Vansh : angre do who has build this new mansion near our mansion
Angre : no boss I tried to get information but didn’t but I know it’s build by any RS
Vansh : it can that London sherni RS
Angre : maybe
Vansh : let’s see
The scene freezes
Phew completed guys plz comments and maaf karna if any spelling or GRAMMARTICAL mistake is their guys the target of comments is 20 and plz tell should i add precap or not . guys I hope it’s long plz support And take care byeeee
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