Thursday, 27 May 2021



Hi everyone!! Don’t worry it’s nothing serious, ab toh aadat si hai is plaster ke saath jeene ki 😂

Riddhima reaches hospital and directly goes to Ramansh.
Riddhima: Bhai! How are you now?
Ramansh: I am fine. Where were you?
Riddhima: Nowhere. All good.
Jai: What did you do?
Asha: What did they say?
Riddhima: His family was begging to meet him so I let them do so.
Jai: I knew she will create a problem. Now they will sort out everything by meeting him.
Ramansh: Dad. Mom. I want to talk to her alone.
Jai: But why?
Ramansh: Nothing serious. Don’t worry I will tell her later.
Doctor: If all of you have met him I think he needs some rest. One of you can stay with him.
Ramansh: Riddhima will stay. Mom you should go home now. I am fine.
Jai and Asha leave the room.
Riddhima: You want to talk to me?
Ramansh: You like Vansh?
Riddhima was surprised by his question. She didn’t know. She wanted to smile and be worried at the same time.
Ramansh: He didn’t do anything to me. I am the reason of my state.
Riddhima: Bhai what happened?
Dev pushed Ramansh in the room and he nearly fell but Vansh holds him.
Ramansh: Thanks…
Vansh: No need of thanks. Well I see you are a really protective brother.
Ramansh: What?
Vansh: Riddhima told me that you saved her from Kabir. I am really embarrassed that he did so. He is really weird.
Ramansh: Well I see you are really open minded. You like my sister?
Vansh: Well, you are really straight forward. I will not lie. Yes. I love Riddhima.
Ramansh: She likes you too. Very happy for you both. Well, my sister is a gem.
Vansh: Indeed she is. She wants to make up her own carrier.
Ramansh: What? She wants to? I am so happy!
Saying so he climbs one of the bench.
Ramansh was slipped from the bench and fell on an iron rod. He fainted.
Flashback ends
I don’t know what happened next. But it’s not his fault.
Riddhima was full of tears. Happy to know that is brother is happy that she wants her own carrier. Sad for treating Vansh like this.
Ramansh: Go Riddhima. I will talk to Dad.
Riddhima: Do you think he will let me do so?
Ramansh: I said na, I will manage.
Precap- Riansh meet

Short updates! But I am alright. Comment your reviews. Keep reading and keep loving 🙃

Tanvi 🌠

The post STOLEN SWEETHEART- RIANSH FF EPI 13 ‘Truth’ appeared first on Telly Updates.

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