Tuesday, 9 March 2021

PolesApart Episode 14: Riddhima is Jealous?


Hello everyone, due to your continuous demand, i am posting this episode soon, but don’t complain about short length, because in short time i can do this much only.. i hope i haven’t hurt anybody.. and if i did pls forgive me.. thank you for your lovely comments..

He then made Riddhima sit at a chair.

Angre: “So we were planning Aunty’s birthday”

Vansh: “Yes, and as I told, tomorrow will be a grand masquerade theme party at night, but we have to start it’s decoration from morning. And since it’s a surprise..”

Siya: “It need to be hidden from mom”

Vansh: “Exactly! So anyone has idea how to keep mom away in the morning from home?”

Everyone thinks.

Riddhima: “I have an idea! What if you all go with aunty tomorrow morning for shopping or outing, and in the meantime I’ll decorate the house.. I actually had a nice excuse also.. My injured leg!”

Siya: “Yeah, that’s a nice idea!”

Aaryan: “But how will you do all this alone?”

Vansh: “Yes! I have a plan for that. You all go, only Riddhima and I will remain in the house.”

Siya, Aaryan and Angre looked at each other smilingly as if signaling something.

Vansh(who understood what they were thinking,speaks slowly so that it is just audible to them and not to Riddhima): “You all are thinking wrong! I have no such plans…”

Siya: “Yeah! That’s a great idea.. “

Riva: “I will also help you Ma!”

Aaryan(in low tone): “ A family outing occurring in a house!”

Siya and Angre laughed at Aaryan’s remark..

Angre: “I think it’s a brilliant idea.. we all will go and you three will be doing the decorations. Done.”

Siya: “Yes, and in this way you can also share some private time!” (giggled)

Vansh eyed Siya.

Siya: “I meant Riva and Riddhima..” (still giggling)

Riddhima: “Okay, so it’s done.”

Next morning, Riddhima woke early and witnessed all the family members going with Anupriya for an outing. Riva and Vansh was still asleep. She and the others have decided not to wish Anupriya till the party and let her be annoyed for the same.

Anupriya: “Why are you all forcing me to go out? Do you remember something special today?”(with an excited smile)

Siya: “No mom, actually I was bored so I planned all this. Riddhima, Bhai and Riva will remain in house.”

Anupriya’s smile faded(thinking): “Oh! They didn’t remember my birthday!”

Siya(thinking): “Mom, don’t worry we will give you a surprise!”

All them of them go.

Riddhima came out of bathroom. She saw Riva and Vansh still sleeping. Riva was sleeping while hugging Vansh. But Riddhima’s focus was more on Vansh. “How cute they look together!” : she thought.

Then she came near the dressing. She was wearing a long white kurta and a white plazzo with a black and white stripped shrug. She was looking cute.

She brushed hair, but her hair was out of her control.. they were moving here and there, all over her face, sometimes eyes.. the fan had made the situation even worse. She couldn’t comb her hair. Then she felt a warm touch over her hairs, someone was helping her comb. She knew who he was, just from his smell, touch, she could sense he was Vansh.

Riddhima: “Vansh!”

Vansh: “Hmm, let me help you.”

Riddhima was assured now. She left her hairs, so that Vansh could comb by himself. Vansh combed Riddhima’s hairs and made a pony out of it. Riddhima was staring Vansh all over this in the mirror. Vansh who knew it, avoid eye contact.

Riddhima was ready, when she turned, her shrug got tangled in Vansh’s bracelet, due to which Riddhima lost balance and fell, but Vansh caught her. Riddhima was in Vansh’s arms. Both of them were staring each other. Riddhima then drew her attention towards her tangled shrug and tried to remove it while being on Vansh’s arms. Vansh then make Riddima stand straight and he also started helping. Their hands touched. Riddhima shivered. His touch was like a feeling of joy for her. She couldn’t explain this feeling. Her heart started throbbing faster. She was anxious. She don’t know the reason but she wanted to always remain with Vansh. They both succeeded in unraveling it.

Riddhima then looked at Riva. She woke. Riddhima ran towards Riva, hugged her.

Riddhima: “How is my child? Good morning nonu!”

Vansh and Riva: “Nonu!”

Riddhima: “ She’s my daughter I can give her n numbers of nicknames.. So Riva, now I will call you Nonu! Any problem?”

Riva smiled and hugged her back. Vansh laughed at the name. Riva and Riddhima left the room and went to kitchen. Riddhima was making sweets for Anupriya and Riva was helping her.

Riddhima: “Nonu, give me sugar.”

Riva: “yes ma!”

Riddhima: “Now see, colour gets brownish, it means halwa is ready!”

Riva: “Wow! Ma, it’s smelling very nice can I have it?”

Riddhima: “No, beta it’s for your Dadi.. first she’ll have it then we will, okay?”

Riva(sad tone): “Okay!”

Riddhima smiled and gave Riva a plate full of halwa.

Riva got elated! Riddhima told Riva to eat halwa, while she went upstairs to give Vansh milk. Vansh was getting ready.

When Riddhima entered the room Vansh was wearing Shirt.

Riddhima(thinking): “Why I always enter at wrong time?”(covering her eyes)

Vansh: “Because I am too hot to resist!”

Riddhima(bewildered): “Excuse me?”

Vansh turned around, he was talking to someone in phone, Riddhima noticed bluetooth in his ear.

Riddhima(thinking): “Oh! He’s talking to someone!”

Riddhima put the glass on table and went outside room, when she heard.

Vansh(still talking in phone): “Look, you have to come in today’s party.. I will be waiting for you darling! We’ll enjoy it! And I can’t imagine the party without you!”

Riddhima was furious. She left to kitchen annoyingly.

Riddhima(thinking): “Darling! Can’t imagine party without you! Who was she? I will see how he will enjoy today’s party with someone else..”

Riddhima was jealous. She was actually burning from jealousy, when she heard a sound from her heart.

RH(Riddhima’s heart)-“Why are you jealous?”

RB(Riddhima’s Brain)-“Jealous? I am not!”

RH-“I know you are! You can’t hide it from me!”

RB-“He called darling!”

RH-“Yes! So what, are you now capable of admitting the truth?”

RB-“Which truth?”

RH-“ Riddhima, you are jealous!”

RB-“ Why would I be jealous?”

RH-“ Because, tubelight! You love him!”

RB-“ What? No!”

RH– “Yes!”

RB-“ No!”


Riddhima(almost shouting): “Stop it!”

Riva: “What happen Ma?”

Riddhima(gaining her senses): “Oh nothing nonu. You ate halwa?”

Riva: “YEP”

Riddhima: “Okay, now go to your room and come after bathing.”

Riva went. Riddhima was busy doing her work, when Vansh entered.

Vansh(smelling): “Wow! You know to cook?”

Riddhima: “No! Only you and you ‘Darling’ knows!” (annoyed)

Vansh: “My darling?”

Riddhima: “Yes, the one you were talking with, inviting her to the party..”

Vansh: “So you was eavesdropping?”

Riddhima(hesitating): “N..No.. I just listen you calling her ‘Darling’!
Vansh(smiling creepily): “You’re jealous?”

Riddhima(blushed): “No, why would I be jealous.. call anyone darling, sweetheart, or anything..”

Vansh pulled Riddhima towards himself.

Vansh(staring): ” You look so cute when you are jealous!”

Riddhima(annoyed): “Firstly i am not jealous! Secondly, how dare you called someone darling! And thirdly, you said that you would never imagine a party without her! Who the hell is this woman?”

Vansh(almost laughing): “See you are really jealous! And don’t call her like that.”

Riddhima(furious): “Oh you got hurt!”

Vansh(he was enjoying Riddhima’s jealousy): “Yes, i love her!”

Riddhima(uncontrollably): “You go to hell!! Get lost! I am not going to talk..”

Vansh: “Why are you behaving like my wife!”

Riddhima: “Because i am!”

Vansh: “Excuse me? We aren’t married! If you want we can get..”

Riddhima: “Hello, Mr I am not interested in that! And what will happen to your ‘darling’ when she will get to know that you are getting married to someone else!”

Vansh: “She’ll bless me in my wedding.”

Riddhima: “What! How old is she?”

Vansh: “Around 50 or above don’t know!”

Riddhima: “Is she your relative?”

Vansh: “She’s my mom’s friend!”

Riddhima: “Can’t you tell this before!”

Vansh: “Then how could I enjoy your jealous version!”

Riddhima was embarrassed.

Vansh(diverting): “Why are you working here? You should not do these things, ask servants they will do!”(staring)

Riddhima: “No, I will do myself!”

Vansh: “Why?”

Riddhima: “It’s my birthday gift to aunty, I’ll prepare party and sweets for her!”

Vansh: “You could have bought this, why are you doing it yourself?”

Riddhima: “Vansh, when we do something for our loved by our self we value it. I love aunty, and I wanted to show my gratitude and respect towards her from my own feelings, I know buying things would be easy, but those ready made gifts won’t have the same sentiments which I feel for her. Moreover, if we did something by our own, not only us, but others also value it. Now when aunty will see this she’ll be very happy, rather buying some materialistic stuff for her. It’s emotions that matter, not materials!”

Vansh gazed her. He was overwhelmed from her thoughts. He never know that these little things could value so much in life. He felt like he got the essence of life. He was proud of Riddhima.

Then Aaryan comes.

Done!! How’s it? Do you like jealous Riddhima? And the new name of Riva? I got to know from your comments that you all love Riva’s character. Trust me while drafting the story itself i liked her..

And today’s question! Who do you think is Vansh’s Darling?

The post PolesApart Episode 14: Riddhima is Jealous? appeared first on Telly Updates.

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