Khushank Arora is all set to return to the silver screen with the show ‘Yeh Hai Chahatein’ after a gap of 5 years. Khushank was last featured in Santoshi Maa. He will be seen essaying the role of antagonist Kabeer in the show.
Talking about Kabeer, he says, “I play Kabeer, who is the anti-hero of the show. I am anxious, nervous, and excited to embark on this journey all over again. Interestingly, I started my career in acting with Ekta Kapoor’s Kaun Jeetega Bollywood Ka Ticket in 2008 and it is again her show that will mark my comeback.”
Khushank was busy setting up his restaurant and also signed up for two shows, but unfortunately, both of them were never aired. He shares, “I had signed two shows as the male lead, but they were scrapped eventually. It was disappointing as I had invested a lot of time and effort in preparing and waiting for these two shows to take off. This revealed the uncertainty of our industry, which made me deviate for a while to shift all energies to my other passion. I took a short break in 2018 to venture into the food and beverage industry. It was a conscious decision to explore different avenues and dimensions of business. All my life, I’ve had just two passions — acting and hospitality. Now that everything is set, I decided to get back to acting.”
The comeback wasn’t easy as he has to choose between two shows. He says, “I had signed another show as the lead and waited for five months for it to take off. I wanted to take up something, which allowed me to perform rather than just work for the sake of it. When I got a call for YHC, I decided to take it up without batting an eyelid. The phase also taught me to grab what comes first instead of waiting endlessly. It’s been a long wait, but worth it.”
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