The episode opens in Rhea’s room. She is lying on her bed and crying bitterly reminiscing Abhi’s rude attitude towards her and his announcement regarding Prachi and Ranbir’s engagement. Meera comes and tries to console her saying, “Baby, don’t cry like this, you did not eat since you came back yesterday and even now, you got up from the dining table before finishing your breakfast, In this way you will fall terribly sick, baby!!!” Rhea gets up, hugs Meera tightly and cries keeping her head on her shoulder saying, “Meera Auntie, nobody is TRUSTING me!!! Everybody thinks that I was one responsible for whatever happened yesterday, but I swear, Meera Auntie, it wasn’t me!!” just then Aliyah reaches the entrance of the room and sees Meera and Rhea together, Meera asks Rhea, “What about your Mom, Rhea??? Doesn’t she TRUST you???” Both Rhea and Aliyah get bewildered on hearing that. Rhea wipes her tears and says, “She is not my MOTHER, Meera Auntie!!!” Meera tries to make her understand, “Of course, she is your mother Rhea!!! And remember you too had accepted her as your mother!!! And I’m sure she is the one who will be able to help you the most, right now!!!” Aliyah shouts out from behind, “We don’t need any advice from you in our family matters, Meera!!!” Meera turns towards Aliyah in amazement. Aliyah continues, “Rhea knows whom she WANTS AND DOES NOT WANT in her life!!! You need not ADVICE her on that!!! And anyways you are not a part of our family and are just an outsider, so just behave like an outsider!!!” Rhea feels bad for Meera and is about to take her support, “Booji….”, but before she could. Aliyah puts out her hand in front of her, signing her “No!!!” Aliyah continues with Meera, “Now I want to talk to Rhea alone!!!” Meera gets up and leaves dismayed. After Meera leaves, Aliyah comes closer to Rhea and says, “Sweetheart, don’t listen to Meera’s words, YOUR MOTHER is NOT A GOOD WOMAN, after all she is a MIDDLE-CLASS WOMAN and all MIDDLE-CLASS WOMAN are CHEAP, they just play with people’s EMOTIONS!!!” Just then, Aryan calls out in a loud tone, “Mom???” Both Rhea and Aliyah are surprised to see him. Aliyah gets nervous and hesitantly asks, “Sweetheart, what are you doing here??” Aryan replies, “I just came to call Rhea downstairs as Ranbir has sent word. But Mom what are you doing???” Aliyah gets confused and asks, “What do you mean, Aryan??” Aryan frowns and tells her, “Mom!!! You were just manipulating Rhea against her own MOTHER!!!” Aliyah shouts back, “Aryan!!! I was just telling Rhea the truth!!!” Aryan asks, “The truth?? Mom how would you feel if someone speaks such things about YOU to ME!!!” Aliyah scolds him, “Aryan, how dare you talk to your mother like that???” Aryan replies, “I’m sorry Mom, but I just wanted to say, let Rhea think on her own, let her decide who is GOOD and BAD for her, that’s it!!!” Aliyah is astonished at his answer while Rhea gets thinking about it. Aryan continues, “Now come on Rhea, Ranbir and Prachi are waiting for you downstairs.” Rhea nods, gets up, tidies herself quickly in front of the mirror, takes her bag, takes leave from Aliyah and goes along with Aryan. After they leave, Aliyah gets thinking, “Never ever in his life, Aryan has ever gone against what I say, but today he not only back answered but also opposed my opinion. I wonder what has got into his head???” Suddenly, Shahana’s face flashes through her mind, she says, “Oh that middle-class girl is doing the same thing with my son that Pragya did with my Bhai!!! Pragya came into my bhai’s life and distanced him from me, now this girl!! No, I will not let that happen!!!”
RK Puram, St Thomas Cathedral
Sunny asks Rakhi, “Why do you always follow me wherever I go??” Rakhi gets irritated and tells him, “Excuse-me, I stay here!!!” Sanju for a second, forgetting his worries, teases Sunny saying, “Oh that is why you find peace here, bhai??” Sunny stares at him, he shuts up and continues to wail. Rakhi continues, “Don’t you remember of seeing me here when you gave that message last time??” Sunny reminisces how he had sent her the message last time on the day of Diwali, without noticing her face and surprisingly asks her, “How did you come to know that it was me???” Rakhi replies, “The handkerchief which you tied around my hand yesterday was in fact the one which I had given you!!!” Sunny reminisces of having helped Rakhi the previous day by tying a kerchief around her bleeding hand, when, Rakhi remembers something and asks Sunny to wait for a few minutes. Sunny tries to deny but before that Rakhi turns arounds and vanishes. Sanju tells him, “I guess, Bhabhi ji has some gift for you!!!” Sunny raises his voice and tells him, “She is not your Bhabhi, Sanju!!!” Sanju getting vexed says, “Oh how can I forget, you too are a part of that Mehra Mansion men, right??? So, you won’t be satisfied with just one woman, there should be ONE more with whom you want to play Rasleela, right!!!” Sunny gets exasperated and is about to scold him, when Rakhi arrives there and says, “Here!!” Sunny looks towards her and sees her holding out her handkerchief to him. He gets surprised and asks her, “Why are you giving it back to me??? Because you need the message (“We can overcome our pains only when we are brave enough to face and defeat them”) on it more than me because I KNOW YOUR HATRED AND BITTERNESS IS TOWARDS YOUR OWN ONES!!!” Sunny is left astounded at her words and gets looking into her eyes. Sanju sees that and coughs asking, “Bhai, shall we go?” Sunny comes to his senses, looks towards Sanju, nods and slowly leaves from there. Rakhi keeps looking at him from behind.
In Mehra Mansion
Abhi asks Vikram, “What are you saying, you wish to marry Mishti to Aryan??? I’m not really sure about it, Vikram, because Purab is really possessive about Aryan he will stick on to the idea of not marrying Aryan at this young age!!!” Vikram asks Abhi, “Then what about Ranbir??? Arrey ho Abhi, if you remember, both Ranbir and Aryan are of the same age, then what is he problem in Aryan getting married if Ranbir can??? And I’m sure you can convince Purab which is why I’m putting it forward to you, won’t you Abhi??” Abhi looks on.
Downstairs, Rhea comes along with Aryan. Ranbir tells her, “Even after realising all your dirty games, I’m still continuing MY FRIENDSHIP with you all because of your sister, Rhea!!!” Rhea looks annoyingly at Prachi, while Ranbir continues, “But never ever try to come in between us!!!” Rhea shakes her head and looks away disinterestedly, while, Ranbir tells her, “I will drop you to the college Rhea along with Prachi, Mishti and….” Priyanka calls out, “Me too, I know you and Prachi will be heading to the office after dropping Rhea and Mishti, so can I join along as I have some work there???” Ranbir nods and agrees and tells Aryan to drop Shahana, when Mishti cuts in and asks, “Bhai, why don’t you take Shahana along with you so she can with Prachi, while I will come with Aryan. Both Aryan-Shahana are displeased at that suggestion, while Priyanka disgusted to have Shahana along with them. She brings out a fake concerned face and says, “Mishti!!! Shahana went through a very bad trauma yesterday, so let her take rest here today and go home later, you can come along with us!!!” Mishti disappointedly agrees. Soon, Ranbir, Prachi, Rhea, Priyanka and Mishti leave and Aryan slowly and unconsciously marches into a secluded area of the garden. Shahana follows him and as he halts, she asks him, “Aryan I know something is bugging you!!! From the time I came this morning I have noticed that you are lost somewhere!!! Come on tell me, what is it???” Aryan turns around, hugs her tightly and starts crying. Shahana is surprised but at the same time getting concerned for him, asks him, “What happened Aryan???” Aryan pulls himself forward and reveals to her each and everything about his family that he learnt from Sunny and Purab. Shahana gets a shock of her life, while he continues misty-eyed, “Unbelievable Shahana, I never knew that my own MOTHER was such an EVIL person in her life, she has destroyed the lives of so many and as a result of which, my Bhai has turned so vengeful!!!” on saying that he falls on his knees crying even more bitterly. Shahana calms him down by hugging him and placing his head on her chest, then gently caresses his back. She asks him, “So the DISASTROUS PAST OF YOUR FAMILY was haunting you all this while??? How come you never told your grief to anyone other than me???” Aryan looks upwards into her eyes and quickly hugs her passionately in tears. Shahana feels good, smiles and hugs him back tightly. As she hugs, Aryan unknowingly digs his face on her shoulder and kisses there, when, all of a sudden, they are appalled by the loud call of Aliyah, “SHAHANA!!!!”
To be continued.
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