Goes near Aryan and puts handcuffs on his hands.
Aryan: What ? Why you did this, Inspector..
Inspector : Come
He is taking Aryan along when Vansh bursts with laughter.
Riddhima : Couldn’t y’ control ?
Vansh : Sorry , I wasn’t able to see Aryan’s face..
Aryan : Wait..IS this a prank ?
Vansh : Yes..of course !
The whole family started laughing..The fake inspector leaves Aryan and exits.
Aryan : Vansh, this is wrong..
Vansh : And what you did is right ?
Aryan : No but…
Riddhima : I’m leaving..
Siya : Why ?
Riddhima : Kyaa di..You don’t know Immj2 is starting..(looks at her watch) OMG !! I am late..Byee
She escapes.
Aryan : Vansh..
Vansh : Hmm ?
Aryan : Don’t you remember how Riddhima had troubled us..
(Flashback when Riddhima gave them punishments)
Vansh: Ha, I remember..
Aryan : IT’s time for revenge..
Siya : Hmm..So, how ?
Vansh : I have a plan..
Vansh : ******************************
Aryan : We can add this too..**********************
Siya : But what if she does *************
Aryan : She won’t..
Siya nods.
Siya : These small pranks will trouble her..
Aryan : Right..
Next morning, IT’s Second Saturday, so it’s a holiday. The adults have gone to market .
VR Mansion :
Riddhima comes. They all are sitting, Siya brings coca-cola for her.
Riddhima : Ice-cubes ?
Siya : I have put..
Riddhima : Thank you..
She takes it and sips it , then throws out of her mouth.
Vansh : What happened ?
Ridhima : Eww..!This tastes bad..
Siya : Maybe because of the weather..
Riddhima nods. Vansh , Aryan and Siya leave while she is swiping her phone.
Aryan : Plan successful..
Flashback :-
Vansh : Siya, have you frozen the mint ice-cubes..
Siya nods.
Aryan : Riddhima must be coming, serve in glass and come..Act normal.
Flashback ends.
Vansh : Now next..
Siya : Hmm
They talk **************************
In the hall now,
Siya : Riddhu
Riddhima : Hmm ?
Siya : Let’s go on a short drive, what do you say ?
Riddhima : Sure !
They sit in the car , the car is moving , many people are buzzing their horns. Riddhima, who is driving, gets angry.
Riddhima : What is the problem ? Why are they buzzing the horns..?? Ughhhh!!!!
Siya : Calm down, Riddhu !!!!!
Riddhima : Shh..Irritating people..F***
Aryan : Calm down..
She is irritated , stops the car . She gets down and goes behind the car and sees a slip pasted,”Blow the horn, it’s my birthday today.” She comes back. Aryan, Siya and Vansh are laughing.
Riddhima : I’m forgiving y’ this time, don’t repeat it..
After their short drive, back to VR Mansion.
Siya : Would y’ like to have oreos ?
Riddhima nods. Siya goes to take oreos for her.
Riddhima : Is it their prank ? Maybe no..
She brings. Riddhima eats it.
Riddhima : Ewww…!!!!! Chhiii
She runs out .
Flashback –
Siya , Aryan and Vansh replace the oreo’s cream with toothpaste.
Flashback ends.
Riddhima goes to her home.
That’s it for the part..Vaise toh I wasn’t to post, but because of some people’s request I did ! Next part on 7th, the length depends on..:-
10 – 15 comments (excluding mine) :- 1 page
15-20 comments (excluding mine) :- 2 pages
20-25 comments (excluding mine) :- 3 pages
25-30 comments (excluding mine) :- 4 pages
PS :- This episode is of 2 pages..Keep supporting, and suggestions are most welcome ! Coming towards the episode, which will come today, I don’t read the written updates before the telecast but I was curious so read..The episode is romantic but the precap is not shown..I was waiting when they’ll show that precap, but they didn’t..Do y’ think Vansh will be killed in tomorrow’s episode ? I don’t think, I mean Riddhima will save him..Last, If y’ follow me on Insta, comment your id’s down, except Iyena, Shivangi and Naira..Don’t forget to follow @riansh.obsessed , keep loving !
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