Wednesday 24 February 2021

A Quest for the Heart – Episode 5


Hi guys. Sorry for not posting in 2-3 days. I had a lot of assignments to finish and needed to complete those but hope you enjoy this epi, it’s a little longer than the last one.

Epi starts…

Why are you locking me in here? I just wanna be free. I’m not a toy that you can just toss around whenever you want to, just let me go pls.

Back to present (2am)..

Riddhima was shaking and screaming in her sleep. She woke up startled and panicked while looking around the room. She realised where she was and started to cry. Vansh suddenly got up next to her and thought whether or not he should do anything. He placed a hand on her shoulder as she panicked.

Vansh: Woah, calm down, you are shaking.

Riddhima hugged him out of consciousness and weeped into his shirt. Vansh was shocked, he couldn’t move and wasn’t thinking straight but placed one arm around her shoulders to hug her back. After a few minutes, Riddhima realised what she was doing and quickly broke the hug.

Riddhima: sorry, I didn’t do that. I panicked and thought someone was after me (she wiped her tears)

Vansh: It’s ok sweetheart. We can just forget it. You want some water?

Riddhima nods while Vansh handed her a glass.

Vansh: Try and get back to sleep..and just to assure you. There is nothing that can harm you here, your protection is under my watch. There is no need to worry (he gently smiles)

Vansh (thinking): What is this girl doing to me? Why did I feel so safe and comfortable when she was in my arms. What is this? I wander what happened. What made her so scared?

Both of them thinking to themselves fell asleep until the next morning.

The next morning (9am)..

Angre was walking outside when he turned the door to the study and walked inside. He screamed the moment he saw Riddhima and Vansh sleeping together on the sofa. They both woke up startled.

Vansh rubbing his head: Angre what the hell?! What on earth are you doing? Is this the way to wake someone up?

Angre: Umm..sorry boss but I think I should ask you. Did you both spend the night in here?

Riddhima looked at Vansh and then back at Angre.

Vansh: Yes Angre, the door was locked and you decided to take the keys with you. Now if you will excuse me, I need to go back to my room. The sofa killed my back.

He walked out and goes upstairs. Riddhima walks up to Angre.

Riddhima: Sorry you had to see whatever you saw, not sure exactly but what is the business you do around here?

Angre: I can’t give you that information sorry.

Riddhima: Fine (rolls her eyes and walks out)

Angre(thinking): They make a good pair.

Later that afternoon..

Riddhima was going to the pool area when she heard footsteps behind her. She turns and saw Kabir.

Kabir: Hello beautiful, what you doing?

Riddhima: Shut up Kabir, leave me alone.

Kabir: Oh come on..

Riddhima: LEAVE ME ALONE KABIR. You want me to say it any louder and scream or are you going to leave?

Kabir: Fine I’m going

Kabir (thinking): You will regret that Riddhima. Nobody goes against me ever. I have to think of something without Vansh knowing. This could seriously cost me my job. Oh I could get mom to help.

He takes out his phone and dials the number while walking away.

Vansh on the other hand needed to get out of the study. He turns to Angre

Vansh: Schedule a meeting with the gold dealer tonight. We are going in

Angre: Yes boss will do it now.

Vansh walks out and sees Riddhima siting by the pool on her own. He walks up to her.

Vansh: Sweetheart, come on I have a thing that might make you smile a little.

Riddhima: Not now Vansh, I am not in the mood for anything.

Vansh: Alright. How about meeting the rest of my family?

Riddhima: Really?

Vansh: Yes then you won’t think this house is a prison but instead a home where you will know everyone.

Riddhima: Oh yayy (sarcastic)

Vansh: You coming or not?

Riddhima shugs and follows Vansh to the living room. She sees everyone talking there and feels really awkward for not knowing anyone of them except Ishani.

Vansh walked up to each and everyone and introduced Dadi, Siya, Angre, Kabir, Anupriya, Angre, Chancal, Rudra and Aryan.

Vansh to Riddhima: Oh one more thing, Kabir is my half brother. That’s all I’m going to say. (He looks at Kabir and gestured to him)

Kabir (thinking): I am so tired of following Vansh, this will be the last time I follow him. The next time it will be him that listens to me.

Precap: Kabir puts his plan into action with the help of Anupriya. Meanwhile Riddhima goes to VR corp and falls into danger. Vansh meets the dealer.

Just to clear confusions, here are the relations to the characters

Vansh doesn’t call Anupriya mom. She betrayed him when he was a child and he has never forgave her. Ishani and Angre are friends but have feelings for each other. Aryan is negative and Siya is the lovely sister that looks after everyone along with Dadi. Aryan and his family are not part of the Rai Singhania’s they are family friends.

that’s all for today guys, hope ya all enjoyed it. I will update soon. Let me know if you have any suggestions

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