Thursday, 25 May 2023

Ajooni 24th May 2023 Written Episode Update


Ajooni 24th May 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Rajveer tells Ajooni that he can’t go there. Ajooni says your issue was with Ravindra and Bebe but Dolly will be hurt if you don’t go today. Rajveer says I don’t even have money to buy a gift for her. Ajooni says I have an idea, I have some gold earrings so you can gift it to Dolly, I will go with you. Rajveer smiles at her and says they are yours so I will work again and earn some money. Ajooni says don’t think too much, she is your sister so I don’t care if she wears my earrings so lets just go.

Dolly tells Bebe that I don’t want to accept Shanky as my brother. Bebe says its your ritual so do his aarti. Dolly says I will do Rajveer’s aart even if I have to go there. Ravindra says you can’t go there. Dolly says if he comes here then I will do his aarti, I am sure he will come here today. Ravindra says I don’t think so. Bebe says if Rajveer doesn’t come then you have to do Shanky’s aarti, Dolly agrees.

Rajveer coms to Tajendra and says we want to go to Ravindra’s house for the pooja. Tajendra says I can’t let you go as he didn’t invite you. Rajveer says I don’t care, I have to go there for Dolly. Amrit says let him go, if Ravindra didn’t invite him so don’t feel insulted. Dolly might be Shanky’s sister but he doesn’t care. Rajveer says brothers usually gift their sisters after the pooja. Tajendra says you don’t have money for that. Ajooni says I gave my jewelry to Amrit so can I take my earrings? Amrit says you should ask about those from Kaviri, she gave them all to her relative and she never returned.

Update in Progress

Update Credit to: Atiba

The post Ajooni 24th May 2023 Written Episode Update appeared first on Telly Updates.

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