Sunday 10 January 2021

Woh Chaand Toh Mein Hoon – SHOCKER FOR NAIRA (EP 42)


Hai everyone here is next episode

Episode starts

The surgery is going on for the past few hours Naira is weeping  non stop

while Naksh and Adi console her

Ishitha: Naira dont worry Kartik will get fine

Raman: Haan beta stay strong please

The theatre lights go off and doctors come out

Doctor Prateek : The surgery was a success Mrs Goenka. Kartik is stable now. He will gain consciousness in next few hours. Once he gains consciousness we can know whether he has other issues.

Naira: Doctor…other issues mean?
Ishitha: Nothing beta. Just like disorientation and memory related (In mind : Transient paralysis can occur too)

Naira: Memory?

All are upset hearing it

Ishitha: Dont get upset. Nothing of that sort will happen

Naksh: Naira even if he forgets it is good only. Make him fall freshly in love with you without Urvashi

Naira has a faint smile.

Kartik is brought to the Post operative care unit

Nurse: Only one can stay here. In the morning we can transfer him to the room

Naira : Ill stay

Swarna: Naira Ill be here you go home

Naira: No maa Ill stay. He needs me

Akshara: Okay you stay

Adi: If you need anything just one ring okay?

Naira nods. Seeing her condition no one wants to leave but they have no other choice too so they leave.

Naira seats herself in a stool near Kartik and holds his hand tight. Her tears do not have an idea to stop

Naira: If you had not gone for my tattoo you would not have got this. Im sorry Kartik. Please get well soon my Mendak

She rests her head on his chest and feels his chest heaving while breathing. That movement soothes her heart and she feels that her pain is vanishing.

Early Morning 

Keerthi: Naira you go home and get fresh he is now in room na Ill take care

Naira: Par didi

Keerthi: Don’t you believe me that I’ll take care of your Kartik?

Naira: Nothing of that sort didi. Ok I’ll go home get fresh and come soon

Naira leaves for home. Keerthi is with Kartik. Naksh and Adi join her

Some time later. Kartik slowly regains consciousness. Naksh rushes to call the doctor.He sees Keerthi near him

Kartik: Keerthi…

Keerthi: Kartik..thank god you are alright

Kartik: Why am I here? Where is Naira?

Just then Doctor Prateek enters

Dr: Kartik..

Keerthi: Doctor he recognised me and he is asking for Naira

Dr: Then memory is not affected. Good.

Keerthi calls Naira. She is coming in her car and stops it with a screech on seeing the display

Keerthi: Naira..Kartik has regained consciousness and he remembers you. He recognised us all too.
Naira: Wow Didi..Im on my way.
She disconnects the call

Naira: Thank you Ganga Maiya my Mendak has not forgotten me. Please make him alright soon

Naira reaches the hospital and there awaits her a shock. She weeps and slumps on the floor on seeing Kartik in a wheelchair

Ishitha: Naira Kartik …is..

Dr: Suffering from transient paralysis. But dont worry with proper physiotherapy and treatment he can get on his feet soon

Naira in her mind: Naira you should not cry that too infront  of Kartik. He will be down by morale so its you who must boost it. If yu yourslef cry who will console Kartik

She jumps on her feet and holds his hand tight

Naira: Definitely Kartik will get well soon. I have full belief on my husband

Kartik is happy to see her confidence which boosts his confidence






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