Saturday, 9 January 2021

#riansh #vari a friendship to relationship story (jealous vansh) Episode 12


Riddhima came down stairs and was smiling

Ishani – Riddhu why are you smiling

Riddhima – nothing just

Chanchal – Riddhu why you left vansh alone

Riddhima – oops mumma i forget about him

At that time vansh was coming downstairs

Rudra – chanchal why are you scolding my daughter look vansh is coming

Uma – it looks like everyone is here so can we start engagement

Riddhima – no no maa my some special guests are coming

Rishabh – who riddhu?

Riddhima – bhai just wait na

And suddenly lights turn off. Everyone gets worried. Then 2 guys came from door . Everyone has a questioning look while Riddhima joined the guys

Vansh – Riddhima whats all is happening

Suddenly spot light land on them and they came as Mohit , Gaurav ( Riddhima’s best friend since 4 years that because Vansh and his family dont know him )

The trio came and suddenly music started. (  Wah wah ram ji ) and trio started dancing on that song.
While dancing they were coming toward the couple.
Song ends.

Uma – riddhima beta who are they

Vansh was little jealous by seeing riddhima with someone

Riddhima – Maa they both are my best friends this is Mohit ( pointing towarda mohit ) and this is gaurav ( pointing toward gaurav )

Rishabh – wow guys its a preety cool surprise

Mohit – bhai its riddhu’s idea she said that we should take a grand entry

Gaurav – because we are meeting some with after long time and some with for first time

Riddhima introduce everyone

Riddhima – guys i missed you (saying so she hugged them they both hugged her back)

Vansh was burning in jealousy. He came toward the best friends.

Vansh – you didnt introduce me with your friends

Riddhima – oh ya guys he is Vansh raisinghania my would be bhabhi’s brother

Vansh – and her best friend

Mohit – you were her best friend now she is our best friend

Gaurav – yes mr . VR you were her past we are her present

Riddhima – Guys don’t be so rude

Mohit – ok baby ( saying so he touches riddhimas ears)

Riddhima – i used to thought that when someone done a mistake they touches their own ears

Gaurav – we are different na Riddhu

While all these vansh was like volcano. He moved from there to his room.

Riddhima – guys that was too much yrr i know our plan was to make him jealous but that was rude

Mohit – bro he loves you so much haa while i touches your ears he was like fire

Gaurav – if at that time he has a gun then he must have definitely shoot you

Riddhima – but guys step 1 is done now we have to move on step 2

Gaurav – bro that basted Kabir he tries to harm you

Riddhima – relex nothing happens to me


Mohit ,Gaurav entered the house and saw kabir cutting the rope before they could do anything chandelier falls. They told everthing to Riddhima she decided to know the truth when she was coming downstairs she saw Angre worried she asked the reason after alot he told her the full truth she get shocked to know the truth she asked him to not tell anything to vansh that she knows the truth he agreed Riddhima makes plan to make Vansh jealous.

Flshback ends

Riddhima – that stupid he made misunderstandings between us now he gonna pay for this. And haa thank-you guys for your help

Gaurav – bro dont say thank you after all we are doing this to dance in our bros wedding

Riddhima blushes

Mohit – dude see she is blushing . This is the magic of our would be jiju

Riddhima – aacha when is Angad coming

Mohit – soon

Riddhima – I cant wait for the day Vansh will confess his feelings

Gaurav – someone is so desperate haa

Riddhima – don’t tease me

Riddhima – ok lets move to the next one

Mohit – where he is you go to him

Riddhima moves to Vansh’s room. There Vansh was sitting in anger

Riddhima – vansh everyone is calling you

Vansh – wont you?

Riddhima – what?

Vansh – you were busy with your friends so what made you call me

Then mohit arrives

Vansh ( murmurs ) – aa gya kabab me haddi

Riddhima ( smiling ) did you just say something

Vansh – na na you guys go i will come

Both leaves

Riddhima – did you just heared what he said ( laughing )

Mohit – bro he is perfect for you

Riddhima blushes😚

The post #riansh #vari a friendship to relationship story (jealous vansh) Episode 12 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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