Saturday, 9 January 2021




SCENE 1: Riddhima is in her flat getting ready…

Riddhima: It is good that today is a holiday, today i can go and meet Vansh and apologise, i hope he accepts it! Let’s see! But i have to take an appointment first, so let me call that number from which i got a call yesterday..

She calls Rudra..

Rudra: Hello, this is Rudra speaking…

Riddhima: Hello, This is riddhima mishra, i needed to take an appointment to meet Mr.Vansh, is it available any time today?

Rudra’s pov: We didn’t even implement our plan, and she herself wants to talk to sir? What is going on in her mind?

Rudra: I need to check the schedule mam, can i call you back in 5 minutes?

Riddhima: Oh yeah sure! But try to give me an appointment today itself, if possible, as today i am free..

Rudra: Sure, i will let you know in 5 minutes..

Riddhima cuts the call

Rudra: Sir, she wants an appointment to meet you..

Vansh: So our plan worked? Good

Rudra: Sir, we didn’t even implement our plan yet! This is her own decision to come and meet you!

Vansh: Till yesterday she didn’t even want to be in my presence and today she wants to come and meet me?! Weird!

Ishani: Maybe she has thought your offer through and wants to work here bhai!

Vansh: Interesting,very interesting! Call her and give her appointment…

Rudra: Ok sir…

Rudra calls Riddhima

Riddhima: So? Is there any appointment?

Rudra: Yes mam, you can come to office at 1:30 pm today..

Riddhima: That’s great, but he doesn’t mind if i come 5-10 minutes late right, because i have a few chores to do..

Rudra: No, in fact he has cleared his schedule till 3:30 pm for you…

Riddhima: 2 hours? I am sorry, but i just need maximum 30 minutes thats it, please tell him not to push his meetings for me….

Rudra: No mam, he is free from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm, i might have told it wrong!

Riddhima: Ok fine, i will be there…

Rudra cuts the call

Riddhima: Now i have to do some shopping and obviously i can’t take the company car, because if the driver tells to Kabir that i went to Vansh’s office he will not spare me! And yesterday also he asked me so many questions, as of why i went in a cab and all! First i need buy some clothes and then i have to buy some flowers and a gift for Vansh, so that i could apologize to him, in a proper way!


SCENE 2: Kabir is in his home

Kabir: Why did Riddhima lie to me yesterday? She didn’t take the car sent by the company and got into a cab and went to Vansh’s house!


Driver: Sir, i am near Riddhima mam’s house, but she is nowhere to be seen!

Kabir: What? Wait i will call her..

Driver: No need sir, she has come down, but why is she getting into a cab?

Kabir: Cab? Go and stop the car near her, she might have forgotten and i will stay on line until she gets in the car…

Driver: Ok sir, but sir this cab is going in another route! Sir is she on leave and going for some personal work?

Kabir: NO! She has a presentation in more 1 hour! Where will she go now?! Follow her!

Driver: Sir, the cab went inside a house sir, its big! Like a mansion!

Kabir: What?!

Driver: Sir, its written VR Mansion on the board..

Kabir: Stay there and call me when she comes out!

Kabir’s pov: Why did she go to Vansh’s house? why is she meeting him? Is this any trap set up by Vansh? Why would he send someone to defeat himself? God! Too many questions! I need to ask riddhima, once she comes office!

Driver: Sir, mam has come out…

Kabir: What did she do in his house for 45 minutes?

Riddhima comes office…

Riddhima: Sorry kabir i am 5 minutes late, i hope we can still start with the meeting? Let’s go to the conference room..

Kabir: Wait! Driver called me and told that you didn’t take the car?

Riddhima: Oh! I forgot about the company car thats it! From tomorrow i will take the car, don’t worry!

Kabir: Just so you know, i hate Vansh, and i also hate people who betray me, i just felt like you should know it!

Riddhima: O…ok! Now let’s go and do the presentation


Kabir: Riddhima is a puzzle sometimes, which i don’t know how to solve!

SCENE 3: Riddhima comes to Vansh’s office and rudra shows her the way to the room

Rudra: Please go straight and take a left, you will find sir’s office..

Riddhima: Thanks!

She knocks the door and gets an answer to come in from the other side…

Riddhima: Thanks a lot for meeting me again, i thought after what happened yesterday, you wouldn’t want to talk to me!

Vansh: Never mind, but why did you want to talk to me? And i assume the flowers are for me?

Riddhima: Oh yes, i forgot please accept these white roses *hands over the flowers*

Vansh: Good finally, you have come to your senses and accepted the offer i see!

Riddhima: Um..sorry but my answer is still a “NO”, i have come here to apologize for my behaviour yesterday! the conversation could have happened smoothly and calmly, but instead we chose a path that was unnecessary, which was shouting on each other and disrepecting each other! I am a very calm person by nature, but i was ashamed by the way i behaved! So those flowers are like a sign of sorry for me, i have another thing for you *she takes out a beautiful blue sweater*

Vansh: What is this for?

Riddhima: Yesterday, when i came to your house, i noticed that a lot of things were blue and i assumed that you like that colour and also its winter season so a sweater, i am really sorry..hope you have forgiven me *gets a call* I am sorry but i need to attend this call…

Riddhima comes back after attending the call and finds no one…

Riddhima: Maybe he was in a hurry!? Anyway i should also leave..


SCENE 4: Vansh is in his home

Vansh: *his mind is echoing with Riddhima’s words* Why is she affecting me so much? Why can’t i get her thoughts away from my mind! *looks at the sweater* I am damn sure, kabir must have known about what happened yesterday and is trying to implicate her into my life! But nah kabir! I am not going to be a fool again!

Vansh is sleeping…

Some guy: You can’t save me, just go away…it’s a deep cut..

Another guy: You did it, how could you?

A girl: I love you, and soon i will come back, and i want you to recieve me! I will take this jacket because it will remind me of you…

Some guy: You should have come early…and now i am ahh, dying..

Vansh wakes up…

Vansh: NO!!!! I didn’t, i didn’t! It was just a nightmare, nothing else…

Vansh’s subconscious: Just a nightmare? You know it all happened in real! And you are saying that it’s a nightmare? How could you forget what happened so easily?

Vansh: I didn’t! It haunts me every second of the day!

SCENE 5: Riddhima is in her flat and she gets a call..

Riddhima: Hello? I have reached Mathur industries, which will make my pathway for Vansh’s house and company! Soon i am going to implement our plan…

Other side of the phone: GOOD!


The post A RIANSH FANFIC~ RAVAGED SOULS (ISHQ YAA PHIR DHOKA) Chapter 4 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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