Saturday, 9 January 2021

Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 63


The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima being still in the festival listening to the other doctors speeches.
After the occasion has finished, Riddhima and Vansh were going to leave and then Riddhima’s feet hurts her due to the heels that she was wearing.
Riddhima: Ouch!
Vansh: What’s going on Riddhima?!
Riddhima: My feet hurts me due to the heels. I really hate heels, if it wasn’t an traditional occasion I would never wear that heels as it isn’t comfortable at all! I can’t walk more with that heels so I will remove it as I really can’t tolerate it.
Vansh was surprised with Riddhima’s childish behavior as she doesn’t care about what people will say about her and she just thinks about the thing that it will make her feel comfortable.
Vansh: Do you will move without heels and you will hold it like that till we reach to the car?!
Riddhima: Yes and what is the problem?! It is okay to do anything you want if you feel comfortable while you are doing it.
She got surprised when he took her sandals and holds them in his hands.
Riddhima: What are you doing Vansh?! Why you are holding my sandals?! I can holds them by my own so why you disturb yourself?! Especially that I don’t think that people will get used seeing you holding your wife’s sandals!
Vansh: And what is the problem when I help my wife and hold to her her sandals?! My wife got tired so why not to help her?! If you are talking about people’s opinions, you are the one who knows how much I don’t care about people’s opinions as if I feel comfortable for what I do so why I could care about their opinion if I didn’t do any wrong thing?!
After he finished his words, he starts walking with her in the festival to the exist door.
There were a lot of people who were surprised from seeing Vansh holding Riddhima’s sandals.
Actually, there was a man who interfered and decided to say his opinion in what he has seen. When he starts laughing in a loud voice so he could make Vansh and Riddhima listen to him.
Then he starts giving comments on the situation that he has seen.
The man: I can see that a man here who start to be his wife’s servant! This man who everyone was became scared when they just here his name! I can see now that this man become useless as he is holding his wife’s sandals like a servant!
Vansh got very angry on that man and Riddhima was trying to calm him down.
Riddhima: Please Vansh control your anger and don’t care about that idiot and just make us leave from here and don’t listen to his words.
Vansh didn’t listen to her and he didn’t move from his place and his anger starts to increase when the man completes misbehaving.
The man: I think that he got afraid! I think that if he holds his wife’s sandals, he could also holds my shoes! I think that his wife is very strong along with that she is very beautiful, I think that I and her will look perfect more than being with that man!
Vansh comes near that man.
Vansh: Enough, no more! Don’t say any other word! How dare you to say anything about my wife?! Who are you to say such words?! I could make you know who is the servant and make you know how much I could merely crush you and no one would count how wounds you will have and no one could cure them. I’m just respect that we are in the ministry of health’s festival otherwise no one would save you from me. You are such an idiot and useless man. Who are you to judge me and my wife?! What is your business that I’m holding my wife’s sandals?! Who are you to start making fun of a husband who is caring about his wife?! You are nothing damn! You don’t have the right to judge my actions as I didn’t made an illegal thing so you could have the chance to interfere. What is wrong that I have helped my wife and I holds her sandals?! What is the problem to help her by doing this small and tiny thing?! As she is always helping and supporting me, why I don’t help her?! She has been pressured herself and tolerated the pain of wearing those sandals for the whole night just to be with me when I’m taking the honor so she could celebrate with me my success and don’t leave me in a very special day like that so why I don’t give her a very small thing to return a very tiny thing from her credit?! What is the problem that the husband could respect his wife in front of everyone and give her the place that she deserves?! Why when a husband treats his wife in a romantic and respectful way in public everyone starts to make fun of him and judge him?! There are some bad traditions that are the reason of raising such brains like that useless man. I’m really shocked that we are in 21th century and there are still people who have fixed mind sets like you!
Vansh’s voice was very high and all the people on the festival were around him and listening to his words.
Actually, there were a lot of people who supported Vansh against that man and they start blaming how this man is shameless and judgemental!
One of the guests: We must get rid of those people who think in that way! Where is the problem when we respect our wives and every woman we meet her?!
A woman: You must be embarrassed for saying such words to a man’s wife. You must respect him and his wife and not judging them and making fun of them.
Then the minister joined what is happening and he starts blaming that man.
The minister: How you could say such a words doctor?! You are a well educated person so how you could have such a fixed mind set like that?! I can’t imagine that there is in our country a person like you!
Riddhima: There are a lot of people like him who doesn’t respect the women and they are always judging anyone and anything around them as if they are knowing everything and they are actually doesn’t understand or know anything. They are such an ignorance people who are not having anything to do other than judging the people around them.
Minister: I’m sorry Dr. Vansh, I’m sorry Dr. Riddhima. I’m sorry that I made you both pass through such a weird situation in our occasion. I really apologize and trust me I will punish that doctor for what he has said so he could be an example to anyone who could think to be unrespectful to any woman or judge any husband who treats his wife with the way that she deserves. So about that doctor that I actually really embarrassed to call him a doctor, you are now fired and you are no longer a doctor and you will give us everything related to your profession and from now on you will not work as a doctor because we not allow such a people to be working under the help of the ministry of health. This is your punishment for what you have done and said to Dr. Vansh and his wife Dr. Riddhima. So you could think very carefully when you say any word to anyone around you. God has blessed us with minds to think by it and know what we must to say and what we mustn’t, but before you leave I want you to apologize to Dr. Vansh and Dr. Riddhima for the nonsense words that you have said.
The man wasn’t believing that he has lost his job just because he has said those words to Vansh and Riddhima. If he knew that he would lose his job for judging them, he would never opened his mouth. He was blaming himself so much, but it was very late to blame himself because he now got the punishment for his actions.
Actually, the man was blaming himself for not thinking carefully before saying such a thing and he was really feeling guilty.
The man: I’m really sorry. I don’t know how I didn’t think carefully before saying those nonsense words. I’m really sorry. By the way, I’m not just apologizing because the minister told me that, I’m also apologizing because I’m really blaming myself for what I have said. I really was thinking in an stupid way and now I have taken the punishment that I deserve, I will never forget it during my whole life and afterwards I will never repeat such an action.
After the man left, the minister apologizes again to Vansh and Riddhima and then they have left the festival.
When they were going to the car, Riddhima starts laughing out loud and Vansh wasn’t understanding the reason behind her laughing as from some time they were facing a situation that no one must laugh after facing it.
Vansh: Why you are laughing like that?! You are laughing as if this situation didn’t happened!
Riddhima: This all drama has happened because of this sandals so if I was wearing them there wasn’t such a situation could happen! I’m also laughing because a tiny thing that it could happen in any time and any place, that a husband could hold his wife’s sandals, have lead to that big problem and made that man loses his job because of his fixed mind. My sandals made a man to know how much he was wrong and judgmental, look how life is very weird!
She completes laughing and he joined her in laughing.
Vansh was wondering how Riddhima takes life in an easy way and she doesn’t complicate it.
He loves how she lives her life with a child’s soul. She always have a solution to any problem and she always gives this solution in an easy way.
She always know how to get out of the bad mood by making fun of anything even if she will make fun of the problem itself just to get out of that bad mood.
He was feeling as if he is flying when he is with her.
Afterwards, they have reached to the house and they went to their room to take some rest.
A 6 months have passed and Riddhima during those months was facing though ups and downs in her pregnancy and she was passing through a new journey that she wasn’t aware of any single detail about it, but what makes those 6 months passed easily on Riddhima that Vansh was with her and he was helping her in everything and anything. He was trying his best to make her feel comfortable and he was trying to minimize the pain that the pregnancy cause it to her.
Riddhima was feeling satisfied and comfortable when Vansh was with her during those months.
Vansh and Riddhima weren’t believing that it is only one month left and there dearest child will come.
Regardless that they were able to know the s*x of the child, but they decided that they don’t need to know it and they decided that they want to get surprised when Riddhima gives the birth to the baby.
They were so eager for the arrive of their baby.
At morning, Riddhima was laying in bed as she was very tired and then Sejal comes to her to take care of her and don’t make her feel alone.
Then Sejal comes up about Sam and how Riddhima must tell Vansh everything and don’t forget this thing.
Sejal: Look Riddhima, I didn’t want to talk with you about this thing during those 6 months because I was observing how you were suffering from a lot of pain due to the pregnancy, but I really must now talk to you and make you tell Vansh everything related to your past.
Riddhima: I thought that I don’t need to talk about my past especially that I didn’t saw Sam since we saw him in Goa so I didn’t thought that it is important now to tell Vansh about Sam and my past.
Sejal: No Riddhima, you must to tell him as you don’t know what fate is preparing to you and you don’t know maybe this coincidence that has happened in Goa to be repeated again and this time maybe Vansh could know your past with Sam, but at this time he could know it from anyone other than you so this could cause a lot of problems. So please Riddhima you must tell Vansh everything so he can’t think that you were wanting to hide this thing from him.
Riddhima: Yes Sejal you are right. I must tell him everything.
Sejal has left Riddhima and Riddhima starts thinking about Sejal’s words and she decided that this time she will not forget the idea like the last time and she will tell Vansh everything especially that it has been a lot of time has passed since he met Sam so he will not be angry if she told him everything now.
Riddhima to himself: I will tell you everything Vansh and I will not hide anything from you.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback on the comment section below.

The post Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 63 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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