Saturday, 9 January 2021

Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 9th January 2021 Written Episode Update: Sayi’s Plan to Expose Amay


Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 9th January 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Virat tells family that he will arrest betrayer Amay. Bhavani yells that he wants to ruin family’s dignity in whole city, he and his wife are not bothered about his family’s dignity. Virat says if Sayi was not worried about family’s dignity, she wouldn’t have supported Shivani. Bhavani says Sayi was supporting Shivani as if its not her mistake. Virat asks if Shivani’s mistake is to love and trust someone, Shivani didn’t make any mistake and instead she was betrayed; someone told the more they trust, the more they are betrayed. Ninad yells he is worried about Shivani, but what about their betrayal. Virat says he didn’t understand. Pakhi says nowadays he doesn’t see anything than his wife. Ninad says Sayi tricked him and married him and trying to break family. Virat asks what does he mean. Ninad yells already there is one Sayi’s supporter/Ashwini is here, soon Shivani will shatter the family. Ashwini says Sayi lonely supported and protected Shivani while others watched as spectators. Saloni yells that a wrongdoer will support another wrongdoer. Virat asks if they think Shivani shouldn’t love anything and think its wrong to think of marriage after divorce. Bhavani says she should have broken Shivani’s legs after marriage and kept her home, she gave her freedom and now is unable to show her face in society. Saloni provokes her asking if Shivani got only a married man for affair, why did Sayi meet Shivani’s boyfriend and supported them. Pakhi says she is right, Sayi shouldn’t have supported Shivani and when Bhavani apologized ladies and was sending them away, Sayi created a drama and insulted family elders in front of strangers; she is worried about Shivani, but not at teh stake of family’s dignity. Virat says if she was worried about Shivani why didn’t she support her, she instead is blaming Sayi who not only protected Shivani but also showed a mirror to those women. Bhavani walks away yelling that Sayi has spoilt his mind, its waste to hit their head on stone. Ninad yells next that Bhavani is right that Sayi has spoilt Virat’s mind completely.

Sayi saves Amay’s number in her mobile. Shivani stops her and says already family is irked on her and will be more angry, so let her handle Amay alone. Sayi says why should she think and making her sit calls Amay. Amay picks call and asks who is this. She says she is Sayi who met her today with Shivani bua. He asks how did she get his number. She says she stole it from Shivani bua and if he feels bad, she will disconnect call. He says its okay. She says she felt really nice speaking to him today, what about him. He says even he felt good meting her. She says she liked his style, smile, and the way he hugged Shivani bua and hoped even she has a handsome, dashing, cute man like him who can care and love her, so she silently stole his number from Shivani bua and called him; asks if he will inform about it to Shivani bua. He says why would he. Shivani fumes hearing that. She asks what did he like in her. He says he likes her beauty, smile, intelligence, and she is BIB. She asks what is that, Shivani murmurs beauty with brains. He repeats it and asks to call him by name. She asks if they can meet in same cafeteria tonight. He agrees. She asks not to inform Shivani about it. He says never. Shivani murmurs to teach him a lesson. Sayi says she felt really good when he offered her a long drive, but she doesn’t want to go with crowd. She continues that he is so handsome and unmarried, but Shivani is 2 times divorcee, is he really unmarried.

Virat tells Pakhi that he didn’t expect it from her. Pakhi asks what does he mean. He says she should have done what Sayi did today and should have stood for Shivani. She says as always he thinks his wife is right and she is wrong. He says its not a question of right or wrong, she cannot blame Sayi always. Pakhi walks away fuming. Karishma enjoys their drama.

Sayi continues chatting with Amay. Amay says he is single and someone can change if she wants to. Sayi says she is ready for that and liked the pastry he gifted Shivani today. He says he bought that pastry. Shivani signals she bought it. Sayi says Shivani stole money from family and gave him gifts, but it will not continue forever as she will be caught stealing soon; he doesn’t know that Shivani’s nephew Virat is ACP and will catch her, so he should visit home tomorrow and return all the gifts Shivani gave him and also her down payment money. He asks how will he arrange such a big amount. She asks how much is it. He says around 1.5 lakhs. She says he should accompany her to Gadchiroli where she will get around 30 lakhs from her Aaba’s PF and gratuity, she will give it to him and even her gold if he comes home tomorrow; he should just arrange 1.5 lakhs from his colleagues or friends and throw them on Shivani. Amay agrees and continues that he doesn’t love Shivani as she is of his aunt’s age and was just acting; asks if she will date even being married, what will her husband say. Sayi asks not to worry about her husband as she knows how to handle her khadoos/boring husband. Virat enters and hearing her conversation asks whom she is speaking to.

Precap: Sayi confronts Bhavani that she likes yelling at others but when its her turn, she is saying enough. Virat orders her to behave with elders and apologize. Sayi says when she is not at mistake, why should she apologize. He says he will behave with her the way she behaves with elders. Bhavani says she never saw such a misbehaving bahu in life. Sayi says even she didn’t see such a taunting MIL in life. Virat shouts to shut up.

Update Credit to: MA

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